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National RTAP Peer Call: Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Join us from 2:30-3:30pm EDT on Wednesday, October 26 for a chance to discuss performance measures for your NEMT trips and hear from your peers. 

Frank Thomas, National RTAP Review Board Member and General Manager of the La Grande public transportation system, will talk about the study funded by the Oregon DOT Public Transit Division identifying the savings and benefits public transit brings to rural communities and healthcare providers. 

Register now to learn about the report and join in this discussion on capturing and sharing public transit's key role in community health.
National RTAP eLearning reaches 2,000 Users!

Thanks to everyone who has signed up for National RTAP's eLearning platform! This week we are proud to announce that we have reached 2,000 registered users. The eLearning platform provides access to interactive National RTAP training modules including the 60 minute Substance Abuse Awareness course for safety sensitive employees, Top Shops, START Online, 2 the Point Training, and other resources.

Not signed up yet? Learn about the platform and check out our Getting Started Guide!
FTA and US DOT Updates

Acting FTA Administrator Carolyn Flowers announced three Administrator's Awards for Outstanding Service in Rural Public Transportation. Read more in this  Fastlane post.

FTA issues revised guidance on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Guidelines in this new  Circular

The FTA and NTI will hold an Introduction to Environmental Justice on October 24-25 at U.S. DOT headquarters in Washington, D.C. The course will offer practical and hands-on instruction for transit agencies, MPOs, and State DOTs. 

October 1, 2016 marked the effective date of FTA's Transit Asset Management (TAM) final rule. As part of the agency's technical assistance to transit providers in implementing the rule, FTA has published new materials, including a webinar series, presentations and updated FAQs.  

The  NOFO for Safety Research & Demonstration Program grants has been posted. These grants are intended to demonstrate new technologies and safer designs. 
Resources and News


A town in Poland unveiled a glow in the dark bicycle path to improve bike-safety.


AASHTO updated several of its free handbooks - check them out! 

FHWA released its Innovator newsletter with articles about innovation culture and using data to improve safety investments.
Climate Resilient and Sustainable Transportation - a series of TRB videos is now available for free.


NTI will be offering a course on  Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems in Manchester, NH, October 17-18, and in Wheat Ridge, CO on December 12-13, 2016.

Does your organization use NOAA's NWS watch to keep track of severe weather? If so, please consider responding to their survey on application usage. 

October 17, join TRB for their webinar, ActiveTrans Priority Tool: A Model Methodology for Prioritizing Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements on Existing Roads. This webinar is free for employees of tribal governments.

The FHWA is taking comments on commercial activity at interstate rest areas until December 27. Read the excellent AASHTO Write-Up or view the Federal Register posting. 
October 13, 2016
Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems
October 17-18
Manchester, NH

National RTAP
NEMT Performance Measures
October 26

Implementing Rural Transit Technology
October 25-26
Fargo, ND 

TRB Webinar 
Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation
November 8 

Louisiana Public Transit Association 
Public Transportation 
November 14-16
Lake Charles, LA 

Using Regional ITS Architecture(s)
December 7-8
Long Beach, CA

Virginia Transit Association
Conference and Expo
May 23-24, 2017
Arlington, VA

National RTAP 2017 Technical Assistance Conference
October 29-November 1
Omaha, NE

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . If you'd like to submit an event, please email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Want to learn about upcoming transportation events 24/7? Check out our  Events Calendar! While you are there, watch our previous Webinars and Peer Calls, or ask a question with  
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001