Coping with Divorce
3 Helpful Strategies to Cope with Divorce
While it is devastating to see the end of a relationship and the life you built with your ex, there are ways to bounce back from it.
Considering Divorce
16 Signs You're Married to a Narcissist
Marriages are a delicate balancing act for many couples; however, when you add a personality disorder to the equation, marital issues become further exacerbated.
Children and Divorce
10 Heartbreaking Confessions from Divorced Parents
Hindsight is always 20/20; here are some heartbreaking regrets from 10 divorced parents.
Financial Issues
Tax Consequences to Consider During Property and Debt Division
Division of assets and debts may sound easy, but it is often not easy at all. You must watch for tax consequences when dividing property and debts during divorce.
Divorce News and Statistics
Divorce Increases Chances of a Second Heart Attack: Study
According to a recent study, heart attack victims who get divorced are significantly more likely to experience a second heart attack.