Mark your calendar for three important Global Neighborhood Fund events where learn together!
Members and friends are welcome to these informal, informative, and fun gatherings!
January 24th Deborah Rogow, Deborah works with NGO's such as UNFPA to promote the health and rights of women and girls in developing countries. 10 am at the Santa Barbara Foundation.
March 8th Screening of Rafea: Solar Mamas, this is an inspiring film about training rural illiterate women to become solar engineers at Barefoot College, bringing solar power to their villages. Barefoot College is now in Liberia. Time and place TBD.
Last Mile Health-Maternal Waiting Room Project Update
The Maternal Waiting Room Project which Global Neighborhood supported was dedicated at the Konobo Health Center September 1, 2016. It was a colorful occasion with key members of several community health teams present as well as representatives from PIH and WHO. Several pregnant women were in attendance who thanked Last Mile Health and recounted the difficulties expectant mothers encountered reaching the Konobo Health Center to give birth until LMH's intervention to house, feed and provide transportation.
The average mother lives 30-50 km away from the health center, a 6-8 hour walk. Liberia has one of the worst maternal and neonatal health outcomes in the world and access to facility based delivery increases safe delivery, preventing women from delivering at home or on the road while trying to reach the facility. The primary goal of this project was to change the situation by improving access to facility based delivery.
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Architecture That Heals Ted Talk
MASS has been selected by Architecture Magazine as one of the Top 10 architecture firms in the Unites States in the design category.
Chid Liberty's UNIFORM has Launched
For each item purchased a school uniform is donated to a Liberian school child. And the items are produced in African factories, employing women.
"A Small Act" Success!
Thank you to the generosity of members and the Meadowbrook School through John Tyler, (Sandra's brother-in-law) we far exceeded the 6 computers needed for the visually impaired students and are providing 34! (29 from
). These computers will be more than enough for Rosana of THINK to start a computer lab!