A Reconciling in Christ synod
Election Season Call to Prayer
In the midst of headline news, social media tirades, uncertain times and constant disagreements about who we are and who we should be, it’s hard to even know where to begin. We just know that we have a deep ache in our hearts that cries out for God’s mercy and a longing to see healing in our land.
In all of the battles about the Presidential election - defending our views, pointing out our differences, scoffing at the opposing side and claiming that our side is the “Christian” side, we might ask ourselves this: Have we prayed about it as much as we have talked about it, worried about it, posted about it, and debated about it?
You are invited to join in an intentional time of prayer leading up to our national election and for state and local elections. Here are 28 Bible passages and prayer points for you to consider. Feel free to use, share or formulate your own prayers. But, pray, we must! Blessings on you and yours as we journey towards the next election.
Pastor Gail Mundt
Intentional Interim, Trinity Lutheran Church
Fort Collins, CO
Bishop's Blog: The Spirituality of Sodoku
There was a time in life when I was a Sudoku addict of sorts, leaping into each new puzzle and wrestling with it until I came out victorious or until I tossed it aside in frustration. When I hit a roadblock, I would try numbers just to see where they’d lead. There was a lot of guessing involved. It felt great when I was right. Not so much when I’d get to the final few boxes only to discover something was wrong. Then I’d "X" the whole puzzle and move on.
This time around my experience with Sudoku has been quite different. I fill in the boxes as far as I can, and when I arrive at uncertainly, I pause. Rather than guessing, I wait. If I wait and watch long enough, the next right step invariably appears. When I can see no way forward, I pause and put it down. Often when I pick it up a bit later, what was hidden to my eyes earlier is suddenly clear, and I move forward. Sometimes I have to put the puzzle aside repeatedly before the next right move becomes evident. And on those occasions when I get to the end only to discover I made a mistake along the way, rather than tossing it aside in frustration, I patiently erase the entire puzzle and begin again. In that way I’ve been able to complete every Sudoku.
Read Full Blog
Time to Update your Congregation's Constitution!
The 2016 Churchwide Assembly made several important changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations, including addressing the unification of the three lay rosters, revising the provisions for parishes, and updating the membership rules. The next churchwide assembly will be in 2019, so there will be no changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations in the next three years, making it an excellent time to update yours now.
Updating a congregation’s constitution to reflect changes in the Model Constitution for Congregations is relatively easy and straightforward. The changes to the Model in 2016 can be found (top of the page) here. while the changes from 2013 can be found (middle of the page) here. Mandatory provisions are marked with an asterisk (*). Under *C17.04 of the Model (now renumbered *C16.04), these changes can be adopted by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any legally-called congregational meeting. At least 30 days prior to the meeting, the congregation council needs to give notice to the congregation of the proposed amendments, along with their recommendations as to the amendments. Once the amendments are made, notice is given to the synod, but no synod action is required.
Submit updated constitutions to Synod Council Secretary, Jody Brammer-Holter
Hispanic Ministry Intensives from Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest
Intensive 1: Spanish Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive May 28 – June 2, 2017
The Summer Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive is a resource for Lutherans and those of other denominations who recognize the growing need for competency in the Spanish language and an understanding of Hispanic culture in light of the increasing Hispanic population in this country and in the church. The course focuses on study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
Intensive 2: Building Congregational Capacity for Hispanic Ministry
June 11 - 16, 2017
This new Level II Intensive is designed for congregational leaders in those congregations where consideration is being given to starting Hispanic Ministry in their community. Teams from congregations are encouraged to attend. During this week teams will learn:
- To increase capacity for doing Hispanic ministry
- To learn several models for engaging in Hispanic ministry in congregational settings
- To improve facility in Spanish language, especially liturgical Spanish
- To build a cohort of colleagues preparing for Hispanic ministry within their community
You need not have completed the Spanish Language and Hispanic Ministry Language Intensive.
Download the flyer for more information
ELCA Webinar: New Overtime Rules
October 18, 12:00pm, CDT
The U.S. Department of Labor has adopted new overtime regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which go into effect on December 1, 2016. Among other changes, these regulations increase the minimum salary for exempt employees from $23,000 to $47,476. Many congregations, synods, and other ministries of the church have questions about how this impacts their employees and ministries. Does it apply to churches? What about pastors? Youth workers? Sextons? How about schools? Or camps? Join us for a free webinar on how the new regulations will affect religious institutions, and try to answer many of these questions.
Celebrating 25 years of Lutheran women’s ordination in Tanzania’s Northern Diocese
More than 10 percent of ordained pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT) are women, and nearly all the church’s 24 dioceses ordain women for the ministry of Word and Sacrament.
ELCT’s Northern Diocese recently celebrated 25 years of women’s ordination in a colorful ceremony attended by over 170 female pastors, including 34 from the diocese, and students of theology.
Pr.Stacy Payne
Sunday October 30, 2:00 pm
Atonement Lutheran Church
Boulder CO
Color of the day: Green
Pr.David Pederson
Saturday November 5, 10:30 am
Bethel Lutheran Church
Windsor CO
Color of the day: Green
Deacon Shanna VanderWel
Sunday November 6th
Augustana Lutheran Church
Denver CO
Color of the day: Green
RMS Prayer Cycle
Frazier Meadows
Boulder, Colorado
Robert Ritzen, AIM
Shepherd of the Valley Care Center
Casper, Wyoming
Marvin Skogen
Eben Ezer Lutheran Care Center
Brush, Colorado
Shelly Griffin
Rosalie (Ro) Fesser, DM
Dan Hays
Creator God,
you call us to love and serve you
with body, mind, and spirit
through loving your creation
and our sisters and brothers.
Open our hearts in compassion
and receive these petitions
on behalf of the needs of the church and the world.
Germany in 2017: In the Footsteps of Martin Luther
Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!
April 19-28, 2017
Augustana Lutheran Church invites one-and-all on this post-Easter pilgrimage through Germany and Martin Luther's world. This trip is intended to inspire deeper understanding of this extraordinary person and inspire the traveler to live more courageously and purposefully.
You can check out the trip itinerary, cost, and registration online: Trip number 17043 at
My Faith Journey
. Gabriele Korndorfer is the point-person for this trip. She is a member of Augustana Lutheran Church in Denver, a German native baptized in Wittenberg, and excited to make this journey. Contact the church office to get in touch with Gabriele or to be e-mailed more information:
or 303-388-4678.
Faith and Grief(TM) Brunch
At the CCCIA Hall in Coal Creek Canyon
Saturday, October 22 at 10 a.m.
Spirit of the Mountain LC will host a Faith and Grief Brunch at the Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Association (CCCIA) Hall, which is located at 31528 CO-72, Golden, CO 80403.
This brunch comforts the bereaved through fellowship and breaking bread together.
The speaker will share where in her experience her Faith has intersected with Grief.
No charge to attend, but reservations are required. RSVP to Jim or Cathy Monkman at (303)731-5803.
More information regarding this ministry is available at Faith and Grief
Oktoberfest Concert hosted by St. Philip Lutheran Church
St Philip Lutheran Church, Littleton, CO
Saturday, October 15 at 7:30 p.m.
St Philip's outreach concert series, Ken Caryl Concerts, invites you to our third concert, "Oktoberfest". The program will feature works by German composers performed by our handbell choir-- Kristen Celusniak, Naomi Doerr, Beth DeBoer, Beth Faerber, Anne Husted, Josh Keltner, and friends. Our newly organized youth handbell choir will also perform under the direction of Louanne Isernhagen.
All are welcome to this free concert. Refreshments will be served and one lucky audience member will receive a gift certificate to a local craft brewery.
Common Prayer Liturgy hosted by First Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs
First Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs
Saturday, October 29, at 11 a.m.
Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of the Diocese of Colorado Springs and the Rev. Dr. Lowell G. Almen, co-chair of the U.S. Lutheran-Catholic Dialogue, are scheduled to lead “Common Prayer” at First Lutheran Church, Colorado Springs, CO.
The liturgy for the day is adapted from the rite that will be led by Pope Francis and Bishop Munib Younan, president of the Lutheran World Federation, in Lund, Sweden, on October 31. That service in Lund officially will mark the beginning of a year of remembrance for the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, as well as the Protestant and Catholic reformations of the 16th century.
The “Common Prayer” liturgy will be part of a morning of focus, “Marking a Milestone,” on church reform. The day will begin at 9 a.m. with an overview of key events in the various reformations. The keynote address of the morning, “The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification—Did It Really Make Any Difference?” will be delivered by Dr. Almen.
News from the Colorado Council of Churches
The Colorado Department of Corrections
seeks chaplains to provide services to its rural facilities, particularly in the Limon area. If you are interested, please contact Donald O'Dell, Regional Volunteer Coordinator
, Faith and Citizen Programs for the CDOC
Springbrooke Retirement & Assisted Living Community in Denver is in need of a
pastor to conduct a Protestant service. The ideal service would be held once or twice a month, on a weekday.If you are interested, contact Cheryl Baldwin, Activity Director at 303-331-9963 or by
Pastor Focus Group on Homelessness
Rev. Allen Maruyama would like to gather together a group of pastors interested in addressing homelessness in the state of Colorado. If you are interested, contact Rev. Maruyama by
Annual St. Peter Pumpkin Patch Now OPEN
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
1302 W. Pierce St. Carlsbad, NM
Mon-Fri: 3:00-6:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am-7:00 pm.
Sunday: 1:00-5:00 pm.
The Annual St. Peter Pumpkin Patch is a charitable fundraiser. Nearly 2,600 pumpkins and over 700 volunteer hours go in to this month-long event. All proceeds are equally divided between two local non-profit human-service organizations and ministry-partner, Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, ELCA in El Paso TX. This year's recipients include: Packs for Hunger and Carlsbad Community of Hope Center. Pumpkins are provided on consignment from Navajo Nation, near Farmington, NM.
More information: click stpeter or call 575-887-3033
Mt.Tabor & Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
Pastor David Nichols, Mt. Tabor and Pastor Steve Klemz, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church with Mayor Jackie Bikupsi, Salt Lake City. The mayor invited faith leaders to a luncheon, to address issues related to homelessness.
FREE With One Voice hymnals!
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Greeley, CO has approximately 175 With One Voice (WOV) supplement hymnals (pew edition), free to any church or organization that can use them (pick them up or pay for the cost of shipping). Contact the church office for more information. Phone 970-352-4816.
St. Philip, Littleton, CO has five blue Advent banners to give away to an interested congregation. For more information: 303-979-4491, or email
North Colorado Middle School Youth Gathering
January 13-15, 2017
Embassy Suites, Loveland, CO
ReFormed! is the theme of the North Colorado Middle School Gathering. All RMS congregations are invited to join in this weekend with keynote speaker Dan Scharnhorst, service projects and all the usual fun! Registration includes all meals and programming. Information and Registration
RTLC Confirmation Retreat Registration Open!
November 4-6, 2016
Don't forget to register your group to The annual Rainbow Trail Confirmation online at confirmation-retreat. The weekend will be full of a great study led by Kristen Baltrum, fun camp activities, great food, warm fires, and fresh mountain air! Registration closes on October 21st! If you have any questions, please email Ben, or call 719-276-5233.
RTLC Senior High Gathering
November 18-20, 2016
Registration is now open for the RTLC Senior High Gathering! Be sure you've registered your group online at Rainbow Trail. After you've registered, and once RTLC can confirm your housing on their site, the staff will email you to finish your registration and payment. The deadline for registration is the end of October. If you have any questions, please email Ben, or call the Rainbow Trail business office at 719-276-5233.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
ELCA WEBCAST: Ecumenical and Interreligious Witness on the Eve of the Reformation Anniversary
October 27, 7:00 pm, CDT
Join Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for a live webcast that will explore ecumenical and interreligious witness on the eve of the Reformation anniversary.
- What was the Reformation, and what does it mean for Lutherans and ecumenical partners?
- What is “Declaration on the Way,” and why is it significant for Lutheran-Catholic relations?
- What might ecumenical and interreligious relationships look like in the future, and what does this mean for our faith community?
Congregations, ministries, and teams are encouraged to gather and watch it together to begin your plans for commemorating the Reformation!
Webcast Link
Recorded Webinar:
Gutenburg to Google: Effective Use of Technology for Congregations
View this webinar with Beth Lewis at your convenience! Beth will explore how the use of media to proclaim the Gospel is the same and has changed from the time of Martin Luther to the beginning of the 21st century. You'll learn something about history and how our reforming traditions are alive and well today. You will come away with fresh ideas for using your congregation's website, social media and other new technologies to proclaim the Gospel!
Non-rostered positions available
Music Director
Shepherd of the Hills
Children’s Choir Director
Holy Shepherd, Lakewood
Part-time Evening Custodian
Augustana Lutheran Church
Music Director
St. Philip Lutheran Church
Preschool Director
St Mark's Lutheran, Aurora
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- Strategic Planning
- Synod Council-Orientation
- Christ the King, Denver
- Retired Pastors Meeting
Pastor Kent Mueller
- Candidacy Meetings
- Interim Pastors
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Medicaid Coalition
- Synod Council Meeting
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- CSU Campus Ministry, Fort Collins, CO
- CCLP Pathways from Poverty breakfast
- Advocacy Team Training @ Lutheran Center
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Boundary Training
- Synod Council Orientation
- Preach, Centennial Lutheran
Erin Power, Diaconal Minister
- RMS Communications
- Synod Council Orientation
- Hunger Network WebEx
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Transitions Meetings
- Interim Pastors
Andy Sprain
- Faith Formation Network
- Wartburg West
- Synod Council Meeting
Maria Sutton
, Communication Assistant
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submision link above.