A Reconciling in Christ synod
Interfaith Statement of Support for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
September 19, 2016
We, a coalition of diverse faith traditions, are united across theological lines by a common moral call to affirm and support the dignity of all people and to care for all of God’s creation. We therefore join with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in their efforts to protect their sovereignty, water, culture, lifeways, and sacred sites. They, with so many leaders and peoples of other tribal nations and other supporters, are blocking the proposed route of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline would send as much as 570,000 barrels per day of Bakken crude oil across the tribe’s ancestral lands and the Missouri River, the tribe’s major source of water.
We applaud the decision on September 9th by the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army and the Department of the Interior, not to authorize construction of the pipeline on Army Corps land bordering or under Lake Oahe until the Corps determines whether its previous decisions should be reconsidered at the site under applicable federal laws. We are also grateful for the Administration’s commitment to formal consultation with the tribal nations on measures to ensure meaningful tribal input into infrastructure-related reviews and decisions and the protection of tribal lands, resources, and treaty rights. We too urge peaceful relations between the peoples at the site that leads to a satisfactory resolution.
Read full letter
Bishop's Blog: The Spirituality of Sodoku
There was a time in life when I was a Sudoku addict of sorts, leaping into each new puzzle and wrestling with it until I came out victorious or until I tossed it aside in frustration. When I hit a roadblock, I would try numbers just to see where they’d lead. There was a lot of guessing involved. It felt great when I was right. Not so much when I’d get to the final few boxes only to discover something was wrong. Then I’d "X" the whole puzzle and move on.
This time around my experience with Sudoku has been quite different. I fill in the boxes as far as I can, and when I arrive at uncertainly, I pause. Rather than guessing, I wait. If I wait and watch long enough, the next right step invariably appears. When I can see no way forward, I pause and put it down. Often when I pick it up a bit later, what was hidden to my eyes earlier is suddenly clear, and I move forward. Sometimes I have to put the puzzle aside repeatedly before the next right move becomes evident. And on those occasions when I get to the end only to discover I made a mistake along the way, rather than tossing it aside in frustration, I patiently erase the entire puzzle and begin again. In that way I’ve been able to complete every Sudoku.
Read Full Blog
ELCA Conference of Bishops approves redesign of first-call process
The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) approved the redesign of the first-call process and continued discerning the church's future priorities in a process known as "Called Forward Together in Christ" when it met here Sept. 27 – Oct. 4.
After a year of discernment, the Conference of Bishops approved the redesign of the first-call assignment process. The team, led by the Rev. Patricia Lull, bishop of the ELCA Saint Paul Area Synod, and a representative bishop from each of the nine regions, presented six recommendations for the new process.
Time to Update your Congregation's Constitution!
The 2016 Churchwide Assembly made several important changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations, including addressing the unification of the three lay rosters, revising the provisions for parishes, and updating the membership rules. The next churchwide assembly will be in 2019, so there will be no changes to the Model Constitution for Congregations in the next three years, making it an excellent time to update yours now.
Updating a congregation’s constitution to reflect changes in the Model Constitution for Congregations is relatively easy and straightforward. The changes to the Model in 2016 can be found (top of the page) here. while the changes from 2013 can be found (middle of the page) here. Mandatory provisions are marked with an asterisk (*). Under *C17.04 of the Model (now renumbered *C16.04), these changes can be adopted by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any legally-called congregational meeting. At least 30 days prior to the meeting, the congregation council needs to give notice to the congregation of the proposed amendments, along with their recommendations as to the amendments. Once the amendments are made, notice is given to the synod, but no synod action is required.
Submit updated constitutions to Synod Council Secretary, Jody Brammer-Holter
Hispanic Ministry Intensives from Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest
Intensive 1: Spanish Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive May 28 – June 2, 2017
The Summer Language and Hispanic Ministry Intensive is a resource for Lutherans and those of other denominations who recognize the growing need for competency in the Spanish language and an understanding of Hispanic culture in light of the increasing Hispanic population in this country and in the church. The course focuses on study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
Intensive 2: Building Congregational Capacity for Hispanic Ministry
June 11 - 16, 2017
This new Level II Intensive is designed for congregational leaders in those congregations where consideration is being given to starting Hispanic Ministry in their community. Teams from congregations are encouraged to attend. During this week teams will learn:
- To increase capacity for doing Hispanic ministry
- To learn several models for engaging in Hispanic ministry in congregational settings
- To improve facility in Spanish language, especially liturgical Spanish
- To build a cohort of colleagues preparing for Hispanic ministry within their community
You need not have completed the Spanish Language and Hispanic Ministry Language Intensive.
Download the flyer for more information
Election Season Call to Prayer
29 days of prayer leading up to the Presidential Election, Day 9:
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
We pray for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, that you may bless them according to your will; that your will may be done in their lives; that where they are in error, you may guide and correct them; and that where they are wise, you may strengthen them. Stir in each of their hearts a love for truth, for liberty and justice, and for the common good.
Pr. Stacy Payne
Sunday, October 30, 2:00 pm
Atonement Lutheran Church
Boulder, CO
Color of the day: Green
Pr. David Pederson
Saturday, November 5, 10:30 am
Bethel Lutheran Church
Windsor, CO
Color of the day: Green
Deacon Shanna VanderWel
Sunday, November 6th
Augustana Lutheran Church
Denver, CO
Color of the day: Green
RMS Prayer Cycle
U.S. Army
Ft. Belvoir, Virginia
Lawrence Closter
U.S. Navy
Port Orchard, Washington
Michael Greenwalt
Poudre Valley Hospital
Ft. Collins, Colorado
San Juan Medical Center
Farmington, New Mexico
Arthur Meyer
Presbyterian Main Hospital
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Donald Thurn
Sky Ridge Medical Center
Centennial, Colorado
Laurie Jeddeloh
Exempla Good Samaritan Medical
Lafayette, Colorado
Jennifer LaVie, DM
Mercy Regional Medical Center
Durango, Colorado
Pastor Josh Magyar
God of all who wander in the wilderness, you go before us as beacon and guide. Lead us through all danger, sustain us through all desolation, and bring us home to the land you have prepared for us. Amen.
Atonement Lutheran Church in Lakewood to host Global Gift Fair
Saturday, Nov. 5 & Sunday, Nov. 6
9 am to 2pm
Buy your holiday gifts at Atonement Lutheran's annual Global Gift Fair.
You will be able to buy gifts from non-profits as: Anoothi, Koru Street, Earthlinks, Global Mamas, Outreach
Uganda, SERVV, World Hunger, Women's Bean Project, and other vendors.
Discover what is happening
in 2017 when you buy your Peace Corps calendar.
You will be helping
vendors from around the world--and Denver--when you buy our products.
Atonement is located at 6281 W. Yale in Lakewood,
between Sheridan & Wadsworth.
Germany in 2017: In the Footsteps of Martin Luther
Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!
April 19-28, 2017
Augustana Lutheran Church invites one-and-all on this post-Easter pilgrimage through Germany and Martin Luther's world. This trip is intended to inspire deeper understanding of this extraordinary person and inspire the traveler to live more courageously and purposefully.
You can check out the trip itinerary, cost, and registration online: Trip number 17043 at
My Faith Journey. Gabriele Korndorfer is the point-person for this trip. She is a member of Augustana Lutheran Church in Denver, a German native baptized in Wittenberg, and excited to make this journey. Contact the church office to get in touch
303-388-4678 or
email Gabriele
for more information
Faith and Grief(TM) Brunch
CCCIA Hall in Coal Creek Canyon
Saturday, October 22 at 10 am
Spirit of the Mountain LC will host a Faith and Grief Brunch at the Coal Creek Canyon Improvement Association (CCCIA) Hall, which is located at 31528 CO-72, Golden, CO 80403.
This brunch comforts the bereaved through fellowship and breaking bread together.
The speaker will share where in her experience her Faith has intersected with Grief.
No charge to attend, but reservations are required. RSVP to Jim or Cathy Monkman at 303-731-5803.
More information regarding this ministry is available at Faith and Grief.
News from the Colorado Council of Churches
The Colorado Department of Corrections
seeks chaplains to provide services to its rural facilities, particularly in the Limon area. If you are interested, please contact Donald O'Dell, Regional Volunteer Coordinator
, Faith and Citizen Programs for the CDOC
Springbrooke Retirement & Assisted Living Community in Denver is in need of a
pastor to conduct a Protestant service. The ideal service would be held once or twice a month, on a weekday.If you are interested, contact Cheryl Baldwin, Activity Director at 303-331-9963 or by
Pastor Focus Group on Homelessness
Rev. Allen Maruyama would like to gather together a group of pastors interested in addressing homelessness in the state of Colorado. If you are interested, contact Rev. Maruyama by
Annual St. Peter Pumpkin Patch Now OPEN
St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church
1302 W. Pierce St. Carlsbad, NM
Mon-Fri: 3:00-6:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am-7:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00-5:00 pm
The Annual St. Peter Pumpkin Patch is a charitable fundraiser. Nearly 2,600 pumpkins and over 700 volunteer hours go in to this month-long event. All proceeds are equally divided between two local non-profit human-service organizations and ministry-partner, Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, ELCA in El Paso TX. This year's recipients include: Packs for Hunger and Carlsbad Community of Hope Center. Pumpkins are provided on consignment from Navajo Nation, near Farmington, NM.
More information or call 575-887-3033
Border Conference Missional Gathering 2016
Border Conference Missional Gathering
Saturday, November 12, 2016
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
The Border Conference invites you to a day of Community Worship with Jazz, breakout session learning, and fellowship!
Register early to ensure that there's plenty of materials and refreshments for all! Child Care & Spanish interpretation available too!
Register by email
Building Community with American Indians Event
Ministry Together, Building Community with American Indians Event
Wednesday, October 26, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Pueblo Indian Center
Albuquerque, NM
Cost $25.00
We will convene a conversation around the potential of advancing the work of outreach to and with American Indian and Alaska Native people.
This gathering will include an orientation to the lives and issues of American Indian, Alaska Native peoples in the United States and in the Rocky Mountain Synod area. Workshops and activities to better understand the work of New Starts within the ELCA, and meaningful dialogue to shape our actions, engaging ministry.
Come, join us in an intentional space to grow in our understanding, acknowledge the power to transform the relationships within our synod, the witness of the church and service to those whom God has called us. All are invited to this event.
Registration and more information
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM:
2016 Advocacy Conference
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM:
2016 Advocacy Conference
Saturday, November 5 at 8:30 am until 1:00 pm
St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church, Albuquerque, NM
Join us for the 2016 Advocacy Conference. The cost is $15 per person, including lunch. Dr. Nicholas Natividad from NM State University will be our keynote speaker. Dr. Natividad teaches in the Criminal Justice Department and will talk about the historical context of race and criminal justice in New Mexico. Breakout session topics will include advocacy basics, poverty and hunger, criminal justice and other topics. Plan now to attend! Breakout session topics will include advocacy basics, poverty and hunger, criminal justice and other topics. Plan now to attend! To register or for more information, email Ruth Hoffman or 505-984-8005. Registration deadline is November 1.
St. Matthew's to Host Sparkhouse Children's Book Fair
Sunday, October 23 and
Sunday October 30
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
'Tis the season to spark the spirit of Christmas! Award-winning Bibles, books and videos for babies to twelve-year-olds.
Blessing of the Animals hosted by Spirit of the Mountain
Spirit of the Mountain Lutheran Church recently hosted a Blessing of the Animals as part of their Cowboy Worship at a nearby ranch. Worship included quite a few
Yipee-Ki-Yays, a reading from the Cowboy Version of the Bible, and a sermon about being "dang happy in God's grace".
Until we meet again next Sunday I wish you Happy Trails!
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Greeley, CO has approximately 175 With One Voice (WOV) supplement hymnals (pew edition), free to any church or organization that can use them (pick them up or pay for the cost of shipping). Contact the church office for more information. Phone 970-352-4816.
St. Philip, Littleton, CO has five blue Advent banners to give away to an interested congregation, email
for more information, or call 303-979-4491.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
ELCA WEBCAST: Ecumenical and Interreligious Witness on the Eve of the Reformation Anniversary
October 27, 7:00 pm, CDT
Join Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton for a live webcast that will explore ecumenical and interreligious witness on the eve of the Reformation anniversary.
- What was the Reformation, and what does it mean for Lutherans and ecumenical partners?
- What is “Declaration on the Way,” and why is it significant for Lutheran-Catholic relations?
- What might ecumenical and interreligious relationships look like in the future, and what does this mean for our faith community?
Congregations, ministries, and teams are encouraged to gather and watch it together to begin your plans for commemorating the Reformation!
Webcast Link
Non-rostered positions available
Office Coordinator
Christ Lutheran Church- Highlands Ranch
Children’s Choir Director
Holy Shepherd, Lakewood
Part-time Evening Custodian
Augustana Lutheran Church
Music Director
St. Philip Lutheran Church
Preschool Director
St Mark's Lutheran, Aurora
Music Director
Shepherd of the Hills
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- All Staff Meeting
- Installation of Pacifica Bishop Andrew Taylor
- Dean's WebEx
Pastor Kent Mueller
- Candidacy Meetings
- Interim Pastors
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- NM Conference of Churches
- All Staff Meeting
- Invest in Kids Now Coalition
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- CSLC Executive Committee
- Lutheran Disaster Response Consultation, Illinois
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- MIF consultations
- Well of Hope, Castle Pines, CO
- New Beginnings Prison Ministry
- Peace Lutheran, El Paso, TX
- St. Mark’s, Roswell, Comprehensive Ministry Review
- Our Savior’s Redevelopment team
- Area Ministry Strategy Conversation, Albuquerque, NM
Erin Power, Diaconal Minister
- RMS Communications
- Synod Council Orientation
- Hunger Network WebEx
Pastor Sarah Moening
- All Staff Meeting
- Transitions Meetings
Andy Sprain
- All Staff Meeting
- Conference Coordinators Meeting
- Albuquerque, NM-UNMLCM Board of Directors and Transition Team Meetings.
Maria Sutton
, Communication Assistant
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submision link above.