DS|Manage360 v3.11  Update
Your DS|Manage360 site will be automatically updated to the latest version starting tonight at:  10:30 PM EST October 18 , 2016 We expect this update may take up to an hour, during which time your site may be unavailable.
New! Maintenance Contract Renewals
Maintenance Jobs can now be renewed via a new option in the Actions menu. The renewal procedure will create a new version of the Opportunity and Estimate of the current job with the same content. The new job itself won't be created, so that you have an opportunity to review the new version of the contract and make adjustments if necessary. Once the review is complete, you can mark the new estimate as "Won" to create the new Job.
What's been added, improved, and changed:
  1. A number of minor enhancements have been made to the Customer List report.  The report has been modified so that customers from multiple divisions don't show up multiple times. Also, if there are customers without a division specified you can now include the "(Unspecified)" division as an option. 
  2. An improved data retrieval technology has been rolled out to Timesheets to reduce page load times. 
  3. Improved Change Order reporting on the Sales Performance Summary to no longer be affected by updating Change Order progress.
What's been fixed:
  1. The date and time range displayed on the calendar Route Occurrence dialog has been fixed to ignore cancelled visits. 
  2. An issue has been fixed that prevented loading the General Conditions dialog on a Change Order when the Original Estimate contains a General Condition that no longer exists in the Costbook.
  3. Resolved an issue with items added to a work order from the Timesheet detail page. The new items would not be displayed if the dialog was reopened without first refreshing the page.
Special Note:

Some of the updates in this next release of DS|Manage360 are for clients who have added the Maintenance module. If you are interested in adding the Maintenance module, please contact one of our account managers 1.800.710.1900 x2 or [email protected].

The DynaSCAPE Software Team
1.800.710.1900 | [email protected]

Your feedback is important to us, so please let us know if you experience any issues or would like to suggest any enhancements or new functionality.