For Immediate Release
October 11, 2016
Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare celebrates 128 years of exceptional care and community connections

After 128 years in the Windsor-Essex community, the Hôtel-Dieu name continues to be connected to a legacy of exceptional healthcare and community involvement. Beginning in 1888, Reverend Dean Wagner, with five Sisters of the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph, embarked on Windsor with visions of opening a hospital for the sick and poor. Over a century later, the historic name and focus is embodied through Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare.
On Friday, October 7th, our Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare family, along with our community neighbours came together to celebrate that legacy and the exciting future to come.
Dozens of staff, volunteers, family, and friends gathered on the lawn of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, where the beautiful weather, scenery, and energy contributed to the successful evening. Guests took part in creating crafts, jumping on bouncy castles, playing lawn games,  and ended the night with a "sit-in" movie where the animated film Finding Dory was screened.
Anyone passing by the HDGH campus Friday evening was reminded of our community-centered focus as laughter and conversations could be heard from the neighbouring streets. The atmosphere was reminiscent of what our hospital was built on and gave a taste for what is to come with the announcement of a future community hub opening on Windsor's west end.

"Not only did the children and their families enjoy tonight's activies, seeing the smiles on our patients' faces as they took evening strolls throughout our campus brought a certain warmth to all of our hearts," said Barb Sebben, Manager of Philanthropy and Corporate Events. "That reinforces why HDGH hosts such special community events." 
As we celebrate our 128th anniversary this week, we are humbled by the experiences and support we receive from our community and are grateful for the opportunities we continue to have to provide the best possible care for the patients in our hospital and for those we touch throughout our community.

Media Contact:

Bill Marra, Vice President External Affairs, Innovation & Philanthropy -  
(519) 257-5234 or (519) 919-0033
About Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare

Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare is a premium healthcare centre offering Rehabilitation Services; Specialized Mental Health & Addictions; Complex Medical and Palliative Care; and Children and Youth Mental Health Services. HDGH has a unique blended model of specialized inpatient beds; outpatient residential beds; as well as outpatient and community services.