Press Release
October 11, 2016
For Immediate Release
Dave Johnston

Press Release: IDGOP Statement Supporting Donald Trump

BOISE, IDAHO - IDGOP Chairman Steve Yates released the following statement supporting Donald Trump.

"Sunday's debate compellingly reminded the country of what's at stake this election. Donald Trump has shown himself to be the agent of change, and Hillary Clinton represents a continuation of a failed status quo.

  • Clinton said she wants to change the direction of the Supreme Court. Trump wants justices like Scalia, who will follow the Constitution.
  • Trump wants to lower tax rates to levels closer to those of our major trade competitors. Clinton's only solution, tax the rich (aka - everybody).
  • Clinton says she'll fix Obamacare. Trump calls for repeal and replace.
  • Trump will make destroying ISIS and protecting our homeland a priority. Clinton is for open borders and failed to share a plan to defeat ISIS with the Obama administration all these years.

The fundamental difference between the Republican and Democrat policy direction could not be clearer or more consequential. How our daily lives will be affected by the policies these nominees advocate should be first and foremost in the minds of Idaho voters as they cast their ballots. The choice should be clear: Republican policies align best with Idaho values.

Sunday night before a national audience, Donald Trump apologized for the second time for his appalling comments in a leaked video from eleven years ago. Women should never be talked about in such terms. Ever. No one has condoned or defended the comments, nor has he asked anyone to. Not his family, not the campaign, not the Idaho Republican Party.

But one person's apologies have been glaringly missing  - Hillary Clinton's. When will she apologize for compromising classified information, destroying government records, deceiving investigators, and defying subpoenas? When will she apologize for lying to the Benghazi families, as they stood in the presence of the flag draped coffins? When will she apologize for promising open borders and favorable policy to Wall Street while selling the opposite to Main Street? Answer: never.

More important than what he has said and what she has done, however, is the way our nation and our daily lives will be affected by policies and appointments the next president puts in place.

The Idaho Republican Party remains steadfast in its support for all of our nominees, selected by the people, from the top of the ticket to the bottom.  As is our duty and privilege in the party, we will remain focused on electing Republicans in Idaho."
