Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 96 - September 2016 

Quick, before September 18th, click on this link to win a free Twist and Shout hardback and a Mermaid Tales T-shirt! Hope you win!  Did you know that Debbie has teaching units to go with all the Mermaid Tales series? Her favorite is the one that focuses on poetry, The Polar Bear Express.
Are your students Pokemon Go Crazy? Check out these fun ways to use Pokemon Go in the classroom!
I am totally mermaid crazy! If you know someone who is in love with mermaids, hope you'll let them know about my newest book, Books vs Looks. It released on Sept. 6th and it is the story of a battle between Kiki's book club and Pearl's beauty club. Can the two mermaids find a way to work together?
     To celebrate the release I want to visit as many book clubs as I can in September. I hope you will invite me to Skype or appear in person at your child's book club.  Hope to see you soon! 
Happy 50th Birthday Brown Bear! I must have read this book at least a thousand times to my students and my own children. It is a true classic! Click here for Eric Carle, the illustrator, reading the book. 
 In other kid's book news, The Great Gilly Hopkins is being made into a movie with an amazing all-star cast that includes Kathy Bates, Octavia Spencer, Glenn Close, and Sophie Nélisse as Gilly . Here's the trailer for the Oct. 7th release. It looks awesome! 
My free Skype schedule and favorite Facebook picture (sorry about the WRAD goof-up. World Read Aloud Day is Feb. 16, 2017 and I will offer free Skypes that day too!
My thoughts and prayers go out to the people in  Louisiana and Italy for their recent tragedies. Here's a way to help  Louisiana schools rebuild.
Hope you can join me at one of three events in September:
1. Books-a-Million in Knoxville, TN on Sept. 10th at 2:00
2. Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Nashville, TN at 7:30-8:30
3.  Davis County Public Library in Owensboro, KY at 5:00.
4. And on October 1st-Henderson County Public Library at 2:00.