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4th Quarter News 2016: Contemplations on Time
Fall is birthday season in our household, ever inviting me to contemplate my life in the arc and passage of time. I recently turned 41 years old. (What happened to my 30s?) Tracy's birthday is just after mine, and Madeleine (born a few months ago, according to my memory) just turned 8. Where has the time gone?  
This week marked yet another important day in time.  Our baby boy turned five years old. I'm mystified at how fast their childhood is flying by, and often feel bewildered at the clip of it all. T his week the Jewish tradition also marked the time, as one year came to a close and another began. 

The arrow of time marches relentlessly forward.  Past to present to future.  We are in a time within time, and an inner time. We may (or may not) be able to change time, but can we change our experience of time? We all know that time flies when you're having fun. And if you want to see how long a minute can be, hold chaturanga dandasana ('four limbed Staff Pose; low push-up) for 60 seconds. Has time changed, or has our experience changed?
Lately I have been considering time in many ways, including how time is treated and felt in the Bhagavad Gita, arguably the singular most important text of the yoga tradition.  There is much to consider. The opening imagery is surreal; we are on the battlefield of the Kurus, arrayed before the Pandava and Kaurava armies in a tumult of preparation for the impending battle (war commences the following day). We are in the eye of the hurricane, in the moment of relative calm before the storm hits. Yet somehow, there is time for 600+ verses of a conversation between Arjuna (the general of the Pandava armies) and Krishna (Arjuna's charioteer, brother in law, friend and incarnation of the god Vishnu). Krishna has stationed Arjuna's chariot in the center of the battlefield. In the intimacy of the chariot, with all the warriors looking on, they have a conversation that ranges from the deepest meanings of life, to the nature of God, the immortality of the Self, and the practical needs of everyday life.  For these 18 chapters, it's as if time stands still.  In the Gita this is possible.  In life slowing time down is also possible.  Difficult, I think.  But possible.  And I wonder about the depths of this single lesson.

Too often I find myself in a poverty consciousness with time. Time is perhaps the one resource we cannot make more of. I am aware that I am often contracted about time, and I wish to change my experience. I am practicing changing my attitude, and my story about time.  I am practicing saying yes and having an attitude of abundance with time. When I hear myself (inner or outer voice) saying: "I don't have enough time" I practice changing that too. "There is enough time for all the important things." Or when I hear myself saying, "I'm too busy, I cannot get everything done," I practice changing that to "Take a slow and deep breath. Slow down. Make a plan; prioritize and set time goals, focus and accomplish one thing at a time in the allotted time. I have enough time."
My personal life long practice is to not put work (that is not actually teaching) off. "Don't procrastinate. Don't let things build up into an avalanche. Use time well." Instead of waiting for things to slow down, calm down, and become less of a crisis (because, let's face it, when will that be?), my practice is to stay in the moment, engage reality, stay in the conversation, and do what I can in the time that I have.
What are your practices with time? Please share with us, what you are working on so I may learn from your experiences and wisdom.

Speaking of experience and wisdom, I am exceedingly proud of Tracy, who will be a speaker at Wanderlust Hollywood at their Amazing Woman Entrepreneur event, which will take place at Wanderlust Hollywood, on November 5.  Tracy will speak to issues of juggling life and growing this global business, while trying to stay sane and (in keeping with our theme today) manage time.  I honestly don't know how she manages.  I most often have the space-and time-on my own on the road.  Not so for her.  Tracy singlehandedly runs and grows our business, manages our staff and handles almost all of our household scheduling and responsibilities singlehandedly.  She is on the ground, and on the front lines every day with our kids and customers. I'm lucky enough to experience the joy of seeing my students learn and grow and receive their love and accolades.  Tracy is the unsung hero in that story.  She makes it all possible but gets little to none of the credit.  If you live in Los Angeles and want to hear truly amazing women speaking to the important issues of our time, come to Wanderlust for what promises to be an incredible day. 
If you haven't made time for your yoga studies in a while, consider joining any of our programs. We are launching 300 hours next month both in Los Angeles and Australia. And our advanced TT in Europe has only just begun - so hop in if you are on that continent.  If you don't have time to join for 300 hours -have a look at our full list of events.  It is always available and fresh on our Website. Rocky and Paula are also doing an incredible job of offering parts in versions of our curriculum around the world. If you haven't had a chance to visit with these remarkable teachers, perhaps consider joining them sometime.

Finally, if you find yourself without time to even leave your house, let's study together online. I'm especially psyched to be offering my next online course beginning at the end of this month.  We focus on the use of theme and metaphor from the Gita (much like I have considered here), and we will study the text together, chapter by chapter. Additionally, we will use contemplative practices of meditation and journaling to deepen our individual connection to the teachings and bring these more fully into our lives. If you are interested in a deeper dive into yoga philosophy or the Gita in particular, this course is all about that.
  The kids are growing and thriving.  Madeleine is ever more becoming the incredibly sensitive and soulful person she has always been.  She is an observer, and oh so kind.  Perfectionistic and hard on herself, she is among the most empathetic people I know. 
I am truly amused by Oliver as he grows. He loves to eat right from the honey jar-literally and metaphorically. He has a wicked sense of humor a comedic sense of timing. He loves to tickle and be tickled. He loves to laugh. He loves to use real scissors and tools of every kind. He loves to problem solve and build stuff out of anything available. He loves to garden, play with the worms, cook his own food, cuddle with the dogs and swim like a dolphin. He is stubborn and strong willed and wants to do everything himself. He has a wicked temper, but forgives easily and holds no grudges.

Time permitting in my 42nd year:
I hope to be home more on Sundays.  
I will make green juice again every day.  
I will spend time alone every now and then with my incredible wife. 
I will cook and bake and take the kids rock climbing and camping.

May we each flow through the obstacles and challenges of "finding the time" with graceful ease, as flowing waters find the pathways of least resistance.  May we reject poverty consciousness around time and practice the mantra that there is sufficient time to meet our own needs and the needs of our families.
Saprema.  Noah


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