A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 2/Volume 2                www.visualworkplace.com                 January 14, 2015
In This Issue
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Visual Thinking Inc.

Upcoming Events
Thursday, January 15

The Building Blocks of Visual Thinking

  The session will last
one hour, plus up to
30 additional minutes for live answers to your questions.


Register to attend for

 only $75



DATES--January 21/22:
Dr. Galsworth takes
The Principles & Practices of Visual Leadership
to Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics in Sudbury, Suffolk 
Dr. Galsworth teaches
Letting the Machine Speak
at Grants & Sons Distilleries, in Strathclyde, Scotland
Questions? Contact us at
503-233-1784 or [email protected]
Did You Know...
Information in the middle of a presentation will be the least likely to be remembered.
Visual Poem/Puzzle
Thought for the Week

When you must have a door for security reasons or to protect contents against contamination, consider using see-thru material such as screening or acrylic, instead of opaque material. You still get the protection but you also get information sharing: You can see what is behind the barrier. 

Visual Radio:  
Six Big Machine Lubrication Mistakes

Listen to Gwendolyn this  Thursday at 10am
(Pacific) on
This Week's Episode

Six Big Machine Lubrication Mistakes: Visual Helps!    


How do we know we've lubricated the machine enough? How can visual devices help us be sure? Can visuality also help us avoid the wrong lubrication? In all cases, the answer is a loud and definite YES. In this show, Gwendolyn Galsworth completes the fourth and final episode on The Visual Machine�. She presents the Six Big Mistakes in Machine Lubrication and how visuality can help us avoid many of them.

This sight glass is a window on this machine's internal status, an essential visual element in your system 
Insert a zebra card behind it and get an even more exact reading, especially if the lubricant is clear.


Feature Article
Doorway 7:
The Visual Machine--Let The Machine Speak
by Gwendolyn Galsworth     
In creating a visual machine, we apply the array of visual methods from the previous doorways to the machine function, typically (but not always) starting with Doorway 1/The Visual Where. The machine is a special operational focus, requiring an implementation process quite different from how we approach other parts of the organization. There is, however, no change in visual principles; these remain identical. As always, the first two are: 1) to tell merely by looking; and 2) tell the difference merely by looking. Machine visuality is also driven by...

When this maintenance group applied the Smart Placement principle, Store Things Not Air, this formerly empty space began to contribute to the bottom line.
High impact/low cost Visual status Machine solution--flexible, detailed, and timely.

On January 27, Dr. Galsworth brings her workshop, Letting the Machine Speak
to Grants & Sons Distilleries,
in Strathclyde, Scotland
This Month's Featured Product
On Sale through
January 31st!

The first module in Work That Makes Sense-eleven individual webinars aimed at teaching operators how to think visually and convert their own work areas to a visual work environment.
     In this first webinar of the Work That Makes Sense/Operator-Led Visuality Series, you learn the fundamental set of visual workplace concepts, terms, and definitions. You discover what a visual workplace is, why it is so important to operational performance, and the role the workforce plays in making work visual. Dozens of smart visual solutions are presented for study and discussion-solutions found in the community and in workplaces around the world. Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth (visual expert, award-winning author, and creator/narrator of this series) shows how visuality reduces waste and imbeds vital workplace information into the landscape of work through visual devices.

Regular Price: $500 USD
On sale through January 31st:  $399 USD

And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  
 Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!
From the Editor:
Resolving to Use Visuality
How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions? It's week #2, and you should still be going strong, but you don't need me to tell you that many resolutions don't make it beyond the end of January. Only 8% of people are successful at achieving their resolutions. Here are the top 10 New Years' resolutions that people make, according to statisticbrain.com:

Lose Weight
Getting Organized
Spend Less, Save More
Enjoy Life to the Fullest
Staying Fit and Healthy
Learn Something Exciting
Quit Smoking
Help Others in Their Dreams
Fall in Love
Spend More Time with Family

All the ones in red can be achieved in your workplace (and your home!) using visual thinking. And with some thought,  you could probably come up with some visual devices at home to help you with items in black, as well.

Visuality is a powerful, life-changing tool that can put solutions in the palm of your hand. As we get further into the month, allow your mind to find ways to make your resolutions talk to you visually, and you can join the successful 8%. 
Cindy Lyndin
Visual Thinking Inc. & The Visual Lean Institute | 503-233-1784

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