Big Money, That Is!!  (HIRA contest)

plus this week's GOP campaign signwaving opportunities below main article

Aloha, Republicans:

With just 21 days until early voting begins and only 34 days until Hawaii's General Election, HIRA's newest contest* is perfectly timed.

The first person to correctly answer today's BIG QUESTION will receive $50,000 cash along with a lifetime HIRA membership plus dinner for two at Hy's Steakhouse*.

Here's the BIG QUESTION:

What single political issue (or set of issues) has the leadership of the Hawaii Republican Party successfully focused on during the past two years to maximize voter support for the GOP's state and local candidates in 2016?

So, please submit your answer* to the BIG QUESTION by replying to this e-mail in order to enter HIRA's drawing right away.  The winner will be announced next Monday ( Hawaii's deadline for voter registration ). No purchase necessary.  Winner will be notified by e-mail.

WHY THIS CONTEST??  Well, as Republicans know, v ictory at the ballot box comes from educating, persuading, and mobilizing voters.  And that all begins with messaging.  Hopefully, our party leaders at the state and county level here in the islands have zeroed in on a winning message since 2014 -- with a statewide coordinated campaign built around the right issue (or issues).  Otherwise, tragically, the last two years will have been for nothing.

HIRA HEARS YOU: It would be difficult for Republicans to endure another Hawaii election season if we all were to find out that the Hawaii GOP had blown another two years. After controlling our party for the past 20 years, let's hope that Team Hellreich has built the field organization needed to outhustle the ruling Democrats. Further, in the spirit of this contest, let's hope that Team Hellreich has engaged in the persuasive communications necessary to cause Hawaii residents to vote differently. If Team Hellreich hasn't learned any lessons from the past 20 years, it might be time to find new, more competent and more driven leadership.

After November 8th, we invite you to join with HIRA in rescuing our party from closet Democrats and RINO's.  Only then will Republican candidates and Republican policies get true support rather than worthless lip service.

HIRA really looks forward to
reading your contest entries!!

October 5th
SIGNWAVING: Trump for President
Kapolei, Chili's Restaurant
4:00pm to 6:00pm

*** THURSDAY ***
October 6th
SIGNWAVING: Trump for President
MililaniMeheula Pkwy & Kuahelani Ave
(just off the H-2 exit for Mililani)
4:00pm to 6:00pm

*** FRIDAY ***
October 7th
SIGNWAVING: Trump for President
Kapolei, entrance to Honokai Hale off Farrington Hwy.
4:00pm to 6:00pm

The lawyers tell us that in fairness, you should be advised that this contest is 'un-winnable' and exists just to prove the crucial point that the Hawaii GOP has been silent and inactive since 2014.  There is no messaging.  There exists no field organization to speak of.  And the RINO party officers led by Miriam Hellreich, Pat Saiki and Fritz Rohlfing have set in motion another disastrous election cycle for Republicans by only doing the bare minimum to retain their stranglehold on power.
Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work to educate voters about failed Democrat policies and about conservative Republican solutions for Hawaii.


P.S. Please help us continue to provide a voice for conservatives.
Donate $10, $25, or $100 to let the establishment know we're not going away.

The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of 
is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii 
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands. 

We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH). 
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
Please visit us at  

Hawaii Republican Assembly  | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706