There are a variety of classes on the high holiday of Yom Kippur available for FREE at Naaleh Torah Online.
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Preparation for Yom Kippur: A Call to Unity
by Rabbi Avishai David
Rabbi Avishai David teaches the Torah lesson of how the fast of Yom Kippur requires that all of the Jewish People stand unified before G-d. This is the root of the custom to ask our friends for forgiveness before this holy day.
Yom Kippur - Hardened Hearts
By: Mrs. Shira Smiles
Mrs. Shira Smiles gives insight into the holy day of Yom Kippur. From the series, Elul, Rosh Hashana, and Yom Kippur: Days of Closeness and Awe

By: Rebbetzin Leah Kohn

Rebbetzin Leah Kohn offers insights on the topic of Teshuva, from the new Naaleh series, Elul: Journey of Teshua
By: Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller
Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller expounds upon the Torah concept of Teshuvah, repentance.

By: Rabbi Michael Taubes

Rabbi Michael Taubes explores the final moments of the Yom Kippur davening (prayers) and the joy that comes with true forgiveness.
Returning to Our Essence
By: Rabbi Hershel Reichman    
Based on Rabbi Soleveitchik's essay on Kaparah (atonement)  and Tahara (purification), in his classic work, Al HaTeshuva. The uniqueness of the teshuva process on Yom Kippur lies within the added dimension of Tahara, when one sincerely repents.
Wishing everyone an easy and meaningful fast and a day of true introspection and teshuva!
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