Boston University School of Public Health's latest news, upcoming events, and announcements.
Boston University School of Public Health
SPH This Week
June 5, 2016
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The Cost of Pharmaceuticals, the Role of Public Health
As the debate over the high cost of medication rages on, is there an opening for public health?
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Link Found Between Gene and Blood Vessel Damage
Identified gene called FOXF2 may cause stroke by affecting pericytes.
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New Research Center to Study Environmental Health Disparities
[VIDEO] SPH and Harvard team up on Center for Research on Environmental and Social Stressors in Housing Across the Life Course.
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Social Media Useful in Detecting Post-Disaster Mental Health Needs
Tweets near Paris in wake of terror attacks to identify areas of high fear, sadness.
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Professor Honored for Innovative Teaching
Victoria Parker received 2016 SPH Educational Innovation Award at 11th Annual McCahan BUMC Education Day.
Huffington Post
A Gold Medal in Fear Mongering — opinion co-authored by Dean Sandro Galea; Donald Thea, professor of global health; and George Annas, professor of health law, policy & management.
Independence of Compliance Reviews Is Questioned in Drug Firm Settlements — quotes Kevin Outterson, professor of health law, ethics & human rights.
Gloucester Police Mark 1 Year Since Launch of ‘Angel Program’ to Combat Opioid Crisis — quotes David Rosenbloom, professor and chair of health law, policy & management.
New Gun Control Measure, Registering Gun Owners in FBI Database, Considered in Hawaii — references study by Michael Siegel, professor of community health sciences, and Emily Rothman, associate professor of community health sciences.
Boston Globe
Richard Egdahl, 89; Founded BU’s Health Policy Institute — obituary for Richard Egdahl, former academic vice president overseeing SPH, the School of Medicine, the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Sargent College, and the School of Social Work.
Instagram Takeover with Tanzania Field Program
Monday, June 6, all day, online.
Annual BUMC Housing Fair
Friday, June 10, 10:30 am – 1:00 pm, Hiebert Lounge.
2016 Boston Pride Parade
Saturday, June 11, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm, Copley Square.
View the full SPH calendar.