National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc.

Rev. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr., MDiv., President

Rev. S.C. Dixon, General Secretary


L to R: President Samuel Tolbert; Dr. Kojo Ansah, Medical Director of the Bryant Mission - JC Carl Sams Hospital and Rev. Dennis Jones, Secretary/Treasurer of the Foreign Mission Board

On Thursday, October 20, 2016, Rev. Samuel C. Tolbert Jr., Rev. Dennis Jones and Dr. Kojo Ansah, Medical Director of the Bryant Mission - JC Carl Sams Hospital in Ghana, West Africa, met at the Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Church in Houston, TX where Rev. Dennis Jones is pastor. During the meeting they discussed the Bryant Mission - JC Carl Sams Hospital operations, current partnership strategies and the bright future ahead. 
President Tolbert wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. Ansah and all of the doctors for the work they are doing and for their deep commitment to patient care.  He is also appreciative that Dr. Ansah accepted our offer for NBCA to fly him from Chicago, IL, where he had just completed a training seminar to Houston, TX for this productive and inspiring meeting.  Dr. Ansah will be departing on this coming Sunday returning to Ghana, West Africa.


  • NBCA has a hospital and eye clinic located in the Obuasi municipality in Adansi (Ghana, West Africa) called The Bryant Mission - JC Carl Sams Hospital.
  • There is a wing of the hospital named the John C. Raphael Eye Clinic.  Rev. Raphael was the former Secretary/Treasurer of the Foreign Mission Board until his passing.
  • There were approximately 62,000 patient visits in 2014 (including some patients with multiple visits).
  • The hospital and the eye clinic treated over 8,000 patients in 2014.
  • The hospital is a 70 bed facility.
  • There are 175 employees within the hospital and eye clinic.
  • NBCA supports the hospital by sending $10,000 monthly ($120,000 yearly) towards the operation of the hospital and the doctors salaries.
NBCA is thankful that we are able to continue financially supporting our mission fields in Panama, Haiti, Country of Jamaica, and Ghana in West Africa. The people in these countries depend on our financial assistance, so if you would like to be a part of these missional efforts, you may send donations to the address listed below.   

Donations can be sent to:
NBCA Foreign Mission Board
c/o Rev. Dennis Jones
8775 Flagship Drive
Houston, TX 77029


Front Entrance to Hospital and Eye Clinic in Memory of JC Carl Sams

Rev. JC Raphael Eye Clinic

Pharmacy Unit

Main Theatre

NBCA Headquarters
777 S R L Thornton Freeway, Suite 210
Dallas, TX 75203
P: (214) 942-3311 * F: (214) 942-4696
Email: [email protected] * Website: