Attitude Is Everything


       Starting The Week Off Right




Half of a loaf
is better than
no loaf at all.
- Unknown -

Jim Seymour



Good Morning,
Let's face it, life is a compromise. Very seldom can we, individually, dictate what we want and have everyone else jump on the bandwagon, agree and support it.
The last couple of weeks we have witnessed 100 Senators with 100 different ideas vote down change after change to the Affordable Care Act aka Obama Care.
Everyone knows that, left alone, it will implode yet these folks are not willing to work together to fix it. Democrats wouldn't think of working together with Republicans. Republicans seem to be fighting among themselves and can't agree on anything.
Why not go for the half a loaf, something that can be lived with in the short term and then continue to work to improve it?
Can you imagine starting a business but not opening the doors until everything was just perfect and everybody agreed with everything you are planning to do?
I started my first business 28 years ago. I would still be waiting to get started if this were the case.
We may not be able to cure Washington but we can learn from it. Compromise is a natural part of life. We need to be willing to accept a partial win and work to improve it rather than lose everything and blame others for the loss.