June 2017
Wags and Tags
Celebrating the canine-human bond!

          This newsletter is brought to you by Arlington Dog Owners Group (A-DOG), a 501(c)(3) community organization promoting the rights and interests of responsible dog owners in Arlington, MA.  

If you're not already a member, we hope you'll want to  join A-DOG!

Wags and Tags editorial team: Joan Black (managing editor), Jen Burns, Sue Doctrow, Ellen Leigh, Judy Weinberg 

Articles in Wags and Tags represent the opinions of the author(s) not necessarily those of A-DOG or the editorial team.
A-DOG logos designed by Lisa Berasi for Arlington Dog Owners Group, all rights reserved

In this issue: 
Contribute a story next month!

On some computers, you might have to click twice to reach the article. We've found, too that these links do not work on all devices.
Bark for Life:Walk for Roslyn
Celebrate.  Honor & Fight Back.  Remember

JuneBarkWith great sadness, we recently announced to the A-DOG community that we lost our friend Roslyn Smith, A-DOG founder and longtime board member, who passed away on June 3 after a yearlong courageous battle with cancer. Roslyn was surrounded by love and support, her mother and fellow A-DOG founder Ann, her sister Sharon. Her beloved dog Pepe even visited her in the hospital. Ann, Sharon, along with Roslyn's brother David and sister-in-law Toni shared memories of Roslyn at visiting hours, held in Arlington. Many photos shown during the visiting hours depicted Roslyn's active life. She loved the outdoors, especially fishing, kayaking and diving. Her A-DOG friends had the chance to meet her friends and fellow divers, "the Froggies" and to see some of her breathtaking underwater photography of sea creatures. We also saw photos of her incredibly detailed, artistic baked goods, her specialty Swedish cookies and even a cake that looked like another sea creature! As announced earlier, it was Roslyn's wish that donations in her memory help her oncologist and her colleagues in their research to find better cures for GI cancers. You can still donate to Roslyn's MGH fund here. Below, our Bark for Life A-DOG Team Leader, Joan, describes our march, this year dedicated to Roslyn.

by Joan Black & The Firefly
Dee Savioli, organizer, welcomed us to the 5th Annual Bark for Life.  Jeremy and Dee held the first to honor Jeremy's dog Libby who died of bladder cancer.  Dogs & handlers registered.  Pups wore purple bandanas in solidarity.  Dee announced over four years Bark for Life Arlington had raised $10,000.00.  This year was promising to be the most successful.
There were 14 Team members of A-DOG: Walk for Roslyn participating in 2017 Bark for Life on May 6, at the Arlington Reservoir.  In all there were 4 TEAMS and individuals which involved 30 plus participants and at least that many dogs who put their best paws forward.  A-DOG's Team was by far the largest contributing approximately half of funds raised. Thank you to all who contributed in support and to family and friends who walked with us in "on & off" showers.  My grandchild Nora said, "I do not like the rain. It sogs me."   Soggy or not, we were strong and walked on.  It is said cancer does not take a break because of rain and neither did we. 
Founding A-DOG member Roslyn Smith, battling cancer, was honored during Opening Ceremonies.  Dee presented Roslyn's mom,  Ann (shown here with Joan) with a special purple shirt.  Ann has been by Roslyn's side staying with her during hospitalizations. However, Roslyn urged Ann to be with us and walk for her in honor & celebration.  As the walk began,  Dee played "Let it Be" by the Beatles, chosen by Roslyn. It was a beautiful moment moving forward together with sounds of the music and the words,"There will be an answer.  Let it be."  We walked.  We barked.  We were strong. Our Rainbow Butterfly soared with names of Survivors, those fighting and Loved Ones lost written on the streamer. We walked for deeply personal reasons as cancer touches so many bodies and hearts.  

 A-DOG:Walk for Roslyn Team consisted of the following members:
 *1 Sue Doctrow & Candace  *2 Jen Burns  Lucy & Ollie *3 Katie Kozikowski & Winnie  *4 Laura Huber & Coco  *5 Janice Yellin & Max  *6 Jessica Farman & Alfie  *7 Pat Howe, Renee Lubowich & Buddy  *8 Laura Tannenbaum, Naomi, & Ginger with a little help from Nora Bailey  *9 Elif, Mea & Phoebe  *10 Janice Zazinski & Daisy  *11 David White, Benny & Sakhi,  *12 Wendy Hori, Christine Moloy, Sophie & Lucy  *13 Ellen Leigh, Dana Black & Ricky, and Captains Joan Black & The Firefly with a little help from Jeanne Wall & my back up crew: Lila Bailey, Lindsey Mac Gillvery, and Adela & Sierra Kozin who came to support their Noanie and help people.
Richard Jones, creator of beautiful purple paw print stain glass, was on hand again this year donating profits and documenting memorable moments with candid photographs. He even helped rescue Ellen's scooter from the soggy sands of the rain soaked beach.  Click here to view Richard's photographs of Bark for Life 2017. 
All were delighted with tasty bake sale treats provided by Relay for Life Team: Gal Pals from Arlington High School led by Katie Hubbard.  Rumor has it there was a frenzy of serious late night baking for the sale.  On my "most delicious" list were Snickerdoodle cookies. However, delighted faces of several frosting smeared children did indicate cupcakes were another favorite.  Proceeds and additional donations from the day brought Bark 2017 close to $4,300.00.
Following the walk during which canine and human companions alike negotiated gnarled roots, waded or splashed through puddles and sunk into soggy sand, was opportunity for refreshments and fun.  There were games like Hula Hoop Pups. Dee held the Closing Ceremony of Remembrance.  A sudden monsoon torrent of rain promptly ended the day's festivities around noon. Wet dripping dogs, people, umbrellas, tents etc made hasty retreats with resolve to return and Bark again next year.  Just as suddenly as we were leaving, dark clouds parted, bright sun shone and a rainbow of hope appeared.   Donation link is still open.   You are invited to donate on my page or the A-DOG Team page.
On a personal note, thank you to everyone who contributed in celebration of my 70th birthday (YIKES) in honor of Roslyn,  or in honor, celebration or remembrance of a loved one.  Thank you to everyone who donated to our TEAM  or individual members.  Can Bark For Life 2017 make it to $5,000.00?   Yes, we can with YOUR help. No donation is too small.   

Love, Joan, Mom, Noanie & The Firefly


Joan Black is an A-DOG board member and officer and managing editor of Wags and Tags. 
FIDO-Fest -- coming to Arlington this summer
Submit your videos -- your dog can be a star!

JuneFidoFestDear A-DOG members and friends,
We want video clips of your pups!  Yup you heard me right.  A-DOG is one of the sponsors of FIDO FEST, Arlington's Dog Video Festival.  We want the clips of slo-mo ears flapping, funny dog noises, goofy smiles, snuggles with the kids, crashing through the woods, or snarfing down pizza.  You probably already have some clips on your phone right now.  Arlington Community Media Inc (ACMi) will compile videos from Arlington and our neighbors and we'll watch them on the big screen at Spy Pond Field Sat 8/17, 7pm under the stars. 
Send in your videos, from a few seconds to 5 minutes.  String together pics of your pup and send them in.  Share with your neighbors what makes your pups the apple of your iPhone.  You can submit a youtube video at this website. Just have it on your phone and don't want to load it to youtube?  Send it to Jen@blueskydogsma.com and we'll add it to the submissions.   
We need your help to make FIDO FEST a success.  Tell all your friends and family about it.  Share the videos you are thinking of submitting on our Facebook page (ArlingtonFidoFest) and on instagram (#fidofestival).  Check out some of our promo videos:

Or check out one of our submissions:

We can help a rescue/nonprofit/dog-centric business that would like to share their story, we'd love to have them participate with a video.  If they have a video they can submit it to acmi.tv/fidofest.  If they don't have a video, we can help.  Have their marketing person contact Jennifer Burns, jen@blueskydogsma.com we can help create one.  It's great exposure and they will come away with a great promotional video. 
So submit those videos and mark your calendars.  Fido Fest is Saturday 8/17, 7pm, Spy Pond Field near the Boys and Girls Club.  Rain date is 8/26.  Leashed dogs and well behaved humans are welcome to enjoy Fido Fest on our huge outdoor screen. 
See you there,
Jen Burns, Ellen Leigh, Judy Weinberg and Anita Pliner
A-DOG's Fido Fest Committee

Jen, Ellen, Judy and Anita are A-DOG board members.

ACO Katie's Corner
Happy Summer 2017: Park Volunteer Opportunity

by Katie Kozikowski
JuneACOThe warmer months are here which means more time spent outdoors for people and beloved canine companions. As Arlington Animal Control Officer with Jon Marshall, Director of Recreation Department, we are creating a dog and people friendly group for Arlington Parks. We are seeking enthusiastic and eager volunteers who love the outdoors, dogs, and Arlington parks to help kindly remind people of town's bylaws pertaining to dogs. The purpose of the group is to offer residents and visitors friendly reminders of town bylaws such as the hours/areas dogs should be on leash and concerning picking up after dogs. 

In no way does this mean volunteers will be asked to be involved in confrontational situations. They would be more of an educational resource to those who may have missed signs stating hours or may be unaware of town bylaw. Volunteers will also be on the alert for those following town bylaws and rewarding them with "Leash it and Ticket" tickets which are entered in a monthly prize drawing. The idea is that volunteers offer friendly reminders to help others avoid heavy fines which people may appreciate while helping to reward those already doing a great job. Group will meet on a quarterly basis for training tips. We will discuss experiences from travels through the parks, how things are going in general, and, of course, enjoy a potluck. 

*By no means will this take over for regular enforcement of the leash law. it is my job to hand out tickets when and where appropriate which I will continue to do.* If you are interested or would like to learn more about the group and its mission, please do not hesitate to contact me at Animal Control. I can be reached by phone: (781) 645-8014 or by email: animalcontrol@town.arlington.ma.us.

ACO Katie's Corner presents updates from Arlington Animal Control Officer (ACO) Katie Kozikowski.  Collaborating with Katie on this column is Joan Black, A-DOG board member/officer and member of the Wags and Tags editorial team.

Pawsome People and Awesome Dogs...
Massachusetts Lobby Day for Animals: Three Perspectives  

JunePawsome"Pawsome People & Awesome Animals" work together to create kinder, safer and more humane, caring communities.  Hear from three Pawesome People who attended Massachusetts Lobby Day for Animals at the State House to learn more:
Massachusetts Lobby Day for Animals: Three Perspectives" compiled by Joan Black

Lobbying Again on Beacon Hill
by Hildy Martus
"Lobby Day for Animals is an annual event held at MA State House, organized by several humane societies.   A vegan breakfast and lunch is donated by Red lentil.  We pay a $9.00 registration fee.  There are speakers which include administrators of humane societies and advocacy groups.  Awards are given and speeches made by State Reps or Senators who have sponsored and worked on animal protection bills.  This is a day to meet with your state representatives or their aides and discuss their past and present support of pending animal protection bills.   As their constituents, this is also an opportunity to say "thank you" for those who have shown support. Approximately 5,000 bills do come to the state house yearly and animal bills can be low on the list.  The energy is great along with the feeling of being proactive.  This year I recognized Ellen Leigh from the Boston's Women's March and she allowed me to photograph her with partner, NEADS service dog Ricky.  Together we leaned how you can advocate through your legislators to support pending animal protection bills."
Hildy Martus lives in Belmont and is a concerned activist.  She became involved with animal advocacy as result of a horrific animal abuse case which led to seeking more knowledge of animals abuse and exploitation.  She is now also vegan.  Hildy worked on Question 3 in 2016 campaign and is active with MSPCA  animal action team focusing on animal welfare legislation. She has protested outside circuses against animals entertainment and against puppy mills. Occasionally Hildy makes home visits for rescues and helps trap and feed feral cats. Her  most active means of advocacy is complimenting owners of rescue dogs and sharing her tattoo, "rescued is my favorite breed!"  

Our First Lobby Day
by Ellen Leigh & Ricky
"My trusty service dog and I set off for the Lobby Day for Animals, me with firm resolve and Ricky with an extra pep in his paw. We were surrounded by fellow animal lovers. There was  excitement at being at the State House! Fueled by a commitment to make a difference (as well as by delicious vegan food donated from Red Lentil Restaurant), we set off to meet with legislators about several key bills related to animal advocacy. There were tips to making our meetings a success (e.g., personalizing the issues, presenting knowledge clearly, and being polite).  We were then sent off in small groups to meet with our State Representative or Senator (or staff from their offices). The day was all about taking action on the importance of turning "Acts" (legislative bills that get debated and may become laws), so that animals, our most vulnerable population, will be treated humanely.  By Ricky's extra tail wagging, it was apparent that Lobby Day was a day well spent!"

Ellen & Ricky are A-DOG board members and graduates of NEADS.  They are involved with many community activities and issues.  Ellen & Ricky are especially dedicated to helping people have access to the healing power of nature as volunteers with The Nature Connection and also serve on the advisory board and events committee.  They live in Arlington with Mango, a rescue cat and enjoy sharing the arts.
  Accepting the Award
by State Representative Dave Rogers
"I was honored today to receive the 'Humane Legislator Award'  from the Humane Society. I am thrilled that last session we were able to pass a bill to protect animals in hot cars, limit tethering and authorize personnel from the MSPCA and Animal Rescue League to enforce the law if animal control officers are unavailable. This piece of legislation will provide a safety net for animals, helping ensure they do not suffer needlessly. We must continue our work to protect animals this session. I do not believe that there is any place in our society for cruelty to animals and will continue to look for more ways to support protections for both domestic and wild animals."
State Representative Dave Rogers was elected to 24 Middlesex in 2012.  He has constituents in North Cambridge, Arlington & Belmont.  Dave is a Cambridge resident and registered Democrat. He believes no public official can be successful without sustained engagement of constituents. "Please know that your voice really does matter greatly and I hope you will use the website and other avenues to communicate with me and play the most important role of all in our democracy - active citizen."
PAWS to Mark Your Calendar!
Save the dates for coming events

JunCalendar"NEW or RENEW: We still need YOU to join the A-DOG pack!" It is NEVER too late.  
...Sign up today  here .  

Mark your calendar for these great EVENTS. Please consider attending or volunteering for the events sponsored or co-sponsored by A-DOG (shown in   GREEN).   Contact us if you're interested in volunteering at any of these events...we need you!


  • Reading Dogs, Rufus, Thelma, Benny, Penny, at FOX Library (175 Massachusetts Avenue in Arlington) with "bark to school" from 3:30-4:30 for all ages & reading levels. Sign up for 15 minute reading sessions. Please get tickets at circulation desk starting at 3 pm day of event. Happy tails are waiting to listen to your tales.  Rufus & Thelma, Benny or Penny will be ready to read on the following dates. Generally, first and third Tuesdays of the month. Contact the Fox library for dates.
  • Friday evening, August 19, FIDO Fest Arlington Video Festival, Boy's and Girl's Club field, Spy Pond.  Submit your videos (up to 5 min) by August 4! More information is posted on the ACMI website.
  • August 22, Tuesday, 6:30 - 8 pm, A-DOG meeting, Jefferson Cutter House, lower level (Community Room), Arlington Center.
Send us calendar items for possible inclusion in this section in future Wags and Tags issues!  

Help Wanted: Your Dog's Face Here?
Wags and Tags Welcomes Your Contributions

JuneYourDogHereA-DOG Members and supporters, Wags and Tags is YOUR monthly newsletter!  I f you have suggestions for an article, including one you'd like to write, for a future issue, please email us with "Newsletter" in the subject line.   
Maybe you'd like your dog to be one of our " Arlington dogs, or A-dogs ", like Molly, Remy, Tammy, potcake Lexi and others. Or, write an article about Happy Tails Trails, describing your favorite place to enjoy nature with your dog. You don't have to live in Arlington, but can be a neighbor who enjoys Arlington's dog recreation benefits, or otherwise supports our mission. You can also suggest a special Rainbow Bridge memorial tribute to a beloved canine or feline family member you've lost.
Or, maybe you're a  Friend of A-DOG  Business and want to describe how you help A-DOG and what you offer to our community of dog owners and dog-friendly people.  Your business, too, can be featured like OM Cookies, Menotomy Beer Wine and Spirits, Maida Pharmacy & Compounding Center and Lakota Bakery.
Suggested article length for the newsletter is 500 words or fewer but this is only a guideline. We will also need at least one photo, preferably a jpg or gif format, compressed to a size no greater than 1 MB. For text, arial 11 pt, single spacing preferred. (Please send the photo as a separate file, not imported into a Word document.

Articles on any other topic of potential interest to dog owners are welcome.  So are more volunteer editors and writers. Please send us your story proposals!  Wags and Tags editorial team:  Joan Black (managing editor), Jen Burns, Sue Doctrow, Ellen Leigh and Judy Weinberg.

Pssst...We are well aware that  our members are not likely to have issues with spelling or grammar that's a little "ruff", but don't worry....our editorial team can polish your story, as needed. Feel free to ask.
The Irish Setter on the computer photo is reprinted from a website called "iget2work". The "Bad spelling...image was posted on Facebook by Grammarly.  

A-DOG Meetings in 2017
A-DOG holds five meetings per year, in January, March, May, August and October. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Community Room of the Jefferson Cutter House, 611 Mass Ave (at Mystic, in Arlington Center).  The Community Room is accessible via the rear entrance at the municipal parking lot. Refreshments are served. New members show up every time so please join us!

A-DOG Membership!
A-DOG's membership year runs from April 1 through March 31, so some full memberships are up for renewal each spring.  If your membership has expired, you should have received a reminder letter in early 2016 during our  Membership Drive.  As an A-DOG Full Member, you are entitled to discounts and benefits from our Friends of A-DOG businesses.  And, your dues and donations to A-DOG are tax deductible, to the full extent allowed by law.  
Shop for A-DOG!  

Please support businesses that support responsible dog owners in Arlington by patronizing our Friends of A-DOG Businesses.  

(If you are not a full member, please sign up and pay your dues at the link above for joining A-DOG. If you are unsure if your membership is still active, or need another membership card as proof, you can email us to check into it.)

Also, when you buy from Amazon, please start at the Amazon Smile website which should get you directly to our donation link. If not, be sure to choose "A-Dog The Arlington Dog Owners Group, Inc" as your preferred nonprofit group.  Amazon will make a donation to A-DOG and your purchase will not cost any more!

A-DOG members, Business Friends of A-DOG and other subscribers receive Wags and Tags each month.  If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe to Wags and Tags without joining A-DOG, click here or click the green sign-up button on the front page of our website.