Greetings from Dr. Dan Schafer,

I am happy to share the July Holiness Legacy newsletter with you. Also, I am delighted to present a classic book on holiness by Dr. John A. Knight, In His Likeness. The download of this book is free as well as all of the ebooks at Be sure to visit our website and click on resources to locate these great books on holiness. Plus, be sure to forward this newsletter to someone that you think would enjoy it.

Serving Christ,

Dr. Dan Schafer
World Gospel Mission, President

Featured Article
The Divine Pacemaker

"Whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him. He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked" (1 John 2:5-6).
Over one million pacemakers are installed each year. The small device, inserted in the abdomen or chest, sends an electrical charge to stimulate the heart. The life-changing device regulates the heartbeat.
Being saved through faith in Christ might be illustrated as the Great Physician installing a Divine Pacemaker in us: Himself. We know that we are in Him. The whole package of His presence, purity, power, and perfection indwells us.
Walking in faithful obedience to His Word and seeking more of Him, we soon realize the need for Him to have more of us to walk just as He walked. Depending on self puts us out of spiritual rhythm, resulting in disobedience and frustration.
We continue to seek Him, until we come to a point of confessing our emptiness, and asking for His filling. That is entire sanctification--ALL OF US being filled with ALL OF CHRIST. It's an experience subsequent to salvation, that activates the Divine Pacemaker planted in us.
The Holy Spirit sends a "spiritual charge" that puts us back into rhythm with God's will--and more, releasing His enabling power to love Him and love others. The love of God is perfected in us, fulfilling our hopes for human perfection, as we Keep His Word.
  • Our being and doing are perfected in His credibility. 
  • Our praying and planning are perfected in His wisdom.
  • Our weakness and inability are perfected in His ability. 
  • Our vulnerability and timidity are perfected in His strength.
  • Our self-image and self-effort are perfected in His beauty.
And, the Divine Pacemaker never wears out!

Dr. Dan Schafer
World Gospel Mission, President

Think About This: God will manifest Himself to us, and that...will be the difference between a nominal Christian life and a life radiant with the light of His face. - A. W. Tozer
My Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can be spiritually complete in You.


July - Featured eBook

In His Likeness

Author: Dr. John A. Knight

Written by the late Dr. John A Knight this book is a simplistic thoughtful treatise on the subject of heart holiness. Any person seeking a deeper walk with Christ will benefit from reading this Holiness classic.

What is Holiness Legacy?
The Holiness Legacy Initiative is a strategic partnership  bringing together denominations that share a historic  commitment to spread the message of scriptural holiness.  FIND OUT MORE!

Noteworthy Holiness Quote
"No attribute of God is more dreadful to sinners than His holiness."  
- Matthew Henry

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