Your tax dollars at work: A weekly update on bond/override/construction
activity at SUSD schools. Check out what we're up to this week.
Scottsdale Unified School District | Bond Update 7/28/17

Thank you for signing up for weekly updates on bond & override projects within SUSD. We are committed to transparency through this process, and we welcome your feedback. Like you, we can't wait to see our new schools go up and our existing schools improve.


As SUSD students head back to school on August 7, some of them will be sharing their campus with construction fences and heavy equipment. Please take note of any changes to traffic patterns for both cars and pedestrians on your campus. Your principal will advise you of these changes. As always, student and staff safety is our top priority.


This week, we learned of a new, compressed construction schedule at Hopi that will mean less disruption to students this coming school year. Fences will now go up September 30. While the start date has changed, the end date has not: the new school buildings will still open next summer. 

*An important note for Hopi families: The Rubicon pedestrian entrance gate will be closed during the 2017-18 school year and for the duration of the construction process to ensure student, staff and public safety.*

Also this week, we began seeing results on our campuses under construction.

At Cheyenne, the new front lot is paved and painted: 

The turf is down on Coronado's new field:

And the field work at  Chaparral is moving along:

Those two fields, along with the new field at Saguaro, should all be ready for football this fall.  

Click here to learn more
RUMOR OF THE WEEK ( or: Myth Busting)

This week's rumor is about the delay in Hopi's construction. As you read above, this one is FACT. However, the delayed start date will not change the planned end date. Thanks to a condensed construction timeline, the new school is still on track for a summer 2018 opening.
Thank you for your dedication to our Scottsdale students and schools!