"Why Eaarth with two A's?....we've already managed to change the planet in such fundamental ways that it's not really the planet we thought we knew. It's still Earth except: Everything frozen has melted or is melting: the ice caps, the high -altitudes glaciers. The tropics have expanded two degrees north and south, pushing droughts ahead of them. Even the chemistry of seawater is steadily becoming more acidic, as the oceans absorb carbon from the atmosphere."  Bill McKibben, Eaarth
Dear Friends,
Please join us for a "Water Communion and Prayer Service" this Sunday October 23rd at 5 pm as we stand in solidarity with the Native American people who are coming together from all over the United States in North Dakota to pray for our water and our Mother Earth. They call themselves "Water Protectors" and they are doing civil disobedience to try to stop the building of a pipeline that will further poison the water and the sacred land in North Dakota. Ove a hundred  Native American tribes have come to be in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Please go to Democracy Now on line and watch the recent coverage anchored by Amy Goodman, http://www.democracynow.org/shows. She has reported this important news story the last few weeks about the corporate giants that are building a pipeline through sacred Native American land that threatens to further poison the water and dishonor the Native Indians and their sacred lands.  They have a private security firm that began using attack dogs on protesters as well as pepper spray. Many people have been arrested and strip searched for mere misdemeanors.
The "Water Protectors," are modeling what we all need to be doing- that is standing in community and in prayer for water and Mother Earth.
This news story is not being covered widely in the more "corporate" news agencies. Amy Goodman was arrested for covering this story and acquitted recently and continues to show unusual courage and grace in her reporting of this significant news story. I long to go and be in solidarity with the Native American people in North Dakota but will stay in Rancho Penasquitos and join them in spirit ad prayer during our water ritual this Sunday. Not surprisingly, Amy Goodman has become a heroine and  main character in my recent dreams.  
Native Americans understand the power of prayer. They wisely show leadership as they teach us that the earth needs our prayers and sacred rituals.  Please bring water to share for our water communion either from a sacred place or water from your kitchen sink and you are free to metaphorically assign it a sacred place. We will comingle these waters in our water communion and share stories of  our experiences of water as sacred. Walt and I will offer waters from Pilfer Beach in Big Sur California where we are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary, as well as water from Torrey Pines Sate Park Beach where we were married. We will bless all the waters in our ritual, in our bodies and on our Mother Earth and will use this sacred and blessed water for baptism and other rituals of purification rituals in the coming year.
If you want to bring water from a holy place  like the River Jordan and you are not  able to go to Israel in the next few days, just be reminded that we are celebrating our powers of symbol and metaphor making  here at Church for our Common Home. You may want to bring waters that symbolize the beauty of the ocean beaches and underwater fish and sea life that give us great joy.   You may decide to bring  water to symbolize your first born child's bathwater, or the baptism water of Jesus from the Jordon River. Please bring water that is symbolically meaningful to you. We will invite everyone to come forward to share their water and water experiences.  The water cycle on Mother earth is mystically unifying so it is actually not far from the truth that our tap water is also water from the Pacific Ocean.
Water is essential for all life on Earth and  makes up 50-80 percent of all living things. Our own bodies are more than half water. The water that evaporates from the oceans with the sun's energy is then taken up by wind, cools and becomes rain, which provides moisture for our forests and jungles. Water is on a long journey around our earth and along the way it is absorbed by all of us animals and plants which thirst for its life giving mystery. Ecology is now teaching what the mystics in all the world religions have always taught. We are one and everything is interconnected.  Everything we do affects everything else. When we poison the water with fracking and pipelines, we are poisoning water everywhere and poisoning our own bodies. Learning to love God's creation is what we are here to learn. When we love creation we are in fact loving a lot of water. We need a raising of consciousness in order to change our behavior so that we treat our water  and our Mother earth as sacred. "And God said, 'Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. God called the dry ground "land," and the gathered waters God called "seas." And God saw that it was good.'" Genesis 1:9,10.
If you want to save something - love it. I love water, ocean water, lake water, snow, and bubble bath water.....to swim and snorkel, and drink iced tea on a hot day, all made possible with holy water..... dolphins, sea turtles, polar bears and gold fish..... singing in the rain and watering daffodils in the spring.  I thank God every day for the water of our earth that holds us all together. May the holy water of our tears of redemption soften our hearts as we wake up to how we have poisoned our holy water and commit to daily practices of amends making and prayer.
Recently, I found out that the neighborhood where we live, called Rancho Penasquitos,  a 15 minute drive directly east of Torrey Pines State Park Beach, has a natural water spring and is where the Kumeyaay people  lived beginning  13,000 years ago. This tribe lived in the San Diego and Baja California area in a large area that extended north in what is now Encinitas, south past Ensenada Mexico and to the mountains east of San Diego. They came to winter in Rancho Penasquitos and to be near the natural water spring. It now has a County Park and has a walking and bike path with a waterfall on the way to Torrey Pines States Park Beach. Walt and I were married on Torrey Pines State Park Beach we will bring water from this holy sanctuary. I will also bring holy water from this sacred Native American natural water spring here in Rancho Penasquitos for our water communion. Church for Our Common Home is dedicated to prayer, rituals and sharing in intimate community as we  and dreams and all practices of the spiritual realms that connect to God and all sacred life forms on Mother earth.
In gratitude,

Sunday October 30, 5 pm  Day of the Dead Celebration
Please bring photos of loved ones who have died to place on the altar as well as food they loved (to share). Mexican dinner and dancing immediately following worship
3-5 pm Day of the Dead Altar Creation Party  
Please bring flowers, candles etc. for the altar 3-5 pm!

November  2nd Wednesday, 7 pm Day of the Dead Ritual for Healing from Abortion 

Month of October, Community Mural Project! Come Sunday afternoons or make an appointment to come paint your favorite animal!  
House of Prayer for All Creatures   
 Interfaith, Inter-species and Interconnected! 

October 30th "Day of the Dead Celebration" John 11:1-46 We will honor our loved ones who have died in this uniquely Mexican celebration which has much to teach us here in the United States where we tend to be a death denying culture. Please bring photos of loved ones who have died to place on the altar as well as food they loved (to share). We will have a time to share with stories about our loved ones and explain the food. We will have a Mexican dinner, dancing and celebration following worship. Please bring flowers, candles etc. for the altar and we all will create an extravaganza of splendor at our "Day of the Dead Altar Creation Party" before worship from 3-5 pm!

November  2, Wednesday 7 pm John 8:11"Day of the Dead Ritual for Healing from Abortion" Many woman have had abortions and have not a sacred safe place to share, make amends and invite healing from this experience. An anointing healing ritual will be provided.  In some places in Mexico, there is a special day to honor children who have died. Call with any questions. 
November 20th Thanksgiving feast. We will have a turkey and a vegetarian "turkey roll" pot luck, after worship. 
December 25th we will have a Christmas and Hannuka worship and dinner, Sunday at 5 pm, pot luck at 6 pm. 

Sending love and blessings,

Please contact us, (858) 248-5123, [email protected] and join us for regular services every Sunday at 5 pm at 13014 Calle de Las Rosas, SD, CA 92129 f ollowed by a soup pot luck, (soup will be provided) bonfire, star gazing and dancing-- weather permitting. A new kind of home/internet/radio blog church that does not follow the traditions of the Christian church but celebrates the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  A safe place to share of ourselves, our feelings, our dreams, do art work, sing lively non church music, DANCE, enjoy bonfires and pot luck dinners. A place where everyone is safe and welcome. 
Mission Statement 
Encouraging awe and intimacy of creation and the cosmos, we explore the visual and performing arts, dreams, wisdom teachings of Christ-Sophia in the Bible and newly found gospels, prayer, social activism, and relationships as we work to care for our common home Mother Earth, in a new kind of local and global community. We are a home church  with people around the world via the Internet,  exploring a new religious story for our time.
Our vision is to spiritually awaken and raise our consciousness about the sacred nature of all life and our inter-connectredness in order to come together as a human family and 
care  for our common home and love God/dess with all our hearts, souls and minds and creation as ourselves. 

Weekly Thursday Dream Sharing Group 7-9 pm
in person or on Skype, bonnie.tarwater
Come drink tea and share a dream. 
"Many wonders are manifest in sleep; in sleep the heart becomes a window, One that is awake and dreams beautiful dreams, he is the knower of God. Receive the dust of his eyes." Rumi
Every Mondays join us for Lectio Divina 7-8 pm,

Study of Gospel of John this fall. How does this scripture relate to my life and 
how is God calling me to change?  
Centering Prayer every Wednesday 10-11 am
13014 Calle de Las Rosas, San Diego, CA 92129
call for more information (858) 248-5123
New O ur Common Home Counseling Center 
with individual and group therapy services, both innovative and traditional therapy, they offer individual and family counseling, premarital and marriage counseling, individual dream sessions, Spiritual Direction, pastoral counseling, hypnosis, bereavement counseling and more. 
Join Dr. Walter Rutherford and 
Bonnie  for Tuesday night group therapy. Other groups that are forming.   
Walt and Bonnie are also certified and teach OWL, Our Whole Lives, a faith based human sexuality course.   www.churchforourcommonhome.com

Church for our Common Home | Minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater | [email protected] 
(858) 248-5123