Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 108 - September 2017

 Oh, what our country has been thought this past month. I hope to never hear the word hurricane again! My heart goes out to everyone in the affected areas. My son came home from school in Orlando. I was so thankful he wasn't there, even though the storm took a different direction. His drive here was long, especially since he'd never driven that far by himself. But 11 hours was easy, compared to his drive back! He left us at 5AM and finally got to his apartment at 9:30PM. He had to search for gas at one point and I was praying for him. Luckily, he found gas in time, had power in his apartment when he got there and could just collapse.  Fingers crossed for a calm, calm fall!
Mermaids in Marietta has a nice ring to it! Hope you'll join me for a mermaid party at the Town Center Prada Barnes and Noble in Marietta, Georgia on Saturday, Sept. 16th at 11:00. We'll have crafts, games, and a real mermaid!! Here the teaching unit for the book.
And speaking of mermaids .  . . my new Mermaid Tales book, Ready, Set, Goal! takes us to the lost city of Atlantis. We'll learn about mythology, sports curses, and friendship!  In addition to Marietta, Georgia, I'll be at the following events:
East TN Literacy Conference Morristown, TN Sept. 26th
TASL's Novel Conversation Murfreesboro, TN Sept. 28th
SCBWI Midsouth Conference Franklin, TN Sept. 30th
Yabba Fest Warrington, VA October 14th
Books by the Banks Cincinnati, Ohio October 28th
Whew, I'd better rest up to get ready for all that! 
I've been so busy rewriting a story that I forgot to put out my free Skype dates for this school year, so here they are (all times Eastern):
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
Friday, January 26, 2018 (The day before Multicultural Children's Book Day)
Thursday, February 8, 2018 (World Read Aloud Day-available morning only)
Monday, March 23, 2018 (Bailey School Kids Day)
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 (National Library Week)
Wednesday, May 1, 2018 (Children's Book Week)
Just contact me and we'll set everything up. I chat for about five minutes, read a snippet, and then take questions. It's quick, free, and a great way to bring excitement to liter
acy. Here is an article about author visits and the common core, as well as funding traditional author visits.

Did you know that September 17th-23rd is Constitution Week? Did you know that on May 24, 2005, the U.S. Department of Education released a Notice of Im plementation, announcing that all educational institutions receivin g federal fundin g must provide an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year? To that end, here's a three minute video on the constitution I made for elementary school students.  Perhaps your students would like to make their own using the fun program, PowTo on.   
My favorites from Facebook:

Best wishes and happy reading, Debbie