Knowing Jesus, Making Jesus Known
The news from St. Paul Lutheran Church Harlingen, Texas! 
September 12, 2017
Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World
PBS premieres  Martin Luther: The Idea that Changed the World nationwide on Tuesday Sept. 12th at 7:00PM central. The two-hour film brings to life Luther's 16th century quest to reform the church—a journey that would profoundly reshape western civilization. An engaging look at the dramatic moments that shaped Luther's life: the massive lightning storm that nearly killed him, the bleak self-punishment of his time in the monastery, the corruption that unleashed his anger, his trial before the most powerful man in Europe, and the staged kidnapping that helped him escape the death penalty. Available on Sept. 12th at 7 pm on PBS.
Memorial Service
A Memorial Service will be held this Saturday Sept. 16th at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary for our sister in Christ Jesus, Nadine Pruneau who passed away on Sept. 2nd. Visitation will be on Friday Sept 15th from 10am-2pm at Heavenly Grace in LaFeria. A dessert reception will follow the Memorial Service on Saturday in the Parish Hall. Please keep her husband Ken, her children and all of her family in your prayers and join us for this times of remembering and celebrating her life and faith in Jesus Christ.
Special Voters Meeting Sept 17 @ 9:15 AM
Parish Hall
Agenda: 1920 E Washington Ave (Academy) Property.
  1. Purchase from federal government with financing through Texas Church Extension Fund
  2. Academy Property Future Use including but not limited to Sale and/or Lease.
Confirmation Underway!
Thank you to all the 5-8th graders and their families who joined us for our confirmation orientation meeting last weekend. If you missed the meeting and still want to participate please contact us and let us know to make sure you get all the info at the church office or call 956-4233924. A reminder our first event meeting for this unit on the Ten Commandments begins this Sunday at 11:45-1:30 PM with Pizza provided for lunch.
When Doubt Comes...!
On-Demand Faith
 Ever wish that God was more like your media consumption devices, that is On-Demand delivering what you want, when you want it? Some of our biggest struggles comes when things happen that shake us up either personally or collectively like the recent hurricanes. We may wonder where God is in the midst of the storms, yet the good news is that we don't need to wonder in the silence but instead be assured of the God who has Revealed himself to us in the person and work of Jesus and in the pages of scripture where we find a God who is way better than an On-Demand God who always grants us our wishes.
This Week In Worship
Readings this Weekend: Gen. 50:15-21; Rom. 14:1-12; Matt. 18:21-35
Saturday: 5:30 PM with Communion
Sunday: 8:00 AM
       10:30 AM with Communion
Bible Study & Sunday School: VOTERS MEETING This Week New Classes Start up Next Week.
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