Your role in our future

It was an honor to introduce our new name and logo recently to a special crowd of supporters, community leaders and successful teens (like Sasha , a Money Coach alum and JMAC grad).

Click here to check out the ambitious plan for teen empowerment behind our change from Make A Difference-Wisconsin to SecureFutures. It is because of overwhelming support from people like you that we're ready to take this movement to the next level.

On behalf of the 62,000 teens who you have empowered -- thank you!
Survey: U.S. teens go to the Internet as financial fundamentals lag
U.S. teens want to learn about managing money before they graduate high school. And the Internet is often the place teens are turning to to learn about banks, budgets and saving.

That's according to a survey we commissioned of 500 teens. Read the full survey results and find out what you can do to help empower teens here .
Milwaukee partners for Money Sense

One of our summer Money Sense programs was part of a wider city initiative to prepare teens for their future. Pat McDonough (left), Milwaukee Bucks CFO and SecureFutures board director, and others led lessons for Milwaukee teens.

Supporter spotlight: CFA Society Milwaukee
CFA Society Milwaukee made another huge drive as financial education advocates this summer. The professional group chose our teens and programs as the recipient of their annual golf fundraiser at The Legend at Bristlecone. All told, CFA golfers raised thousands of dollars in a fun afternoon of games on the green. Thank you to Erik Gauger and CFA Society Milwaukee for supporting our mission and students!
New faces in financial empowerment

Rashidah Butler-Jackson is our new Money Sense program manager. She is extremely excited about empowering young people to invest in themselves and their futures and make properly informed decisions about their finances. Prior to joining the SecureFutures team Rashidah taught for YES Prep Public Schools in Houston, Texas and held various positions at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee for six years. 

Rashidah is a Milwaukee native and a proud Milwaukee Public Schools alum, graduating from Rufus King High School. She attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for both her undergraduate and graduate education. She welcomes new partnerships, connections and ideas on how to increase the impact of Money Sense for the young people we serve. Email her at 

New board directors
Wayne Breitbarth , PowerFormula, LLC

Andrea Cataldo , Godfrey & Kahn
Jim Neubauer , OneAmerica

Also, we're welcoming these new Advisory Council members:
  • Murray Friedman
  • Mark Sain
  • Joe Schlidt
  • Dan Tranchita

710 N. Plankinton Ave., Suite 310
Milwaukee, WI 53203
(414) 273-8101

There are dozens of incredible companies, foundations and individuals who make our teen financial empowerment mission possible. Along with monthly spotlights of those supporters in this newsletter, you can check out the full list here .