Lesson 294
Radiant Extension Back Into Mind
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♫ ♪ ♫ VOCAL by Beverly Hutchinson ♫ ♪ ♫
11 The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. It reaches gently from that quiet time, and from the mind it healed in quiet then, to other minds to share its quietness. And they will join in doing nothing to prevent its radiant extension back into the Mind Which caused all minds to be. Born out of sharing, there can be no pause in time to cause the miracle delay in hastening to all unquiet minds and bringing them an instant's stillness when the memory of God returns to them. Their own remembering is quiet now, and what has come to take its place will not be wholly unremembered afterwards.

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What is the Real World

Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   The real world is a symbol, like the rest
   of what perception offers. Yet it stands
   for what is opposite to what you made.
   Your world is seen through eyes of fear, and brings
   the witnesses of terror to your mind.
   The real world cannot be perceived except
   through eyes forgiveness blesses, so they see
   a world where terror is impossible,
   and witnesses to fear can not be found.
   The real world holds a counterpart for each
   unhappy thought reflected in your world;
   a sure correction for the sights of fear
   and sounds of battle which your world contains.
   The real world shows a world seen differently,
   through quiet eyes and with a mind at peace.
   Nothing but rest is here. There are no cries
   of pain and sorrow heard, for nothing here
   remains outside forgiveness. And the sights
   are gentle. Only happy sights and sounds
   can reach the mind that has forgiven itself.
   What need has such a mind for thoughts of death,
   attack and murder? What can it perceive
   surrounding it but safety, love and joy?
   What is there it would choose to be condemned,
   and what is there that it would judge against?
   The world it sees arises from a mind
   at peace within itself. No danger lurks
   in anything it sees, for it is kind
   and only kindness does it look upon.
   The real world is the symbol that the dream
   of sin and guilt is over, and God's Son
   no longer sleeps. His waking eyes perceive
   the sure reflection of his Father's Love;
   the certain promise that he is redeemed.
   The real world signifies the end of time,
   for this perception makes time purposeless.
   The Holy Spirit has no need of time
   when it has served His purpose. Now He waits
   but that one instant more for God to take
   His final step, and time has disappeared,
   taking perception with it as it goes,
   and leaving but the Truth to be Itself.
   That instant is our goal, for it contains
   the memory of God. And as we look
   upon a world forgiven, it is He
   Who calls to us and comes to take us home,
   reminding us of our Identity
   Which our forgiveness has restored to us.
    ~ Original Hand Script  
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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n 294
My body is a wholly neutral thing.

Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

   I am a Son of God. And can I be
   another thing as well? Did God create
   the mortal and corruptible? What use
   has God's beloved Son for what must die?
   And yet a neutral thing does not see death,
   for thoughts of fear are not invested there,
   nor is a mockery of love bestowed
   upon it. Its neutrality protects
   it while it has a use. And afterwards,
   without a purpose, it is laid aside.
   It is not sick or old or hurt. It is
   but functionless, unneeded and cast off.
   Let me not see it more than this today;
   of service for a while and fit to serve,
   to keep its usefulness while it can serve,
   and then to be replaced for greater good.
    My body, Father, cannot be Your Son,
    and what is not created cannot be
    sinful or sinless; neither good nor bad.
    Let me, then, use this dream to help Your plan
    that we awaken from all dreams we made.
     ~ Original Handscript of ACIM    
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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
My body is a wholly neutral thing.

Sarah's Commentary:  
Most of us have a relationship with our body of either loving it or hating it or loving and hating parts of it. Yet Jesus says the body is neither good nor bad. (W.294.2.2) In fact, it is just an instrument---a communication device---and like everything else in our world, it can be put to a purpose. What is it for? What use do we put it to? Will it be given to the ego for its use or used for a holy purpose by the Holy Spirit?
This Lesson says God did not create what is mortal and corruptible, yet the body can serve the purpose of awakening from the dream. And when we awaken, its usefulness to us is over and it can simply be laid down. Thus, it can be of service for a while and ". . . then to be replaced for greater good." (W.294.1.10)
The important thing is to come to the recognition the body is not who we are. It was not created by God, "And what is not created cannot be sinful nor sinless; neither good nor bad." (W.294.2.2) It is simply a useful tool for a while.
We are, however, urged to ". . . use this dream[the body] to help Your plan [the plan of the Holy Spirit] that we awaken from all dreams we made." (W.294.2.3) The body is useful in helping us awaken from this dream and in being the vehicle to extend the message of love to our brothers and sisters. When in the service of the Holy Spirit, the body becomes a means and not an end in itself. It is also useful to us as a witness to what is in the mind. As such, it is not helpful to deny what we are seeing or what we are feeling. Without this witness, we would not see what is in our minds to be forgiven. "Let me then, use this dream [the body] to help Your plan[for Atonement] that we awaken from all dreams we made." (W.294.2.3)
As we do the forgiveness work, we increasingly recognize our reality is a mind and our identification with the body is loosened. When our main focus is the care of the body, we remain vigilant of its care and protection and we fear what can go wrong with it. When we mistakenly think that this is who we are, we become very concerned about its well-being. This is not to say we don't pay any attention to the body in keeping it serviceable, but we can still take care of the body while keeping God in the forefront in our minds. For me, being in the shower, for example, is a wonderful place to allow the mind to be washed of any concerns and to set the direction of peace for the day.
"And yet a neutral thing does not see death, for thoughts of fear are not invested there, nor is a mockery of love bestowed upon it." (W.294.1.5) This is an interesting thought, which says basically our guilt and our fears projected onto the body bring the experience of sickness and death. Without the guilt, there would be no fear of death. Yes, the body would die and decay, but it would not be experienced as punishment. It would be simply laid down when our journey of forgiveness is complete. "This is what death should be; a quiet choice, made joyfully and with a sense of peace, because the body has been kindly used to help the Son of God along the way he goes to God. We thank the body, then, for all the service it has given us." (Song Of Prayer.3.II.2)
We may love the body because it is working well for us. We may like its appearance and what and who it attracts into our lives. We dress it up and we love aspects of it. It may be particularly strong or healthy, and we may find the body functions well for us so we think it is pretty good, but it is still a mockery of who we are as pure love. It is symbolic of the sin that has been accepted into the mind though buried in the unconscious, but now the sin in the mind is seen all around us. "The mind that thinks it is a sin has but one purpose; that the body be the source of sin, to keep it in the prison house it chose and guards and holds itself at bay, a sleeping prisoner to the snarling dogs of hate and evil, sickness and attack; of pain and age, of grief and suffering." (T.31.III.5.1) (ACIM OE T.31.III.30)
"My body, Father, cannot be Your Son. And what is not created cannot be sinful nor sinless; neither good nor bad." (W.294.2.1-2) We are being asked to recognize that, though the body is corruptible, it is not who we are. We are eternal. "And afterwards, without a purpose, it is laid aside." (W.294.1.7)
There are several passages in the Course that speak of our hatred for the body when it is not used as a tool for purposes of awakening but is seen as the "me" that identifies with the body. We are right to question why a loving Father would create that which is corruptible and has a short life span, with intervening years of suffering and pain. This is simply not consistent with who our Father is. If He has the power to create only what is perfect, why would His power not be used for only that? To create such corruptibility as bodies in a decaying, destructible world cannot be conceived as coming from a loving Creator. Thus, it is not possible God could be the source of our bodies and this world. The image of a god made by the ego is the source of all of this.
In the experience of the real world, we know ourselves as eternal. Our Identity is restored to us through forgiveness. Forgiveness is the means by which we cross the bridge from this world to the real world. Jesus reminds us, "Temptation has one lesson it would teach, in all its forms, wherever it occurs. It would persuade the holy Son of God he is a body, born in what must die, unable to escape its frailty, and bound by what it orders him to feel. It sets the limits on what he can do; Its power is the only strength he has; his grasp cannot exceed its tiny reach. Would you be this, if Christ appeared to you in all His glory, asking you but this: Choose again if you would take your place among the saviors of the world, or would remain in hell, and hold your brothers there. For He has come, and He is asking this." (T.31.VIII.1.1-6) (ACIM OE T.31.VIII.83)
He tells us not to fear temptation but to see it as an opportunity to choose again. In every difficulty, Christ is always calling us to make this choice. It is just another chance to remember who we are. When we make this choice, the Holy Spirit does all the heavy lifting for us. Trying to do anything on our own to change ourselves is not helpful. In fact, it is just an intrusion on His role. Let His strength prevail. Let His Will be done.
Tomorrow morning, as I go to have my shower, wash my body, dress it up, paint the lips, and highlight the hair, I will remember that the body's urges, its requirements, its demands for food, pleasure, and rest, can all be seen as just tuning up an instrument to be neither loved nor hated but used for His purposes. In that is its perfect protection. Jesus asks for our hands, our eyes, and our feet to be used in his service of being truly helpful. As the prayer in Chapter 2 reminds us, in each and every encounter:
"I am here only to be truly helpful
I am here to represent Him who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do,
because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing
He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal." (T.2.V.A.18.2-6) (ACIM OE T.4.IX.106)
It is interesting that Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, who brought the Course into the world, both left their bodies not long after the Course was published. Helen wrote down the Course starting in 1965 and finished it in 1972. She died in 1981, while Bill continued on with the teaching and then left his body in 1988. Helen was 72 and Bill 65 at the time of their deaths. It seems when a function is completed here on earth, there is no reason to continue on. Of course, we don't know the state of their minds at death, but the day before he died, Bill Thetford said he felt his function was finished and he had forgiven everyone. The next day he left his body.
While the body is not made by love, it can be lovingly used as an instrument for healing. It is not to be denied while we still believe in its reality. It is still a useful witness to our state of mind. The people that trigger us are the gifts that help us return to the holy Self we are. 
Love and blessings, Sarah
ACIM Original Edition
I. Introduction

1 The miracle does nothing. All it does is to undo. And thus it cancels out the interference to what has been done. It does not add, but merely takes away. And what it takes away is long since gone, but being kept in memory, appears to have immediate effects. This world was over long ago. The thoughts that made it are no longer in the mind that thought of them and loved them for a little while. The miracle but shows the past is gone, and what has truly gone has no effects. Remembering a cause can but produce illusions of its presence, not effects.
2 All the effects of guilt are here no more. For guilt is over. In its passing went its consequences, left without a cause. Why would you cling to it in memory if you did not desire its effects? Remembering is as selective as perception, being its past tense. It is perception of the past as if it were occurring now and still were there to see. Memory, like perception, is a skill made up by you to take the place of what God gave in your creation. And like all the things you made, it can be used to serve another purpose and to be the means for something else. It can be used to heal and not to hurt if you so wish it be.
3 Nothing employed for healing represents an effort to do anything at all. It is a recognition that you have no needs which mean that something must be done. It is an unselective memory, which is not used to interfere with truth. All things the Holy Spirit can employ for healing have been given Him, without the content and the purposes for which they have been made. They are but skills without an application. They await their use. They have no dedication and no aim.

II. The Present Memory

4 The Holy Spirit can indeed make use of memory, for God Himself is there. Yet this is not a memory of past events, but only of a present state. You are so long accustomed to believe that memory holds only what is past that it is hard for you to realize it is a skill that can remember now. The limitations on remembering the world imposes on it are as vast as those you let the world impose on you. There is no link of memory to the past. If you would have it there, then there it is. But only your desire made the link, and only you have held it to a part of time where guilt appears to linger still.
5 The Holy Spirit's use of memory is quite apart from time. He does not seek to use it as a means to keep the past, but rather as a way to let it go. Memory holds the message it receives and does what it is given it to do. It does not write the message nor appoint what it is for. Like to the body, it is purposeless within itself. And if it seems to serve to cherish ancient hate and offers you the pictures of injustices and hurts which you were saving, this is what you asked its message be, and this is what it is. Committed to its vaults, the history of all the body's past is hidden there. All of the strange associations made to keep the past alive, the present dead, are stored within it, waiting your command that they be brought to you and lived again. And thus do their effects appear to be increased by time, which took away their cause.
6 Yet time is but another phase of what does nothing. It works hand in hand with all the other attributes with which you seek to keep concealed the truth about yourself. Time neither takes away nor can restore. And yet you make strange use of it, as if the past had caused the present, which is but a consequence in which no change can be made possible because its cause has gone. Yet change must have a cause that will endure or else it will not last. No change can be made in the present if its cause is past. Only the past is held in memory as you make use of it, and so it is a way to hold the past against the now.
7 Remember nothing that you taught yourself, for you were badly taught. And who would keep a senseless lesson in his mind when he can learn and can preserve a better one? When ancient memories of hate appear, remember that their cause is gone. And so you cannot understand what they are for. Let not the cause that you would give them now be what it was which made them what they were or seemed to be. Be glad that it is gone, for this is what you would be pardoned from. And see instead the new effects of cause accepted now, with consequences here. They will surprise you with their loveliness. The ancient new ideas they bring will be the happy consequences of a cause so ancient that it far exceeds the span of memory which your perception sees.
8 This is the Cause the Holy Spirit has remembered for you, when you would forget. It is not past because He let It not be unremembered. It has never changed because there never was a time in which He did not keep It safely in your mind. Its consequences will indeed seem new because you thought that you remembered not their Cause. Yet was It never absent from your mind, for it was not your Father's Will that He be unremembered by His Son.
9 What you remember never was. It came from causelessness which you confused with cause. It can deserve but laughter when you learn you have remembered consequences which were causeless and could never be effects. The miracle reminds you of a Cause forever present, perfectly untouched by time and interference. Never changed from what It is. And you are Its effects, as changeless and as perfect as Itself. Its memory does not lie in the past nor await the future. It is not revealed in miracles. They but remind you that It has not gone. When you forgive It for your sins, It will no longer be denied.
10 You who have sought to lay a judgment on your own Creator cannot understand it is not He Who laid a judgment on His Son. You would deny Him His effects, yet have they never been denied. There was no time in which His Son could be condemned for what was causeless and against His Will. What your remembering would witness to is but the fear of God. He has not done the thing you fear. No more have you. And so your innocence has not been lost. You need no healing to be healed. In quietness, see in the miracle a lesson in allowing Cause to have Its own effects and doing nothing that would interfere.
11 The miracle comes quietly into the mind that stops an instant and is still. It reaches gently from that quiet time, and from the mind it healed in quiet then, to other minds to share its quietness. And they will join in doing nothing to prevent its radiant extension back into the Mind Which caused all minds to be. Born out of sharing, there can be no pause in time to cause the miracle delay in hastening to all unquiet minds and bringing them an instant's stillness when the memory of God returns to them. Their own remembering is quiet now, and what has come to take its place will not be wholly unremembered afterwards.
12 He to Whom time is given offers thanks for every quiet instant given Him. For in that instant is His memory allowed to offer all its treasures to the Son of God, for whom they have been kept. How gladly does He offer them unto the one for whom He has been given them! And His Creator shares His thanks because He would not be deprived of His effects. The instant's silence that His Son accepts gives welcome to eternity and Him and lets Them enter where They would abide. For in that instant does the Son of God do nothing that would make himself afraid.
13 How instantly the memory of God arises in the mind that has no fear to keep the memory away. Its own remembering has gone. There is no past to keep its fearful image in the way of glad awakening to present peace. The trumpets of eternity resound throughout the stillness, yet disturb it not. And what is now remembered is not fear, but rather is the cause that fear was made to render unremembered and undone. The stillness speaks in gentle sounds of love the Son of God remembers from before his own remembering came in between the present and the past to shut them out.
14 Now is the Son of God at last aware of present Cause and Its benign effects. Now does he understand what he has made is causeless, making no effects at all. He has done nothing. And in seeing this, he understands he never had a need for doing anything and never did. His Cause is its effects. There never was a cause beside It that could generate a different past or future. Its effects are changelessly eternal, beyond fear, and past the world of sin entirely.
15 What has been lost, to see the causeless not? And where is sacrifice, when memory of God has come to take the place of loss? What better way to close the little gap between illusions and reality than to allow the memory of God to flow across it, making it a bridge an instant will suffice to reach beyond? For God has closed it with Himself. His memory has not gone by and left a stranded Son forever on a shore where he can glimpse another shore which he can never reach. His Father wills that he be lifted up and gently carried over. He has built the bridge, and it is He Who will transport His Son across it. Have no fear that He will fail in what He wills. Nor that you be excluded from the Will that is for you.

  ON LINE SEARCHABLE Original Edition
 2015 Schedule of Lessons & Text Readings   

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