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Updated National RTAP Technical Brief on U.S. DOT's DBE Program

This technical brief provides an overview of the U.S. DOT's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program for DOT-funded agencies and requirements to be aware of.  

The brief now includes guidance for sub-recipients who may be required by their state to include DBE third-party contracts, as well as a flow chart and updated resources.  A  Sample DBE Program Plan, provided by the Southern Nevada Transit Coalition, is available for download.

U.S. DOT distributes a significant amount of money each year through state and local governments in contracts for public transportation. The DBE program is intended to ensure nondiscrimination in the distribution of these funds to subcontractors. 

Download the revised DBE Technical Brief in our Resource Library.
Procurement for Contracted Services Webinar Recording Available

Did you miss our Procurement for Contracted Services Webinar last week? The recording and slides are available on our website!  Also learn more about ProcurementPRO and start using this free tool for your next procurement.

For additional step-by-step procurement information, go to the Procurement Day 1 page of our Transit Manager's Toolkit.
Tribal Transit Manager Peer Call Recording Available

The recording from the Tribal Transit Manager Peer Call on July 13 is now available on our website. National RTAP and the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center partnered to facilitate this peer conversation, which included an overview of tribal transit issues, tips and resources, and a discussion among tribal transit managers.
National RTAP 2017 Marketing Contest

Reminder: instead of our annual Photo Contest, this year we're asking for your passenger guides!  The deadline is this Monday, July 31.  The grand prize is one free registration for our 2017 Conference in Omaha (see below), and t wo runner-ups will receive $50 gift cards.   Learn more on our  Marketing Contest page.  
2017 National RTAP Conference Agenda Available

Register now  for the 2017 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Transportation at the Center in Omaha, Nebraska, October 29 to November 1!  The early bird rate ends September 8.  
Also check out the detailed draft Conference Agenda, which was published on the  Conference Website  last week.
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates
The application period for FTA's Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Infrastructure Investment Program (Section 5339(b)) closes August 25, 2017.  Approximately $226.5 mil. in FY17 funds are available for buses, bus facilities, and bus equipment, with 10% minimum for rural. See the FAQ page for answers to questions about the grants and application process.

Register now for FTA's 17th Biennial State Programs Meeting and State Public Transit Partnerships Conference in Washington, DC, August 16-18. The audience includes State 5311 and 5310 Program Managers and State Transit Staff.

FTA recently updated its Award Management Requirements Circular (FTA Circular 5010.1E), effective July 21, 2017. View a Summary of Page Changes on FTA's website.  Webinars are planned for FTA fund recipients and stakeholders on August 31 and September 14, 2017. Registration information will be posted soon.

In honor of the ADA's 27th anniversary this week, FTA released a video called ADA and the FTA: Improving Transit Access for People with Disabilities.

FTA's July Transit Safety and Oversight Spotlight Newsletter is now available, with upcoming in-person and online trainings and an opportunity for an onsite FTA Bus Safety Review (submissions due August 31).
Resources and News


Last week NADTC posted the third blog in a series on Transportation Information & Referral/Assistance, or I&R/A, with this edition covering  the types of agencies that may be delivering transportation I&R/A at the local level.

NCMM released Transportation to Healthcare Destinations: How A Lifeline for Patients Impacts the Bottom Line for Healthcare Providers, which also has a companion resource guide that transportation providers can use to begin conversations with the healthcare community.

Training and Webinars

TRB is hosting a webinar on  Understanding Changes in Youth Mobility  on September 6, 2017 at 2:00-3:30 PM ET on the research from the  NCHRP Project 08-36 .  The we binar will discuss the changing mobility patterns and linkages to economic, social, and health effects. The presenters will cover best practices and potential strategies in transportation planning that address youth mobility.

Below are some upcoming NTI courses. See the  NTI Website for details and the full calendar: 
  • Introduction to Transit Service Planning - New Orleans, LA, August 23-25
  • Ridership Forecasting with Simplified Trips-on-Project Software Package for Transit Project Planning -  Philadelphia, PA,  September 6-7
  • Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors -  Atlanta, GA,  September 14
  • Implementing Rural Transit Technology - Richmond, VA
    September 21-22
TRB is seeking  nominations for the Sharon D. Banks Award recognizing excellence in people-oriented initiatives, due this Monday, July 31.
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
July 27, 2017
Transportation and the ADA Workshop
August 2-3
Des Moines, IA

Summer Conference & Roadeo
August 4-7
Williamsport, PA

State Programs Meeting
Washington, D.C.
August 16-18 

2017 TAM Roundtable
August 28-29
Cambridge, MA

GIS in Transit Conference
September 6-8
Washington, DC

20th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference
Tucson, AZ
September 25-29

National RTAP 
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Omaha, NE
Oct 29-Nov 1,  2017
Early Bird: Sept 8

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Substance Abuse Awareness Training, Testing, and Compliance Technical Brief
Anyone designated by the US DOT as a safety-sensitive employee is subject to DOT drug and alcohol testing. But what does "safety-sensitive" mean? 

This brief will provide guidance for employers who must train and test safety-sensitive employees for drug and alcohol use and misuse, and prepare employees for what to expect. 

Download it from our  Resource Library  and refresh your understanding of this important compliance topic!
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  718 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001