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FTA Deputy Administrator K. Jane Williams Will Deliver Keynote at National RTAP Conference

FTA's new  Deputy Administrator  K. Jane Williams will be providing the keynote at National RTAP's Technical Assistance Conference:  Transportation at the Center in Omaha, NE on October 30.  Prior to joining FTA, Williams was the Director of the Washington Area Transit Office in the Maryland DOT. She previously served in the Executive Branch at the Department of Energy, Department of Labor and Department of Interior. 
2017 National RTAP Conference Early Bird Deadline

Register  by September 8 to receive the Early Bird Rate for the 2017 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference: Transportation at the Center in Omaha, Nebraska, October 29 to November 1.     View the Conference Agenda  and register today!
National RTAP Grant Writing Webinar Posted

This webinar, held on August 30, provided guidance and best practices for writing grant applications. National RTAP Review Board members Kari Banta of Texas DOT and Katharine Mitchell of the Regional Transportation Authority of Pima County, AZ presented. If you missed the webinar, it's now available  online
FTA and U.S. DOT Updates  

U.S. DOT announced a $500 million funding opportunity through the TIGER Program for projects that will have a significant impact on the nation, a metropolitan area, or a region. Webinars on How to Compete for TIGER Discretionary Grants will be held at 2:00-4:00 PM ET on September 13 and September 19. Applications are due to by October 16, 2017.

The FTA's Transit Advisory Committee for Safety (TRACS) published an Establishing a Fatigue Management Program for the Bus and Rail Transit Industry report, which identifies the major challenges in addressing transit employee fatigue and recommends components of a successful fatigue management program.

Read FTA's most recent Transit Safety and Oversight Spotlight newsletter, published in late August.
Resources and News


On August 8, 2017, the Office of Management and Budget approved a revised Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form (CCF) and authorized the continued use of the 'old' CCF until June 30, 2018. Changes were the addition of oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, and hydromorphone and the removal of MDEA.


The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM), with funding from the Federal Transit Administration, is pleased to announce the Health Care Access Design Challenge 2017 , a funding opportunity to assist seven communities in designing impactful and sustainable solutions that address their health care transportation difficulties. Applications must be submitted by October 5, 2017.

The National Center for Rural Road Safety is  launching a study that will focus on local and Tribal transportation agencies and identifying strategies to increase access and use of training resources to improve safety decision making. This study will use an online self-assessment tool to collect data about agency culture.  The results will be compared to the results for state DOT agencies.    


FHWA has released the report Every Day Counts: Creating Efficiency Through Technology and Collaboration , which seeks to advance the innovation in transportation through partnerships with public and private stakeholders. Projects include 3D engineered models, data-driven safety analyses, and road diets.

Transit Planning 4 All, an inclusive and coordinated transportation-planning project, has funded a series of pilot projects across the nation, each seeking to increase inclusion. The Inclusive Transit Planning Toolkit is a collection of key lessons learned and strategies for transit systems, leaders, and advocates to help them increase inclusive planning wherever they are.

A Safety Plan has recently been published by the Tribal Transportation Safety Management System Steering Committee. The plan identifies emphasis topics and lists strategies for improving transportation safety in Tribal areas.       


Below are additional upcoming courses. See the  NTI Website  for details and the full calendar: 
  • Transit Asset Management Implementation for Tier II Providers and Sponsors -  Atlanta, GA,  September 14
  • Onboard Camera Applications for Buses - Webinar, September 14
  • Implementing Rural Transit Technology Course -  Richmond, VA,  September 26-27
  • Transit Maintenance Leadership Workshop - New Orleans, LA, December 4-8
Do you have questions?  We have answers!

Our team of talented transit resource center and technical support experts can answer any rural or Tribal transit related questions you have to help you manage your agency.  Last month we assisted dozens of people with information requests, including FTA financial plans, pre-trip inspections, drug and alcohol testing, and more.  

Reach us by phone (888-589-6821), email, and chat (click on chat at  We look forward to helping you!
Visit Us on Facebook and Help us Reach 250 'Likes'!
Like our National RTAP Facebook page and stay up-to-date on all our resources and opportunities between editions of eNews!
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
September 7, 2017
Annual Training Conference
Anchorage, AK
September 9-12

FleetCon 2017
Provo, UT
September 11-13

Transit Maintence Forum
September 11-13
Indianapolis, IN

Tri-State Transit Conference
September 13-15
Freeport, ME

Award Management Requirements Circular 
September 14
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET

Onboard Camera Applications for Buses
September 14
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM ET

National Center for Rural Road Safety
Roadway Safety Data and Analysis Toolbox
September 14
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Decision Processes for Asset Condition Assessments 
September 19
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET

20th Annual National Tribal Transportation Conference
Tucson, AZ
September 25-29

Implementing Rural Transit Technology
Richmond, VA 
September 26-27 

Oregon Transit Association
Annual Conference
Pendleton, OR
October 1-4

Arkansas Transit Association
Annual Conference
North Little Rock, AR
October 2-3 

EXPO and Meeting
October 8-11
Atlanta, GA

National RTAP 
2017 Technical Assistance Conference
Omaha, NE
October 29 to November 1,  2017
Early Bird: Sept 8

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . To submit an event, email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
National RTAP recently updated our technical brief   Grant Writing Made Easy: How to Write a Successful Grant Application . The brief addresses how to plan and write a successful grant proposal.  It provides tips  on  searching  for grant  opportunities, covers the essentials of submitting and following-up on your application, and provides a list of helpful resources.
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  718 7th Street NW, Washington, DC 20001