iOS 10.1,  Top Secret New App, Bahamas
Flight Log
Oct. 2016
Dear fellow pilot,

Before getting into the meat of the newsletter ... everyone at Seattle Avionics hopes that those of you affected by Hurricane Matthew have come through the storm safely.  Disaster or averted disaster makes you remember what's really important in life.

Quick summary of what we're up to:

I'm Steve Podradchik, the CEO here. I write the newsletter so email me personally if there is something you'd like me to cover next month.
Top Secret Project
New Aviation Tech: Successful Flight Test

The problem with secrets is that the real fun is in telling people about them!  I'm afraid I just can't do that now but it's something so amazing, so different, and so exciting that you'll go "WOW!" when you see it.  And you'll see it in an all-new app very soon.  That said, we'll post more about the tech and the app in our Blog so use the "Follow" links on the right side to get email alerts when we begin spilling the beans.

Bahamas Approach Plate

A few weeks ago we added airport diagrams and approach plates for most airports in the Bahamas.

There is no charge for this addition and it was automatically made available to all our ChartData users such as FlyQ EFB, Dynon, Aspen, Bendix-King, GRT, and more.
Washington Legend
Sectional Margin Notes and Legends

FAA Sectionals are far beyond maps and more like a sort of visual database - info above the map, below the map, and to the left and right of the map.  Now we take all the notes on each Sectional and gather them together into one new, compact document per Sectional. They're now directly at your fingertips in FlyQ EFB's new Documents tab.

To get the new margin notes, simply go to the Documents tab, click the + (Add) button, and select the FAA VFR Charts category.  Look for anything with the name Margin Notes in the name.  Best of all, as the Sectionals change and the FAA updates the notes on the side FlyQ EFB's background sync feature automatically downloads the revised margin notes!  Nothing could be easier.  
iOS 10.1
New iOS 10.1

Another day, another iOS release to test.

Initial indications show no issues.  But as it's a relatively major release and at least one change involves Bluetooth, we advise caution for now.

We regularly notify users of our iOS compatibility testing from our Blog.  Use the "Follow" link on the right side to subscribe to it.

CFI and Student Discount
$19 FlyQ EFB for CFI / Students

Being a CFI isn't easy - low pay, cringe-worthy student landings (we've ALL been guilty here), and cramped cockpits.  I mean, really, how many times can you can you say "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" without going crazy? We think CFIs and student both deserve a break.  A price break, in fact.

From now on, active CFIs get a full year of FlyQ EFB VFR + IFR for just $19 and their students get a year of VFR for the same $19.
FlyQ Android
The Return of FlyQ Pocket Android

FlyQ Pocket is available for iOS now and has been available for Android in the past when the app was distributed by AOPA.  It's taken a while but a new version of FlyQ Pocket for Android is now in beta testing.  We expect it to see the light of day in November.  As with the current iOS app, no AOPA membership is required and it's free to all pilots.

Thank you for your patience.

Earlier Release of ChartData

We hear you!  Many of you have said that you'd like to see our CharData released earlier than we do now.

Currently, we release the ChartData on the Monday or Tuesday before a new cycle starts (which is always on a Thursday morning).  

Starting today, we'll try to release new ChartData the Friday before the new cycle starts (i.e. six days before it become active).  I said "try" because living up to our FAA DO-200A quality assurance has to come before delivery speed but that's our new goal.

Tips and Tricks
Tips and Tricks

We recently added a new section to our Web site -- Tips and Tricks (under Support). It will be continuously updated and we'd love it if you'd email us suggestions! Here are some of the most common topics:
  • How to use the ChartData Manager to automatically update data sticks
  • A note about FAA plate expiration dates
  • How to automatically keep FlyQ EFB updated when new versions come out
  • Deleting Personal Waypoints
  • Adding fuel stops
  • Removing approach plates from the map.
Seattle Avionics | 425.806.0249 | |