"Houston is a caring city that fosters cooperation...neighbors looking out for neighbors
and pulling together to face our shared challenge." 
                                                        Mayor Sylvester Turner


The Unfolding Story of POLUNOT®

Environmental artist Gail Mebane will introduce a product she has developed for artists at an exhibition at The Collective opening September 14, 2017, with a reception from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
The Unfolding Story of POLUNOT marks the beginning of a plan to engage the city in a major  environmental initiative.  POLUTNOT is an art surface made from recycled plastic grocery bags that can be used instead of canvas and paper.    
On Earth Day, April 22, 2018, Mebane will launch an exhibit at the Harambee Art Gallery at City Hall, where she is the educational director and cofounder, featuring the art of Houston area high school and college students and professional artists using POLUNOT exclusively as the art surface.    
"However," Mebane reports, "the major environmental initiative in the works is a Guinness World Record challenge to create the largest mural made from recycled plastic grocery bags.  It will be staged here in Houston on a giant plastic bag surface.  I am currently in talks and negotiations with Guinness to formulate and schedule the challenge.  
"We expect this initiative to create excitement throughout the city and showcase the talent of many Houston area muralists," she predicted. 
  "We realize some communities seek to ban the bag, but Houston will become known as the city that embraced the bag and transformed it into a global movement. I hope to ignite a spark with this September exhibit and in due time light a fuse to a global explosion of environmental art innovation," Mebane explained.
The Unfolding Story of POLUNOT exhibition runs through October 14.  The Collective is open during exhibition Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12 noon until 5 p.m. and by appointment.  
#Houston Strong
  Sarah Trotty, left, and Weslie Barry help sort and organize donated art supplies secured by the efforts of Lee Ann Carrier, who then delivered them to NRG and the Salvation Army  for children affected by Hurricane Harvey. 
Project Row Houses Summer Round

The Collective, with the help of Calin Bruett and Kirsey Newland, created activities engaging adults and children at Project Row Houses during the opening of their Summer Round. 

Jubilee Quilt Circle  
Learn the art of quilting at any early age.  Leslie Abrams, right, helps a young
student with her stitches.

Preserving The Collective's History  
Michelle Barnes visits The Collective's archives, now housed in the Rice University Archives of Woodson Research Center, thanks to the contributions of Maya Reine, administrator of Center of Engaged Research and Collaborative Learning, and Lee Pecht, University archivist and director of special collections.

Quilt Peace, New Art on the Block  
Staffers from Adventure Playground Systems begin installing  "Quilt Peace," a large public sculpture, in front of the Bermac Art Building, where The Collective has its exhibit space and offices. The sculpture was created to connect The Collective's Jubilee Quilt Circle during the November International Quilt Festival at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

The Unfolding Story of POLUNOT
September 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30
October 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14
12 noon to 5 p.m., Thursdays through Saturdays, and by appointment

Jubilee Quilt Circle
September 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Fridays, 1 to 3 p.m.


Coming Soon!

Blood Rich Legacies
Paty Lennon
Lee Ann Carrier



Workshops and demonstrations  are offered at The Collective,
4101 San Jacinto, Suite 116, on Thursdays
from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Fridays from 1 to 3 p.m.

The Community Artists' Collective invites you to learn about and to
work on textiles, including quilting, knitting, crochet and embroidering. 
Please join us. 

Supplies provided. Suggested donation is $30 per month.


Community Artists' Collective