As a student of economics during my undergraduate years, I was fascinated by the various incentives that drive us humans - the general laws of supply and demand, incentives to save or spend layered into our tax laws, and other costs we face daily, such as the price of parking in Boston, or the traffic levels at different times of the day. The economy rolls along based on what we do or choose not to do, often based on how we value - in dollars and cents -- our time, our environment, and our wants for food, clothes or even love. As Americans, we tend to begin with the notion that the market generally works, but needs to amended, to ensure that certain people or causes or values are not forgotten.
What would God's dream of the economy look like?
The prophet Isaiah asks, "Why do you spend money on things other than bread? And your labor on things that don't satisfy?" That's a decent question for these summer days, when we want to pause, and reassess our priorities.
In your own life, what is the role of incentives, and what's the role of generosity - the profligate sower of seed just tossing it out so that it hits fertile ground, where the return on supply could be 100 to 1, but also the hard-trodden path, where birds took the seed with glee, and nothing grew?
The Bible gives such intriguing, odd images - always still relevant for my life and yours. Join us for summer musings on the important, bottom line issues of our lives.
Summer Services
For the month of July the Wednesday Communion service will be held at the Little Chapel at 64 Beacon Street at 6 PM each week.
During August, there will be no Morning Light or Wednesday Communion services. Morning Prayer services will continue each Sunday at 11 AM.
We welcome everyone to join us back to our full schedule beginning again in September.
Enjoy the summer!
Parish BBQ
While the "heavens opened up" and the rain poured down, it didn't dampen the spirits of those who came for the first of the season All-Parish BBQ, held last night at the Parish House. Master-griller Bob Fallon braved the lightening, and withstood the rain to cook fabulous food, while others brought other sumptuous side dishes to share.
Joy and Bob, braving the rain as they prepare to grill outside.
The next BBQ will, again hosted by Joy and Bob Fallon will be held, rain or shine, at the Parish House on
Wednesday July 26 at 7 pm, immediately following the
6 pm Evening Service. RSVP to and let her know what you can bring to share!
Morning Light at King's Chapel
Last Sunday at the
9 AM
Morning Light Service, in our air conditioned Little Chapel, dapper young Mr. Aumond helped collect the offering, mentored by rising Middle Schooler Will Speight. Pictured are our newest usher, with his proud parents, Bernardo Aumond and Meaghan Hamilton. Morning Light is a wonderful way to get an early jump
on Sunday
. It meets through
July 30
, then resumes Labor Day Weekend,
Sunday September 3
Members of the Archives Committee members joined together this past
Sunday to discuss the current state of the King's Chapel and consider where to go from here. It was a great pleasure to welcome Lucyanna Burke, a new King's Chapel member, into our ranks.
On hand this past
Sunday were Chair Marie Wells, Lucy Burke, Chris LaRoche, Lee Glenn and Dorothy Waldron (not shown).
Unitarian Pilgrimage
On Saturday, July 8 after 5 days of building with Habitat Cluj, we traveled though the Transylvanian country side first to Torda. We were accompanied by Júlia Jobbágy one of the 2 assistant ministers at First Unitarian. Torda is a lovely medieval city and site of the Edict of Torda. We met at the Torda Unitarian Church with Rev. Lajos Jozsa and hear the end of choir practice. The choir is preparing for Sunday's confirmation service. This church is partnered with First Parish Weston and gets very strong support. This partnership is guided by Larry Coburn.
Rev. Jozsa first takes us to the current Roman Catholic church where the Edict of Torda was formulated in January 1568. There is a prominent memorial stating in Hungarian, Romanian, and English that this is the site of the first statement of religious freedom in Europe. We were informed of the religious and political importance of the edict.
We returned to the Unitarian Church of Torda. This was constructed when Unitarians were again allowed to build churches. In this church we see 4 elements common to all Transylvanian Unitarian churches:
- the statement, Egy Az Isten ("God is one" in Hungarian).
- carved wooden elements including the communion table.
- the dove and serpent coat of arms of the denomination.
- cloth elements embroidered bright red on white. This includes hymnal covers, table cloths, memorials, etc.
A highlight of Torda is the excellent local museum. In it is the famous painting of the Edict of Torda by Aladár Körösfői-Kriesch. Until recently this painting was exhibited in extremely poor viewing conditions. Now it is prominently featured at the Torda Museum for all to appreciate. A copy of this hangs in King's Chapel House. This museum also features rich archaeological artifacts from the locality showing the impact of a multitude of cultures.
A brief stop was made at the Torda Gorge. This beautiful site is a center of recreation including camping and hiking. Next we stopped at the Rimetea Romanian Orthodox Monastery. This was built in 2000 and is one of many recent Orthodox structures being built in Transylvania. The Orthodox Church has a special relationship with the Romanian government and this increased building is an expression of nationalism.
Rimetea is the Romanian name for Torockó which is a predominantly Hungarian community. Originally it gained prominence a source of iron ore. Now it has a mainly Unitarian population with small communities of Roman Catholic and Romanian Orthodox. We were greeted by Rev. Márton Csécs, a young, highly regarded minister. He gave us a tour of the church and an introduction to the community. As in all the Unitarian churches we visited the visual elements described earlier are widely displayed. On the Sunday after our visit 7 youths were confirmed, 5 local and 2 returning from their residences abroad.
Building with Habitat Cluj
Our King's Chapel team has worked on 2 different construction projects both in communities adjacent to Cluj, Jucu and Apahida. The Apahida project is a joint venture to integrate Roma (gypsies) into Romanian society. Four organizations have teamed to provide various elements of this venture:
- Cluj Development Agency (with substantial funds from Norway).
- Alt Art-providing educational and social possibilities.
- Roma association of Coaste.
- Habitat for Humanity Cluj.
The total program is aimed at a few thousand Roma. Major components are rebuilding a youth center in Cluj, educating youth in conventional Romanian schools, and educating adults in basic reading, writing, and arithmetic skills.
The HFH component is to provide housing for 35 Roma families. These will be distributed to various locations in order to avoid creating a ghetto. The project we worked on was in Apahida where 6 families will live in a 6 unit condominium. Because of the huge difference in traditional Roma living styles and typical Romanian society, 3.5 years of preparation are used by HFH. Elements of this are learning Romanian societal conventions, maintaining property, understanding mortgages, etc. Non-Roma families are given 4 months of preparation.
The goal is to have these units available for occupancy on August1. Because the project was slightly behind schedule we were reassigned here to prepare for installing concrete floors.
We had the opportunity to work alongside a Roma man who is scheduled to become one of the homeowners. For me this was the first social interaction with a Roma other than be approached by beggars. This was very meaningful for me.
We built in Jucu for all but 2 of our workdays. Habitat is constructing 70 homes adjacent to a beautiful pastoral setting of rolling hills and farmland. Twelve of these duplex units are occupied. Two are near completion. We worked on units 15 and 16. Our tasks have been varied and included:
- Mixing and pouring concrete to construct exterior stairs.
- Installing wallboard.
- Excavating for drainage and external slabs.
- Installing drainage collection components.
The KC team worked alongside volunteers from France, a youth from First Unitarian, prospective
homeowners, and Habitat employees.
The people who will occupy units 15 and 16 are working with us daily. Erika and Istvan Bertalon, ethnic Hungarians, will occupy unit 15 with their 11 year old daughter. Mr. Bertalon is a skilled construction worker with more than 20 years' experience. He has lost one leg as a result of 2 subsequent work accidents. In the second he fell 40 feet when the ropes on scaffolding failed. Neither his employer nor the government gave any compensation. He will receive a prosthetic leg in September at his own expense.
The homeowner of unit 16 will be Adrian Buza, an ethnic Romanian. He is a graduate of Cluj Technical University in computer technology. Salaries are so depressed in Cluj that his family qualifies for a Habitat home. The Buzas will occupy their home with their 2 children.
Collaboration HFH Cluj and First Unitarian
First Unitarian operates the first Hungarian language daycare in Cluj. It is in a church owned building that is beyond repair. First Unitarian has received a grant of approximately USD 600,000 to construct a child care center. They intend to remove the existing structure and build a 3 storey custom designed building in its place. Since this is in the historical center of Kolozsvár, special regulations must be followed to assure the new structure is visually compatible with existing structures. The new building will be two thirds child care center and the remainder a day center for senior citizens. Care will be provided to all members of the community, irrespective of religion or ethnicity.
An architectural competition was held and First Unitarian has chosen a design. Total project cost is estimated at USD 1 million. Design contracts will be signed this week. First Unitarian and Habitat Cluj are in discussion to determine if there is merit in collaboration between the two. Habitat has strengths in:
- Permitting process.
- Project management.
- Materials procurement.
- Fundraising.
- Use of apprentices and volunteers.
- Access to discounted professional services.
The next meeting will be held at Habitat headquarters within the month.
Looking Forward
Our last day of work is July 12. In the evening we shall have our closing event at the First Unitarian church hall. This will include:
- Participation by First Unitarian, Habitat employees, the Habitat families we built for,
international and local volunteers, and the King's Chapel team
- A Transylvanian buffet.
- Transylvanian folk music and dance.
- Presentation of gifts from King's Chapel.
After this we shall depart for Budapest where we shall have a grand tour of the city and visit the Bela Bartok Unitarian Church.
Peter Sexton Kolozsvár July 12, 2017
If you did not receive a pledge card, contact Gretchen Horton at the Parish House offices at 617-227-2155 x 108, who will be happy to send one to you!
Morning prayer verger Lia Atanat will be verging her last service with us this Sunday before leaving for Turkey. She will be teaching English in Istanbul while her new spouse Görkem conducts his doctoral research there for the next year. Lia is grateful to have had the privilege and pleasure of getting to know the congregation and staff at King's Chapel, and has full confidence that new verger Zack Charette will be able to fill her shoes for the rest of the summer.
"We Rejoice with Those Who Rejoice, and Weep with Those Who Weep"
We rejoice with Ray Hardin, as he recovers from double knee surgery. He went home last Thursday and is getting PT at home. By now he is probably yearning for some company so feel free to give him a call and stop by.
Joseph Kubiak, our member who is completing his residency in New York in dental pathology, sent us an update this week. We have prayed for Joseph weekly at Sunday worship, after he shared with us his debilitating hereditary diagnosis received while he was a student at Tufts Dental School. We rejoice that Joseph continues to find new avenues through which to manage his constant pain. We're excited that he is now looking for jobs, and rooting that he receives the best offer back in Boston! It'd be wonderful to welcome him back into our weekly worshipping congregation again.
This week, we mourn with our members who have both recently lost their fathers, remarkable men of both professional accomplishment and service to their communities. May we join together to offer support to one another in the face of our losses, and give thanks for lives well lived.
Kent and Becky Wittenburg laid to rest Kent's father, who died in June at the age of 97. Kent offered a eulogy at the Episcopal service held in Concord, NH and the family gathered in Franconia, NH for the burial. Our prayers continue to be with Kent and Becky during this time. More information about the life of Dr. Ross Whittenburg can be found at bituary.aspx?n=ross-elmore whittenburg&pid= 185812903
Jessica Allan Schmidt and her family on Tuesday held the funeral mass for her father, also in New Hampshire. Jessica has been deeply involved in her father's care over the last year, since her mother died. Our love goes to them all during this difficult time. More information about Dr. Allan, his work as an engineer, and his life of dedicated service to the community can be found at
Finally, we added prayers last week to our weekly Sunday bede list for Charles, our member who is facing a difficult diagnosis, progressing too swiftly. We pray for guidance for him, his family and the caregivers attending to him.
Morning Light | 9 AM
At the Little Chapel
Morning Prayer | 11 AM
The Rev. Joy Fallon will Preach
Jim Power, Lay Reader
Carson Cooman, Guest Organist
Thomas Gregg, Soloist
Paul Luca, Head Usher
Judy Luca and Betsy Peterson, Ushers
- Lia Atanat and Zack
, Vergers
The Readings:
- Psalm 65:9-13
- Old Testament:
- New Testament:
The flowers on the Communion table are given by
Mary Sears in loving memory of Julia Sears Phelps and Reginald Phelps.
At the communion rail following the service,
Todd Lee will greet those interested in learning more about King's Chapel.
After the service, all are invited to Punch on the Bricks,
hosted by Amanda Cegielski and friends of the Hospitality Committee.
Wednesday Service
July 19
Holy Communion |
6 PM
at The Little Chapel
Rev. Joy Fallon will preach
- Sudeep Agarwala, Soloist
- Brad Werner, Verger
Tuesday, July 18 |
12:15 PM
Joshua Lawton plays the C.B. Fisk Organ Frescobaldi, Hindemith, Pärt
Upcoming Meetings
July 18:
* Stewardship Meeting - 6 PM
Staff Absences
Heinrich will be away on sabbatical during the months of July and August. Carson Cooman and Sean Lair will provide music for our services in his absence.
Want to know
what's going on at
King's Chapel?
to view the King's
Chapel Schedule at our website:
Volunteer: Sign up
for Hospitality
Anyone can help!
Enter your email and select a spot to fill. New volunteers may choose to co-host with a buddy. Questions? Email
Interested in Membership?
Contributing to Between Sundays
Our enewsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon. Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Brad at with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at noon!
Accessibility Assists
Our beautiful Georgian sanctuary designed by Peter Harrison and completed in 1754, has been lovingly maintained by the congregation since its completion. One of the box pews has been made wheel-chair accessible. Ushers are available to assist those who are wheelchair-bound to that pew.
A sound system has been installed in the sanctuary of The Chapel to amplify the sound during worship services. Hearing assistance devices are available for your use. Please see an Usher for assistance.