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National RTAP Webinar: Estimating Ridership of Rural Demand-Response Transit

Join us  on Wednesday, November 16, 2:30-3:30pm ET  for a presentation by Jeremy Mattson of the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC) on their recent report: "Estimating Ridership of Rural Demand-Response Services for the General Public." 

The study, which developed two models for estimating demand, can be used by transit agencies or planners to forecast demand for demand response services, estimate the impact of service changes, or project future ridership. 

Register now for this webinar and download the Full Report!
National RTAP Peer Call: NEMT Performance Measures Recording Now Available

Didn't get a chance to join us for our conversation with Frank Thomas and Nick Ducote on their recent NEMT performance measures study? The full  Recording will be available on our website within the next week. Learn more about identifying the savings and benefits public transit brings to rural communities and healthcare providers.
FTA and US DOT Updates

The Transit Safety & Oversight October Spotlight is now available, with upcoming trainings, results of the Transit Worker Assault Online Dialogue, and an interview with a Transportation Program Analyst. 

The recording and handout from the FTA Bus Safety Program's recent webinar on Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Transit Bus Incidents is now available.

October 1, 2016 marked the effective date of FTA's Transit Asset Management (TAM) Rule. As part of the agency's technical assistance to transit providers, FTA published new materials, including a webinar series, presentations, and updated FAQs.  

FMCSA issues Final Rule with grant program  Changes  under the FAST Act.

Secretary Foxx participated in a  Q&A  interview with Car and Driver, talking about advanced vehicle technologies and other innovations.
Resources and News


SURTC is hosting a webinar today, October 27 at 12pm ET on Exploring Transit's Contribution to Livability in Rural Communities, discussing a new methodology for defining livability locally and identifying potential transit markets in a community.

NTI is offering a course on  Procurement for Small and Medium Transit Systems  in Wheat Ridge, CO on December 12-13, 2016.


NCMM published a brief on Meeting the Healthcare Access Needs of Veterans, part of their Mobility Management in Practice series. 

Understanding technology projects, and how they are funded can be tricky. Check out this great  Blog Post  by the NADTC and Carol Schweiger on how to make the most of your situation.

In June mobility managers and other transportation stakeholders in New York convened for a Mobility Solutions Summit. The presentations and resources are now Available for free. 

TRB Straight to Recording for All: Lessons Learned from the Transit Field at the 2016 Asset Management Conference is now available. 

TRB's Research RecordSocioeconomics, Sustainability, Health and Human Factors includes several transit-related articles.

Looking for resources on Connected Vehicles? Check out this great  Library Guide published by the FHWA and other organizations!


Acadia National Park reveals Preliminary Concepts for reducing congestion, improving safety and ensuring the best visitor experience.
October 27, 2016
CUTR Webcast
Exploring Transit's Contribution to Livability in Rural Communities
October 27 

Data and Connected Vehicle Support of Active Traffic Management Strategies
October 31 

Transit System Security
St. Louis, MO
October 31-November 4

SMS Safety Assurance
November 3

Emerging Trends in Wheelchair Transportation: Rearward Facing Securement
November 3

TRB Webinar 
Environmental Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation
November 8 

Effectively Managing Transit Emergencies
November 15-18

National Center for Rural Road Safety
Defining the Future for Safe Rural Transportation in America 
November 19

Louisiana Public Transit Association 
Public Transportation 
November 14-16
Lake Charles, LA 

National RTAP
Estimating Ridership of Rural Demand-Response Transit
November 16,  2:30pm

SMS Safety Assurance
November 22

APTA Committee Meeting
Miami, FL
November 30 -  December 2

Using Regional ITS Architecture
December 7-8
Long Beach, CA

The 2016 FPTA/CTD Annual Conference
December 11-14
Jacksonville, FL

Virginia Transit Association
Conference and Expo
May 23-24, 2017
Arlington, VA

National RTAP 2017 Technical Assistance Conference
October 29-November 1
Omaha, NE

For a listing of all National RTAP and other national events, view our  Calendar . If you'd like to submit an event, please email

All event times listed as Eastern Time
Resource Spotlight
Want to learn about upcoming transportation events 24/7? Check out our  Events Calendar! While you are there, watch our previous Webinars and Peer Calls, or ask a question with  
National RTAP is a program of the Federal Transit Administration dedicated to creating rural and Tribal transit solutions through technical assistance, partner collaboration and FREE training materials.

Contact us:
Main:  5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:  50 F Street NW, Suite 7020, Washington, DC 20001