July 26th 6pm

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IQDCalls Chat Highlights Wednesday AM 7-26-17 Part 2 of 2

Post From IQDCalls Chat Room  
Chat Room News Excerpts & Highlights Wednesday AM  7-26-17 Part 2 of 2
txbrand: translation for bing --------> Rafidain announces the disbursement of the salaries of the education directorates in Baghdad Direction Press/Baghdad The Rafidain Bank announced the disbursement of the salaries of the staff of the first, second, first and third departments of the Ministry of Education.
"The bank paid the salaries of the staff of the directorates of education after the arrival of their own instruments from their services," the bank's information office said in a statement. "The exchange was done through an electronic and manual payment tool," he said.
txbrand: @abangjadul that is cool

Post From IQDCalls Chat Room  
Chat Room News Excerpts & Highlights Wednesday AM  7-26-17 Part 1 of 2
Acerginnala: Today, Mnt Goat posted a couple of articles basically confirming what Chattels mentions, the huge amount of Iranian militia in Iraq. At the same time, it appears that the financial agenda is moving ahead. Does anyone know it those militia will prevent an RV from happening? If so, it seems we may be in foe another dozen years or so.
ElmerFudd: @Acerginnala I've heard yes and no, so I'm not much help.
ElmerFudd: @Acerginnala I've also heard that the IMF won't allow them to RV the Iran currency as long as they are messing around in the affairs of other nations, so it's a good motivator for them to pull them out.
Acerginnala: @ElmerFuddI sure hope you are right in that one. Pull the troops out, let it RV and slide 'em back in since it seems the government wants to be under Iran's thumb anyway.


Pearle:  I feel like the RV is done. Iraq is reorganizing and restructuring itself...it's like it just has not gotten to us

Airam:  Pearle just giving them time to do what is needed .....too many years of destruction and suffering could not be reinstate in a blink of an eye .....time is all they need ....and of that we have a lot

Pearle:  There was an article where they were adjusting prices for goods...and they have been doing this for a while…. I'm thinking all those price adjustments must be for inflation because they cannot just flip the switch without in country adjustments imo

Airam:  Yes Pearle they are working lots of stuff fast .....for the first time Iraq is doing its job ASAP

Pearle:  Their electricity is on, it's needed for the ATMs, they are supposedly getting paid by only 5 percent cash, the rest is eDinar...let's see


DLR:  "Follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be." ― Joseph Campbell

Peggy68:  Oh, Yes its coming the World is preparing to Celebrate! Xoxo  Peggy68

Iraqi embassy to Bucharest organizes a celebration in the occasion of liberating Al-Mosul

Iraqi embassy to Bucharest organized a celebration in the occasion of the victory achieved by the Iraqi forces on Da'esh terroristic gangs in al-Mosul and declaring the liberation Al-Mosul.

24th July, 2017 3:51 AM



Frank26 from Mon.Night CC:

Frank26   If they announce in the coming days...something very big...like the ATM’s...would that not only force them to use their own currency?  This could explode their economic reforms. 

An article came out a few days ago that told everyone in Iraq...that they have ELECTRICITY RESERVES...and power 24/7...you cannot do banking with sporadic electricity.

 We have been waiting for the electricity to come on to ACTIVATE things for the monetary reform.  Electricity was needed...do you understand the POWER of this? Do you understand...“THEY TURNED IT ON?! 

The ATM machines will be lit-up like a Christmas tree!

ELECTRICITY --- is ready to take Iraq into an INTERNATIONAL world. 