Welcome to the September edition of Dunstan News
It's been a cold winter, and on the streets of all of our nation's capital cities you will find record numbers of homeless people. In the US President Trump has refused to unequivocally denounce neo-nazi's, closer to home we are having a $122 voluntary, non-brinding postal survey on whether some in our community should continue to be discriminated against. When we read the day's headlines, the frustration and anger can feel overwhelming. But the challenges we face can divide us or unite us; it's up to each of us to choose how we respond.
Every day, remarkable people and organisations around the world are standing up and proving that progress is possible. This year's Homelessness Conference keynote speaker was Jake Maguire from Community Solutions - an organisation that has supported eight communities in the US to functionally end homelessness. A remarkable achievement and something I am pleased the Dunstan Foundation is seeking to replicate here in in the form of the
Adelaide Zero Project.
We continue to be engaged in a variety of activities promoting action for a fairer world and in this quarters' newsletter you can read about all of this and more, including:
- Our first Dunstan Film Club event, where a proportion of every ticket sold will go to sharing the joy of film with those who otherwise would have missed out (Note: it's this Wednesday!)
- An event to Raise a Glass and celebrate 50 years since Don Dunstan first became Premier and the abolition of the 6 o'clock swill.
- Upcoming events as part of Allyson Hewitt's second visit as our Thinker in Residence, including a showcase and public oration.
- Highlights from the 2017 Homelessness Conference and details of the exciting Adelaide Zero Project
- A range of other events we are supporting like the Southgate Oration on refugees with Julian Burnside.
- With sadness we acknowledge the passing of Bill Cossey AM our long time Board Chair.
- We have also listed a range of other events and articles we've been reading we thought you might be interested in.
As always we value your feedback on what we are doing so please get in touch and enjoy the warmer weeks ahead!
David Pearson
Executive Director
Don Dunstan Foundation
Dunstan Film Club - The Big Sick
13 Sept 5.30 - 8.30pm (6pm screening) | Mercury Cinema, Adelaide
The Don Dunstan Film Club offers you the opportunity to see some great films and, at the same time, share the joy of film with those who would otherwise miss out. The idea is to build a community of people who care about social justice and love film to get together and share the experience with others who wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity.
We will use a proportion of every ticket sold to provide free tickets to carers, people on fixed and low incomes, refugees, people with a lived experience of mental health, homelessness, addiction and family breakdown.
We are working with a range of charities on this and we
hope you can join us, tickets are only $12.00 (thanks to the support of Anglicare SA and the City of Adelaide) or $7.00 for members, unwaged and students.Ticket price includes a snack (popcorn!!) and a soft drink on arrival at the Mercury Cinema.
The Big Sick is our first firm and tells the story of Kumail a Pakistani comic who meets an American graduate student, Emily, at one of his stand-up shows. As their relationship blossoms, he worries about what his traditional Muslim parents will think of her. When Emily suddenly becomes ill, and in a coma, Kumail finds himself developing a bond with her mother and father.
Raise a Glass to Don
Wed 27 Sept | 5.30 - 8.30pm | Finn McCools, Norwood
Don Dunstan was one of Australia's most charismatic, courageous, and visionary politicians; a dedicated reformer with a deep commitment to social justice.
Please join us to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Don Dunstan first becoming Premier of South Australia and his achievements. The event will also provide the opportunity to make 50 years since the abolition of the six o'clock swill. To recognise that Don was a long serving member of Norwood, we are hosting the celebrations at the Norwood Hotel (Finn McCools). We hope you can join us for what will be a fun night.
General $50 | Member/Unwaged/Conc. $45
Drinks and nibbles included.
Thinker in Residence Allyson Hewitt is Back in Town!
Allyson will be arriving in Adelaide soon for another jam packed 3 week visit.
With a newly gained perspective of the South Australian innovation landscape Allyson has returned determined to explore key segments of the purpose economy.
The absolute do-not-miss list:
Thanks for your ongoing interest in the Social Capital Residencies and we hope to see you during Allyson's visit and Open State.
Prof. Alexander Betts to deliver Hugo Lecture at Open State
Oct 2017 |
5:30 - 7:00pm | Bonython Hall, University of Adelaide
This year's Hugo Lecture, Transforming a Broken Refugee System, will be delivered by Professor Alexander Betts, Director of the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford, whose research focuses on the international politics of asylum, migration and humanitarianism.
Recently named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, Betts is an engaging and powerful speaker who's work is attracting international attention.
This lecture is taking place as part of Open State; tickets are free thanks to the support of the University of Adelaide. The event is presented by the Hugo Centre, with the support if the Don Dunstan Foundation and Multicultural SA.
9th Southgate Oration with Julian Burnside AO, QC
12:30pm - 1:30pm Thursday 29 October | Flinders University
The Dou Dunstan Foundation has for the first time partnered with the Southgate Institute on their annual oration. This year's oration,
We are harming refugees, but why?, will be presented by Julian Burnside QC. We hope you can join us for what will be an informative talk about the harm Australia's refugee policies are continuing to inflict and why this is the case.
Julian Burnside is an Australian barrister who practises in a range of fields, he is an author and one of Australia's most prominent human rights and refugee advocates. The oration is free thanks to the support of Flinders University, but bookings are essential.
Adelaide Zero Project Launched - August 2017
On any given night there are up to 120 people sleeping rough in the city which is something the Don Dunstan Foundation is keen to address.
A broad coalition of organisations, led by the Don Dunstan Foundation, has come together to lead the charge for Adelaide to become the first city outside North America to implement an approach that has seen a number of communities achieve Functional Zero homelessness.
Read the Press Release here. At this years Homelessness Conference we released a
Discussion Paper and
Briefing Paper which are now available for download on our website. We'll have more to say about next steps on the project soon, but if you are interested in being involved please let us know, we are always looking for new partners, donors, volunteers and ideas
2017 Homelessness Conference
Thursday 17 August 2017 | Adelaide Convention Centre
This year's homelessness conference was a resounding success with over 230 delegates gathered together we launched the Adelaide Zero Project and made a number of changes to the format to make it as informative as possible. The focus of this years conference was on finding better ways to work together to not just address homelessness - but end it.
View the video recordings and presentations on the
2017 Homelessness Conference Resources Page
Dunstan Dialogues
We recently launched a new events series called the Dunstan Dialogues where we connect thought leaders from around the world with leaders from the South Australian public, private, community and university sectors in a boardroom setting. The idea is to exchange knowledge, to make connections and encourage further collaboration.
We've held a number of sessions lately including:
- A national and global perspective on Impact Investing - Rosemary Addis, Impact Investing Australia
- Sick of the Fringe - Brian Lobel, Wellcome Trust
- Scaling Social Impact - Jake Maguire, Community Solutions USA
- From the Welfare State to an Investment State - Fullbright Scholar David Stoesz
We are always looking for interesting visiting speakers and organisations willing to host these boardroom conversations. Please get in touch if you have ideas or are able to help out.
Crowdfunding and the Social Economy
5:30 - 7:30pm | Thurs 14 September | Pranzo, Exchange Place
Crowdfunding platforms help social enterprises and purpose-driven businesses to raise awareness, grow community and raise capital. Alan Crabbe, CEO and co-founder, Pozible and Birchal and Tom Dawkins, CEO and co-founder, StartSomeGood share their experience and insight, including a lively panel and time to network over a glass of wine and wood oven pizzas (all diets catered for). You'll also get to hear first-hand from some people who've had crowdfunding success.
Building Smart Communities
9:30am - 12:00pm | 28 Sep 2017 | The Science Exchange
Smart cities understand, value and leverage the resources within their communities. Amelia Loye (engage2), Justin Hermann (US Government), Rebecca Rumbul (MySociety UK) and Adam Beck (Smart Cities Council ANZ) discuss how technologies are being used by governments across Australia, New Zealand, Europe and America to understand, engage and work with the communities they service. Many thanks to event organiser Amelia Loye who is donating all booking fee profits for this event to the Don Dunstan Foundation.
2017 John Perry Oration
7.00pm | 22 September 2017 | The Adelaide Pavilion
The SA Chapter of the Hellenic Lawyers Association has the pleasure of presenting the 2017 John Perry Oration, to be given by The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG on the topic "Justice Perry and the beneficial interface between Australian and International Law".
The Bug Expo
5.00 -7.00pm | 2nd October (Labour day public holiday) | Tarndanyangga
The Bug Expo is an opportunity for families to get up close and personal to a range of insects and hear from experts about the role they play in our ecosystem, and potentially our future food. There will be live insects on display to view and hold and a range of insect based food products from whole crickets and mealworms, to processed, e.g. cricket pasta and cricket corn chips. This event is part of the
Post-Holden South Australia and the Future of Manufacturing
12pm - 1:30pm | Wednesday 4 October |The Science Exchange, Adelaide
Presentations from Senator Kim Carr, Hon Kyam Maher, Nick Champion MP and John Camillo will be followed by a panel discussion. This event is organised by the Australian Industrial Transformation Institute at Flinders University.
Fake It 'Till You Make It.
Read the true story about a couple confronting mental illness - who then turned
the s
tory of their experience into the hit stage show which helped inspire the Social Change Guide to the Adelaide Fringe Festival that the Foundation created for the first time last year.
Dunstan, Christies and me: growing up in the 'Athens of the South' - Chris Wallace. "
Adelaide's golden age began when the Beatles flew into town on June 12, 1964, electrifying the citizenry out of their country-town torpor into a screaming mass on the streets. It ended when a dressing-gowned
Don Dunstan resigned office on February 15, 1979 - the last day of the most exciting state government Australia has ever seen."
All About that Base - George Monbiot. "
Our democracies are broken, debased and distrusted. Here are some ideas for restoring them."
The Adelaide Zero Project - Reducing Homelessness to Zero
- Wendy Williams. "The Zero Project, launched by the Don Dunstan Foundation, is targeting rough sleeping in Adelaide's CBD in a bid to achieve functional zero homelessness - where the number of homeless people on any given night is no greater than the housing placement availability."
Vale Bill Cossey 1948 - 2017
It is with sadness that we acknowledge the recent passing of Bill Cossey AM, the Don Dunstan Foundation's long serving Chair of the Board of Management. Bill served as Chair for 15 years, bringing absolute dedication, a rich source of expertise and unparalleled diplomacy to his activities with the Foundation. We are extremely grateful to Bill for his stewardship over those years and our thoughts are with his family and friends at this sad time.
The Don Dunstan Foundation is proudly supported by The University of Adelaide and Flinders University.