Monday, September 11, 2017
This week we start our new
TDPS Wednesdays Series on Wednesday, September 13. This week's topic is an introduction to our new program, the International Program for Creative Collaboration and Research, presented by Professor Frank Hildy.
The Clarice's
NextNOW Fest is also this week, featuring many TDPS students and alumni! Check out the details below.
In this newsletter:
- Recent and upcoming events
- Feature Stories
- News (Awards & Honors, Performances & Productions, Publications, other activities)
- Opportunities (Jobs & Auditions; Scholarships, Fellowships, & Grants)
- Other Upcoming Events (Off-Campus)
Want to share your news with the TDPS family? Have a story you want featured? Have suggestions to improve the TDPS newsletter and communications?
Tell us about the creative, collaborative, innovative, and entrepreneurial work you're doing!
TDPS Wednesdays Series 9/13:
“Our International Program for Creative Collaboration & Research”
Wednesday, September 13, 3-4PM
Cafritz Foundation Theatre
Come learn how TDPS' new program, the International Program for Creative Collaboration and Research (IPCCR), will affect you and how you can help set the direction for its future.
Presented by Professor Franklin J. Hildy
TDPS Wednesdays Series 9/27:
Social Media Workshop
Wednesday, September 27, 3-4PM
Cafritz Foundation Theatre
Learn the ins and outs of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to improve your social media presence and make your online promotional efforts more effective. We will begin with a brief 15-20 minute presentation, but the focus of the workshop will be on answering your questions--so come with questions!
The workshop will be led by:
- Danielle Tarr (UMD Social Media Manager)
- Jessica Pettit (The Clarice Digital Experience Manager)
- Kate Spanos (TDPS Marketing Coordinator)
If you have specific topics you'd like us to cover, please email
with your suggestions.
Check out the events that TDPS students and alumni
are involved in this year's NextNOW Fest!
- Delta Chi Xi Honorary Dance Fraternity classes (various times, Dance Studio 2)
- UTAS Next Performing Arts First Look Fair
- Big 10 New Play Reading: Twilight Bowl (Friday, September 15, 6PM, Cafritz Theatre): directed by Maria Ortiz ‘15 with cast including: Agyeiwaa Asante (current TDPS student), Tierra Coates ‘17, Maryam Foye, Katerina Klavon ‘15, Wendi Rosales ’16, Ronit Zelivinski
- NextDANCE featuring Lynne Price (MFA Dance ‘15) & Kristen Yeung ‘13 (Friday, September 15, 7PM and Saturday, September 16, 8PM, Dance Theatre)
- Alumni Play Commissions (Friday, September 15, 8PM and Saturday, September 16, 6PM, Cafritz Theatre): directed by Sam Mauceri ‘15, with dramaturg Riley Bartlebaugh ‘15. Playwrights including Ann Fraistat ‘10 & Shawn Fraistat, Moyenda Kulemeka ‘16 & James Nelson ‘17 and cast including: Thembi Duncan ‘09, Heather Gibson ‘16, Tyasia Velines ‘16 and Madeline Whiting ‘13
the full NextNOW Fest lineup
#DoGood Dialogues at The Clarice
This season, The Clarice is proud to present several artists whose beliefs in social justice and the power of the human spirit inform everything they make. Designed to complement UMD’s Do Good campus initiative to create a hub of activity for philanthropy, nonprofit management, public policy, social change and leadership, these events will educate, inspire and reinforce the importance of taking action to make positive change in our society and in the world.
The Bitter Game
Keith A. Wallace's "The Bitter Game" performance and related engagement events are the first #DoGOod dialogues of the semester. Check out the schedule below:
- How to Resist: Then and Now Cinema and Politics
Old Greenbelt Theater: 129 Centerway, Greenbelt, MD 20770
Monday, September 25th, 2017 at 8:00PM
- Do Good Dialogue: Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!
Nyumburu Cultural Center, UMD
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017 at 7:00PM
MilkBoy ArtHouse
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 and Thursday, September 28th, 2017 at 8:00PM
- The Bitter Game Post-Performance Discussion: Know Your Rights!
MilkBoy ArtHouse
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017 at 9:15PM
- The Bitter Game Post-Performance Discussion: Baltimore and Beyond
MilkBoy ArtHouse
Thursday, September 28th, 2017 at 9:15PM
John Ford ‘64 and Sandra Poster ‘64 give to TDPS to support performing arts
John Ford ‘64 and Sandra Poster ‘64
met during their undergraduate years in the UMD Theatre program (then known as Speech & Dramatic Arts), and went on to build careers in speech and communications. John is the Chair of our Board of Visitors and this past year, he and Sandy decided to make a gift to UMD TDPS to support the future of performing arts education.
John C. Ford ‘64, Chair of TDPS Board of Visitors,
and his wife Sandra Poster ‘64
(photo credit: Geoff Sheil/The Clarice)
Have a story you want to share?
Christopher K. Morgan steps into new role as Executive Artistic Director of Dance Place
- TDPS artist-in-residence "alum" Christopher K. Morgan was featured in the Washington Post, introducing him in his new role as Executive Artistic Director of Dance Place.
- MFA Design candidate Peter Leibold was awarded the Hemsley Mentorship this summer to support his independent study at American Airlines Theatre on Broadway with renowned lighting designer Japhy Wiedeman. He observed Wiedeman’s work on the Roundabout Theatre Company’s production of Marvin’s Room from beginning to end. He also spent his time in NYC researching artists and analyzing the use of light in paintings found in the city’s many museums and galleries.
- PhD candidate Patrick Crowley was awarded a grant from the College Park Community Foundation (CPCF) to support a new theatre course that will engage with students in Prince George’s County high schools. The course, entitled Community Engaged Theatre: Devising, Producing and Touring Original Work, aims to create partnerships between UMD and area high schools, as well as provide educational and artistic opportunities for Prince George’s County public school students. The course will be offered by TDPS in the Spring of 2018.
Have news you want to share?
- Become a member of the Delta Chi Xi Honorary Dance Fraternity! To apply, fill out the following form and send the second link to a faculty member for a recommendation letter. Applications and recommendation letters are due September 22nd at 5:00pm. Email with any questions.
- This fall, Ford’s Theatre presents Arthur Miller’s classic Death of a Salesman from September 22 - October 22. College Students can use the discount code MILLERSTUDENT to receive $12 tickets for the show on October 3rd at 7:30PM. Discount is not available in Dress Circle; up to two tickets per order. Students must show college ID if purchasing tickets at the box office or picking up from Will Call. Purchase tickets here.
- Interested in modeling for classes in the UMD Department of Art? Check out this opportunity here.
- Smithsonian Discovery Theatre is casting for its upcoming season as well as replacement actors for an ongoing in-gallery performance at the National Museum of American History. All roles are paid; all actors must be over 18. Must be available for weekday daytime rehearsals and performances. If interested, submit your headshot and resume to More info here.
- MFA Dance candidate Christine Hands is seeking dancers to participate in a project about the refugee crisis, in collaboration with the School of Music. Contact Christine at by October 1 at. More info here.
- A UMD research project in partnership with Baltimore City Public Schools is testing the efficacy of Toggle Talk, a curriculum supplement created for kindergarten and first grade teachers to help children become bi-dialectally fluent. The project is seeking male and female speakers who can dialect shift between African American English and Mainstream American English. Pay is $50. Contact Tatiana Thonesavanh at if you are interested or for more information.
Have an opportunity you want to share?
Do you have news to share with the TDPS community?
The School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
advances and transforms the research and practice of the performing arts
through a commitment to excellence and innovative education.
Kate Spanos, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications
Grace Guarniere, Graduate Assistant