The Green Digest will be taking a break for August! Thank you all for your readership and support for green health care. See you in September!
Green Hospital Scorecard Sector Reports Now Available!
The long anticipated GHS Sector Reports are now available on the Coalition's website. Sector reports include information on:
- 2016 participant cohort demographics
- De-identified information on participant's Energy, Water, and Waste data
- Case studies and unique environmental initiatives happening at participating hospitals
- and more!
CLICK HERE to access the Sector reports and HERE for additional resources for the 2016 GHS Program. The GHS 2017 is scheduled to launch this Fall.
Solar panels minimize pollutants. As part of its journey to energy efficiency, Gundersen Health System is not only committed to constructing its newest buildings as green as possible, it is also finding ways to expand its sustainability footprint through existing facilities. The healthcare provider recently installed 912 solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of its Onalaska Clinic. The solar panels will provide 300 kilowatts of energy at peak production, an amount that is expected to lower Gundersen's annual energy expenses by up to $45,000 — all while bettering the health of the neighborhoods the healthcare provider serves.
Read more.
Health Care Without Harm urges EPA to protect programs. For over 20 years, Health Care Without Harm has worked closely with the Environmental Protection Agency to protect human and environmental health. Today, the future of the Environmental Protection Agency has never been more uncertain. Essential programs such as Energy Star Portfolio Manager, the EPA’s Waste Reduction Model, and the Smartway Program, which help hospitals reduce their carbon footprint and protect the health of their communities, are facing possible cuts to their budgets and staff. In response, Health Care Without Harm sent a letter urging Administrator Scott Pruitt to protect these EPA programs. Read more.
How do you dispose of mercury-containing lamps?
Tell us here
GROW Thrives in Second Season. Garden Rehab On Wheels (GROW), UHN's accessible garden at Bickle Rehab Centre in Toronto, has added more planters, more veggies, and a wheelchair-accessible path to its operation in its second year. Hospital employees and patients alike are reaping the benefits of on-site produce production.
Read more.
Ontario's Solutions 2030 Challenge
Ontario’s Solutions 2030 Challenge is a global call for innovators to propose their solutions to help Ontario Industry reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. With up to $7 million in funding, including up to $3 million in support for the winning team to bring their transformative technology to market, the Challenge asks teams and industry to collaborate and envision a path forward to tackle climate change in Ontario and around the world.
Applications are now open to apply for Phase 1. Entry Deadline: September 22, 2017
Learn more about the Challenge
Registration for HealthAchieve 2017 Now Open!
Global health care and business leaders come to HealthAchieve to be empowered by the potential that change holds. They seek new ways to push boundaries that move the health care system forward, to learn from and collaborate with industry leaders and innovators, and, ultimately, to change lives by helping to create a high-performing health system that is truly focused on putting patients first.
This year, HealthAchieve will be in the South Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over two days, November 6 and 7.
Register today and save with early bird rates!
CHES National Conference 2017 Quality Healthcare by Design: Putting People First
September 17-19, 2017 Scotiabank Convention Centre Niagara Falls ON
Key individuals representing over 400 healthcare facilities will be in attendance at this conference and networking event for health care professionals. Delegates include individuals who are directly involved in, or responsible for plant engineering, safety, real estate management, facilities management, facilities planning, support services, building maintenance, construction, environmental management, clinical engineering, security, and waste management.
For more information, click here.
The Young Professional Grant (YPG)
YPG allows architects, engineers, technicians and other technical disciplines who are just starting their careers in the healthcare field the opportunity to attend the CHES National Conference as an educational opportunity and to network with other professionals.
Click here to learn more.
CAEM Conference and Trade Show 2017 Registration is Now Open
Join your peers to expand networks, discover new products and techniques, hear the best speakers, and learn about the very important future of environmental management.
Occupational Infections: AIDS to Zika Dr. Murray Cohen, Consultants in Disease and Injury Control
The mounting threat of infectious agents on our health
Dr. Syed Sattar, CremCo Labs
Register before July 15th and be entered to WIN:
One Free Weekend @ Blue Mountain Resort
Includes Lodging for Two
Recycling Council of Alberta Waste Reduction Conference 2017
It Takes A Village
October 11-13, 2017
The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Lake Louise, Alberta
Join your waste reduction peers in Lake Louise to learn and discuss the latest recycling and resource conservation issues and developments. This conference will deliver technical content through topics and speakers that promise to generate lively discussion, combined with ample networking opportunities and social events, to make this the premier waste reduction event in Canada.
Sing along with the "It Takes A Village" intro video, and find program updates, registration information, and other details on the
conference web site. Be sure to come back to this site often – the program will continue to be updated as speakers, sessions, and other feature events are confirmed. Register
The RCA promotes and facilitates waste reduction, recycling and
resource conservation in the Province of Alberta.