Empowered, Invested & Committed to Reproductive Justice
Register NOW for the SisterReach RJ Summit
We are happy to announce our 2016 Reproductive Justice Summit!!!! This year, our focus includes workshops specifically addressing the impact of young people of color and poor youth not having access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Tennessee! Come hear from Teen Parents, School Board Members, Community Advocates, and the latest SisterReach data on this issue and how to get involved!  



Workshops include:
BrotherReach - workshop designed for men and boys (ONLY) to talk about sexual health, leadership and mentorship opportunities 

Dancing Mindfulness '4 Teens' - workshop for teens/teen parents utilizing movement and music as a way to heal from daily challenges and trauma youth face as young people navigating relationships and as teens parents  

#CSE4TN - a workshop educating parents about the current legislation around sex education and opportunities to get involved in the campaign  

...More workshops and panels will be announced on our web site!

Widow's Mite a Success!!!
Thanks to Participants, Supporters and Attendees
On Thursday September 29, 2016, SisterReach hosted a virtual roundtable discussion with Black women faith leaders, community leaders and seminarians around the impact of "sacrificial giving" narratives without attention to lived contexts and the effects of Black church support of  policies that penalize poor women for being poor on the lives of the women in the pews.

Thanks to the dynamic voices of Rev. Cherisna Jean-Marie, Rev. Kentina Washington, Min. Kelli B. X and Sis. Antonia Black Cotton Coleman and the valuable support of the  Religious Institute, this conversation reached women in 10 states and received rave reviews from attendees. Look out for more conversations like the Widow's Mite coming soon!
News from Our Partners & Community

Scarritt Bennett Center and the Faith Matters Network have partnered to provide an exciting opportunity for young adults interested in faith, vocational discernment, and justice-making in the world. 

Flip the Script: Discerning Your Prophetic Purpose
 is a 2-day, partial weekend retreat for Christian young adults who want their lives, and their faith, to “make a difference” but aren’t sure how.

They are looking to reach young adults, aged 18-30, who are curious about how concerns for justice intersect with storytelling and bigger questions about God's call for their lives.Please share this event with students and young adults in your circle!

Cost: $75
Includes: breakfast, lunch, and snacks on Saturday; snacks on Sunday; 2 days filled with facilitated activities and discussion with other young adults.

Visit the link below for more event details and registration information.

  CoreAlign is seeking curious, generous and collaborative applicants for the Speaking Race to Power fellowship. Addressing issues of race and power requires multiple attempts, creative iterations, and a commitment to long-term work together. Through experiential learning, fellows learn and practice new frameworks, skills and tools for disrupting the racial status quo while building a community of co-conspirators for a more powerful movement. Interested in the intersection of Race and RJ? Apply Today!

Vacation Body School (VBS) Is designed for faith communities and faith-based organizations that recognize the need for young people to have the most accurate and complete information about their bodies possible in order to make the best decisions for themselves.

VBS is a two to three day (evenings or weekends) Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health, Healthy Relationships and Self-Management learning community for 6th-12th graders. Designed to fulfill the need that is lacking in our schools' sex education programs for age-appropriate, scientifically accurate and comprehensive information about:

  • Reproductive Anatomy
  • General health and hygiene
  • Healthy relationships
  • Reproductive and sexual health (Including abstinence education)

VBS is offered as a community-wide education and enrichment event on a monthly basis.

SIGN UP TO HOST TODAY or contact our Interfaith & Outreach Coordinator, Rev. A. Faye London at afaye@sisterreach.org for more details.

SisterReach | 901.222.4425 | 901.222.4441| www.sisterreach.org