Busy with school? Football is here! Let us deliver your lawn products to you!



Mon-Fri 8-5
 Sat 8-12
Bulk Items:
Sand $60/yd
Shredded Pine
Mulch $40/yd
Gravel $60/yd
Top Soil $40/yd
Red Rock
River Rock 


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Now in Stock!
Know someone looking for a job?
Have Poa Annua break through last spring?

We have a new product to keep Poa Annua and other weeds out of your yard.  Apply this preemergent in September and you won't have to apply a preemergent until March. Come see us!
Lawn Applications
Free Delivery when you purchase 3 months worth of product!
All products for lawn care in stock all the time!
Poa Annua Prevention
The September application plays a vital role in preventing Poa Annua and other pesky spring weeds.

       October                 November
Fall Plants Arriving!

Critters Digging In Your Lawn?!
Mole Tunnels
Armadillo Holes
They love to forage through your lawn and landscape for grubs or earthworms. Kill the grubs with Bayer Grub Killer Plus. Grubs eat the roots of your grass and will damage the lawn. Also, apply MoleGo Repellant to repel foraging animals, such as moles, armadillos, skunks, etc. We even have live traps.

**Borer Alert**
Borers are hitting the Birmingham area, especially Crape Myrtles-come into the Garden Center to get a preventative insecticide because while we do have insecticides to treat the tree after you get the borers, there is no guarantee that it will have 100% effectiveness and the tree may already be too far gone to save.

Spittlebugs damaging your lawn?
This pest is feasting on lawns in Central Alabama. They suck out nutrients from grass blades causing them to yellow and wilt, eventually leading to brown, dying grass. They can be easily spotted. When the grass is disturbed, they will jump around. You can also spot the spittle mass (pictured) that holds the nymphs. If you've spotted these pests in your lawn, be sure to see us for the solution.
Ann's tired of loading concrete!

Offer valid thru 09/30/17 or while supplies last. No rain checks. In stock only.

10% OFF Fertilome products when you buy a year's worth of the monthly applications.