BSB 103     J. Morris Hicks     (7-25-17) 
"Real Cause for Alarm" re Climate Change

The Author of "The Uninhabitable Earth" Article in NY Magazine on Video
by J. Morris Hicks

In my recent BSB (#102), I defended and promoted the absolute necessity of genuine, widespread alarm--if we're going to have a decent chance of avoiding the worst effects of climate change.
Waking up the World!

After posting that piece, I noticed a six-minute video interview on CBS with the author of the now famous NY Magazine article, David Wallace-Wells. Somewhat like myself, he is not a scientist but just got curious about climate change, read hundreds of scientific papers and interviewed over twenty scientists. 

As he says in the video, he wasn't "assigned" to write the piece, but rather just did the research, wrote it and then "pitched it." Proving the widespread interest in the topic, his article quickly became the single most widely-read piece in the history of NY Magazine.

6-Minute CBS Interview (7-10-17) In this short video, the writer says that his article was intended to be "alarmist" but not "doomist," stating that he sincerely believes that "there is real cause for alarm." 

Although I was disappointed that he didn't identify "food choices" as a major driver of climate change, I have no fear that "what we eat" would garner great scrutiny if there was ever enough alarm to fuel a globally coordinated effort to urgently begin taking radical steps to save our ecosystem, our civilization and our future as a species. Radically changing our food choices will have to be a big part of that effort.
The CBS Video with David Wallace-Wells

Blog about his piece. I wrote about Wallace-Wells' piece in  BSB # 99 (7-13-17). Although each of us may disagree with some of his statements, we should all be thrilled that there is finally a mainstream article that pulls no punches when when it comes to describing the probable horrors that await us if major action is not taken soon.

The science is real and we now have a bold mainstream article  advising us what is likely at stake. It is now time for a few courageous leaders to urgently initiate the coordinated action of other powerful leaders around the world. What can we as concerned individuals do? 

By doing our best to raise the awareness of this looming threat to our future, perhaps we'll be able  to attract the attention of those urgently needed global leaders.

My Own Bottom Line.

"Nothing short of a perceived global emergency can influence enough leaders in government, industry and academia to quickly join forces in making the reversal of climate change the entire world's top priority. Then they must work urgently together as if our future as a species depended on their success--because it very likely does!"
J. Morris Hicks

Status update.  As of mid 2017, there has been zero net progress in the four "grossly unsustainable" situations that I address in my public talks. For example, relative to our food choices, the global tonnage of animal-based foods has never been higher. I used to think that rapidly shifting toward eating mostly plants could buy us enough time to address the other three issues. I no longer feel that way.

It now seems crystal clear to me that we must urgently address all four issues--in order to maximize our chances of saving our ecosystem, our  civilization  and our species. The title of my current "go to" presentation on that topic seems like a natural to me. I call it:

The Most Important Topic in the History of Humanity
To view all 48 slides in that presentation, click here. Other upcoming talks include Ithaca, NY, in September, Ontario (Canada) in the Fall, Fort Myers, Florida, in January and Honolulu in April. Finally, please let me know if you'd like for me to make a presentation at a venue near you.

Be well,  J. Morris (Jim) Hicks

Promoting health, hope and harmony on planet Earth

Moonglow J. Morris Hicks

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J. Morris (Jim) Hicks, CEO, 4Leaf Global, LLC

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