The KIT ─ Knowledge & Information Technology
No. 121 - 2 Jun 2014
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In This Issue
A Little Arithmetic
Cloud and Supply Chain
Risk Management Modeling
The End of Net Neutrality?
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A Little Arithmetic
5 x 2 x 12 + 1 = 121. In other words, No. 121 is the first issue following five years of publishing at the (initially unexpected) constant rate of two issues per month. c�b� IT & Knowledge Management was in fact registered in Texas on June 2, 2009. Five years later, we continue to learn and share. Keep reading!
Cloud and the Supply Chain
The European Supply Chain Institute issued a few weeks ago a 50-page guide, "The Supply Chain Cloud: Your Guide to Contracts, Standards, Solutions," which can be downloaded for free here.

The guide consists of 15 articles from a wide variety of sources including research institutes, vendors, standards organizations, end users, and a leading article from the European Commission.

Pages 38-41 contain an article entitled "Applications in the Cloud - Adopt, Migrate, or Build?" written by Claude Baudoin. The article leverages the recently published white paper from the Cloud Standards Customer Council about migrating existing applications to an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solution.
Risk Management Modeling
The System Assurance Task Force of the Object Management Group (OMG) has drafted a request for a "UML Operational Risk and Threat Model." The requirements cover the entire range of risks, but they also include a specialization into cyberthreat and software vulnerabilities. A lively discussion has ensued about the exact definition of "business risk," "operational risk," "threat," and whether it is desirable to define a generic risk model from the perspective of a body focused on system assurance concepts. The OMG's Business Modeling and Integration (custodian of standards such as BMM, BPMN, and several more) also has risk modeling on its roadmap. If you are interested in risk management, we invite you to observe or participate in the discussions during the next OMG meeting, June 15-19 in Boston. Ask us for more details.
The End of "Net Neutrality" in the US?
In mid-May, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) narrowly voted to consider a plan (not to adopt it yet) that would allow Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to charge Web sites for the privilege of having their content delivered faster. While the FCC hastened to assure that blocking sites or delivering them slower than the contracted speed would be prohibited, many experts fear that once ISPs are allowed to treat traffic differently based on this "paid priority" concept, the FCC will be powerless to prevent a descent down a slippery slope.

Two facts seem to give credence to the critics of the ruling. First, the explanations from the FCC chief, quoted in this article in the Washington Post, are more convoluted than those of a politician between the primaries and the general election. Secondly, if you want to assess the FCC's enforcement powers, just look at the "success" of CAN-SPAM and the DoNotCall list.

The proposal is not adopted yet, and will be subject to a public feedback period. Expect to hear a lot about this in the coming months, with lots of exaggeration on both sides. But we should all follow the story, and realize that this will not just affect U.S. customers -- if traffic from a U.S. Web site is throttled at the source, the rest of the world will experience slower access too.
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