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President Mike Davidson pictured with Secretary of Education Dietra Trent
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Dear VASSP Member:
I hope your school year is going well.

I write to briefly let you know that the VASSP Board met with Secretary of Education Dietra Trent last month at the VFEL-VASSP Offices in Richmond.  In addition, State Superintendent Dr. Steven Staples - who is a member of the VASSP Board - was able to join us via conference call during our fall meeting to discuss the Virginia Board of Education's movement toward a different system of accountability using an accreditation matrix.  I wanted to share with each of you that the VASSP Board favors such a direction, but we have expressed a strong concern over the need for professional development of principals, assistant principals and teachers to bring this new accountability system into fruition.
The accountability expectations of principals have grown exponentially and are expanding.  We now have Profile of a Graduate on the horizon which will guide revisions to high school graduation expectations for students entering ninth grade in the fall of 2018.  These revisions will be reflected in the Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia (Standards of Accreditation or SOA).
We all know that school building administrators occupy a daunting position.  The job holds us accountable for a multitude of responsibilities.  The State Board addresses the philosophy of accountability as the following:
  • Provides comprehensive picture of school quality
  • Drives continuous improvement for all schools
  • Builds on strengths and addresses gaps in current system
  • Informs areas of technical assistance and school improvement resources
I am not one to argue the above tenets; however, principals and assistant principals need to stretch our vocal chords and insist that any forthcoming change in Virginia's school accountability structure be included with a complete package of appropriate professional development funding.  There are plenty of venues and methods for school educators to receive professional development.  Professional organizations such as our own VASSP provide outstanding programs. Where to get our needed training is not the problem. What we need is the financial support to effectively carry it out.  Quality professiona l development is vital to school success. An investment in PD should be ongoing, relevant, collaborative, and connected to and derived from principals and assistant principals working together with teachers.
The State Superintendent will be meeting with the VASSP Board again on November 3 to discuss the proposed Accreditation Matrix.  I would appreciate you sharing your thoughts about this new accreditation concept and professional development needs of principals, assistant principals and teachers.  Please share this information in an email sent to  administrator@vassp.org .  We will compile all the emails and present to Dr. Staples at our meeting.

Mike Davidson
VASSP President
Principal, Marion Senior High School
Smyth Division