Houmas House Plantation



October  2016

Houmas House Plantation and Gardens


Are the Rumors of Ghosts True?
As seen by Princess Maggie
Do you believe in ghosts?  Some visitors claim they have seen spirits around Houmas House.  I can't imagine my beautiful Sugar Palace is haunted, but here is a recount of several stories shared with us over the years.
When Houmas House was undergoing renovations in 2003, a worker from the electrician's crew was the first to report that he had seen a young girl descending the freestanding stairway, and later in the large central hall. His concern expressed to co-workers: the house was a construction zone and unsafe for children, especially a girl of 7-10 
Working into the evening hours, two others in the crew saw the little girl in the blue dress with dark eyes and brunette hair. But before they could confront her, she was gone.
A cursory check of the legion of workers who came and went each day produced no identity for the little girl, or any claim to her. As work wound to a conclusion, no other sightings occurred. In the brief interim between the completion of reconstruction and work on the grounds to prepare the property for the arrival of tourists, the house was quiet again for a few weeks.

Much     Love,
Princess Maggie
Secrets From the Kitchens of Houmas House

White Chocolate Bread Pudding
10 eggs
4 cups white sugar
½ gallon milk
1 qt cream
1lb white chocolate chips
2 small loaves French bread, torn
Method of Preparation
Thoroughly blend:
10 eggs
4c. white sugar
½ gallon milk
Over a double boiler heat:
1 qt cream
1 lb. white chocolate chips
Add to milk mixture.
Spray pan with non-stick cooking spray.
Place parchment paper in pan, spray lightly with cooking spray.
Place torn bread in a large mixing bowl, add wet ingredients and mix two mixtures together until homogenous.
Place mixture in pan, cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 35- 45 minutes, until it rises and wet ingredients have been absorbed.
If desired remove foil and bake until golden brown.
Cool at room temperature.
Preheat a home deep fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Slice bread pudding into 1 inch slabs. Carefully deep fry until golden and slightly crispy.
Serve with berries and powdered sugar.

Events You Don't Want to Miss!
Annual Thanksgiving Buffet
November 24, 2016
11 am- 3 pm
Baton Rouge Symphony
December 11, 2016
4:30 pm- 6:30 pm
A special menu is offered on this night in both Latil's Landing and The Carriage House Restaurant.  View Both Menus Here

Fall Gardens Abound at Houmas House
When the seasons change, so do our gardens.  The month-long process of planting 40,000 new plants for our winter months has begun.  Spanning across 38 acres will be yellow and purple pansies, cabbages, and many more vibrant foliage to enjoy.
Fall at Houmas House brings crisp mornings and mild afternoons permitting long walks through the curvy paths throughout the property.  Get a mint julep and find a cozy spot to watch the sunset and take in your surroundings. 
Here's a sneak preview of the Fall and Winter Gardens at Houmas House. 


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 Open  Daily      

Sunday-Saturday: 9 am-7 pm

Cafe Burnside: 11 am-2 pm daily

Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6 pm-9 pm

Sunday Brunch: 11 am-3 pm

The Carriage House Restaurant:

    Breakfast- 8 am-10 am

    Dinner- 5 pm- 9 pm


 Directions to Houmas House Here


Houmas House Plantation | 40136 Hwy 942 (River Road) | Darrow, LA | 70725


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