July 2017

Here's a recap of blog posts and other news from the past month.

A recent RxISK blog post on Withdrawal and PSSD seems to have touched a nerve. It raises questions about how to handle difficult states whose very existence is denied by most of healthcare. What is the role of those affected and the role for the rest of us in finding answers for them? And what would an answer look like? Would it be a drug to put an abnormality right? Would it be a state of acceptance? 

This blog thread will continue over the next few weeks, and we welcome all input.

On DavidHealy.org there is a series of Boomerang posts that also defy ready categorization and might induce despair if you read them in the wrong frame of mind. The efforts of almost everyone who tries to do some good seem to end up making the situation worse. Is there a way to intervene that doesn't cause more problems?

Thank you for your support. 
Your feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated.
David Healy Signature (First Name)  

David Healy, MD

PS. You can find me on Twitter @DrDavidHealy. And you can also  follow RxISK on  Facebook  and  Twitter .

RxISK stories

There has been something of a hiatus on posts on DH and RxISK in recent weeks.  There are a few reasons - one of them outlined here and one to come next week. Part of the problem has been knowing what to say to people with PSSD and severe withdrawal.  I have been swamped with [...]...»


Gaming is becoming one of the biggest areas of human activity on the planet - bigger than movie-making, newspapers and most other media. Its power to shape the way we view things is clearly huge and likely to increase with Virtual Reality. Some weeks ago, a group released a new Escape from the Asylum game. [...]...»

Dr. David Healy
From David's blog...

This post continues a sequence of posts about well-intentioned efforts to produce change that may have produced the wrong change - see Boomerang and Boomerang 2. The contraceptive pill, the Pill, came into our lives in 1960. Almost immediately there were reports of young women with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolus [...] ...»


In 1983, the year before Henry Waxman got the Waxman-Hatch Act on the Statute Books he got the Orphan Drugs Act passed.  Here's how it happened. In a wonderful 2016 self-publication, Abbey Meyer, a self-styled Connecticut housewife, outlines a story that began when her eldest son David was born in 1968.  The book is downloadable [...]...»