Dear Family and Friends of ICSC,

Time is counting down and we're only two weeks away from our 2016 Heritage Awards. Please buy your tickets today! It will be a special night of appreciation as we recognize the contributions and achievements of longstanding ICSC member, Dr. Iraj Ershaghi

The Ershaghi Family has been committed to the success of the Islamic Center for many years. Dr. Iraj has served on the ICSC Board of Directors, taking on a leadership role where he was able to share his extensive knowledge and skills in order to grow the Center and continue working towards establishing the American Muslim identity. He took a special interest in the educational programs at the Islamic Center.

Dr. Ershaghi was born in Tehran, Iran. He completed his studies at the University of Tehran, and earned a degree in engineering. Following his undergraduate studies, he and his wife Mitra came to the United States to further their education. He graduated with both a Masters degree and PhD in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Southern California. Dr. Ershaghi had also made significant contributions in his professional field and was inducted to the National Academy of Engineering.

You may purchase your tickets online or call the Islamic Center to reserve your seats. Tickets are $100 for youth/children, $150 for adults, and $2,000 to sponsor a table of 10. 


In peace,

The Islamic Center of Southern California

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