This Week at the Advent

  October 23-29, 2016


In This Issue
Coat Drive
Ministry Fair Next Sunday
All Souls Day
Entr'acte Continues this Sunday
Fr Hanson is leading a four-week Entr'acte series on "The History and Practice of Morning & Evening Prayer."  All of us desire a strong prayer life, but many of us do not know how to use the handiest prayer resource available to contemporary Episcopalians, the orders for Morning and Evening Prayer in our Prayer Book.  What is the history behind these remarkable structures for daily prayer, and, more important, how can we learn how to use them together or alone to strengthen our prayer life?  This series will combine historical study with practical advice on how to recite Morning and Evening Prayer, formally at the Church of the Advent, or with family or friends or alone.

Coat Drive Continues
Coat Drive to benefit Friends of the Children, Boston-through Sunday, November 27-One Warm Coat  - Got an extra coat-any size, adult or child?  Donate your lightly worn, clean coat to our coat drive, to benefit Friends of the Children, a nonprofit agency serving Boston's most vulnerable children by breaking the cycle of poverty.  Questions?  See Deacon Daphne.
Ministry Fair Next Sunday
Ministry Fair-Next Sunday, October 30-after the 9:00 & 11:15 Masses in Moseley Hall: At the Advent, our "mutual ministry" with and to each other is the lifeblood of our parish family. How has God equipped you to serve others? Come to the Ministry Fair in Moseley Hall after the 9:00/11:15 Masses on Sunday October 30 where tables will be set up for various ministries and guilds. Grab some coffee and take a look around-learn about the opportunities to serve, and pray about how to share your time and talent as part of your parish family.
All Souls Day - Wednesday, November 2

All Souls Day will be observed on Wednesday, November 2 with a Solemn Requiem Mass at 6:30 pm
. Envelopes to receive the names of persons to be remembered at these Masses may be found with the offering envelopes given to those who pledge to the Parish or at the rear of the Church.

On Wednesday, November 2nd, at 6:30, a Solemn Mass will be sung for All Souls' Day.
The Choir and Orchestra of The Church of the Advent will offer Mozart's Requiem in D minor, K. 626 within the context of the liturgy. The eccentric count Franz von Walsegg commissioned the Requiem from Mozart anonymously, through intermediaries. The count, an amateur chamber musician who routinely commissioned works by other composers and passed them off as his own, wanted a Requiem Mass he could claim he himself composed to memorialize the recent passing of his wife. However, Mozart's untimely death prevented the completion of the work, and its completion was fulfilled by others, chiefly Franz Xaver Süssmayr. Nevertheless, despite its mixed pedigree, the Mozart Requiem has become one of the most beloved masses for the dead in the repertoire, and it is justly renowned for its beauty, its drama, and its pathos.
This email highlights just a few of the items in this week's announcements. For much more, go to

Parish Office
Church of the Advent
Sunday's Collect
Almighty and everlasting God, give unto us the increase of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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