Friday Message & 
                Upcoming Events
 May 20, 2016
  About EMUC

EMUC is a thriving Spirit-filled congregation: Diverse, inclusive,and engaged with the community and creation

The mission of Erin Mills United Church is to offer opportunities for all persons to experience the love of God through Jesus Christ.


Welcome to EMUC's weekly message along with information about ongoing events in the life of the congregation.   We are now in the season of the church year that follows Pentecost Sunday,  often called 'Ordinary Time' or 'The Season After Pentecost'.  In spite of the rather unimaginative description of the longest season in the church year, this is a season of growth as communities of faith and followers of Jesus respond to the Spirit's leading. Green is the colour for the season. 

Planting Time

Jesus said, "God's kingdom is like seed thrown on a field by someone who then goes to bed and forgets about it. The seed sprouts and grows- and the farmer has no idea how it happens. The earth does it all without help: first a green stem of grass, then a bud, then the ripened grain."  Mark 4:26-28
This is the weekend when many folk take to gardening in earnest.  Although many will be putting in the soil small 'bedding plants' that already have leaves and flowers and stems, others will be planting seeds in anticipation of a future crop of beans or lettuce, carrots or cucumbers. When you first plant a seed, nothing much happens for a while.  You water it and hope that the sun will shine, but for the most part, you don't do much.  You just wait. 
First time gardeners are often tempted to keep digging up the seeds to see if anything is changing; if anything is growing. What we soon discover is that how a seed grows into a plant or into a bush or into a tree is a mystery...we really don't know how it all happens; even scientists and farmers don't really understand how it all happens!  All we can really say is that it is a miracle of God the Creator.
We aren't very good at living with mystery.  We want to know how and why things work.  We want to be able to control the outcome.  When we plant something we want to make sure that we get the harvest we want when we want it.  In his parable, Jesus reminds us that we aren't in control. We do our part to give the seed soil and water and after that we need to let go.  We need to follow the example of the farmer in the parable who goes to bed and forgets about the seed, trusting that a power beyond his own is helping the seed to transform and to grow.
That can be hard for us: we want to make things happen in a given time span.  We want some kind of guarantee that our efforts, like seeds will bear a certain kind of fruit. Sometimes we get anxious or discouraged or angry when the seeds we've planted in life don't seem to be growing the way we think that they should or as quickly as we think they should.  But Jesus reminds us that the growth of seeds isn't just in our hands, growth is also in God's hands. 
Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl who wrote a diary while she and her family were hiding from the Nazis during WWII once said: "Everyone has inside of [them] a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" 
Anne Frank reminds us that God plants in each one of us, seeds that have great potential to grow greatly: in love and in faithfulness; in expressing and sharing with others God's good news for living.  These seeds that God has planted in us and in others, and indeed into the whole web of creation have the potential to grow far beyond our expectation or imagination and among people and in places where we don't always think anything much will happen.  And then suddenly one day we wake up and it's as if overnight there has been amazing growth!
So, if you are out in the garden planting seeds this weekend, I invite you to enter into this prayerful activity.  As you place your seed in the soil imagine God planting a seed within you. What do you want to ask God to help grow in your life, in those you love, in the community and in the world?  Make your request into a prayer; and, to that prayer, add this prayer attributed to Oscar Romero.
God of hope,
Help us to step back and take the long view.
Remind us that what we do in our lifetime
is only a tiny fraction
of the magnificent enterprise that is your work...
Nothing we do is complete, which is only a way of saying
that your realm always lies beyond us.
No prayer fully expresses our faith.
No one program saves the world.
No set of goals includes everything.
Help us to remember what we really are about:
we plant seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted,
knowing they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need future development.
We provide yeast that produces
far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything.
Knowing this frees us, for it enables us to do something.
It may seem incomplete, but it really is a beginning,
a step along the way.
Our efforts provide an opportunity
for your grace to enter and do the rest.
You are the Creator, and we work with you.
We may never see the end results that are known to you.
Even so, we are prophets of a future
that holds your promise. Amen. 
Peace, Kathy Toivanen  
This Week at EMUC

The April/May edition of the   C ommunique along with other archived editions are available on the website  www.emuc.ca.   The June edition will be online next week.

Sunday at  10 am:  Worship to celebrate Trinity Sunday.  

Monday:  The church office is closed for the Holiday.

Tuesday at 7 pm:  Open meeting of Halton Presbytery at St. Paul's United, Oakville.

Wednesday at 2 pm:  Circle of Friends Women's Group

Wednesday at 6:45 pm:  Worship with prayers and communion

Wesdnesday at 7:30 pm:  Open meeting to discuss United Church of Canada Remits

Upcoming Events

Responding to the Ecuador Earthquake and African Drought
You can be part of the United Church of Canada's relief efforts in these two humanitarian crises by giving a financial contribution. For details on the Ecuador situation and how to respond go to http://www.united-church.ca/ecuador.
For details on the drought in many African nations and how to respond go to http://www.united-church.ca/africa-drought

Responding to the Fire and Evacuation of Fort McMurray
The United Church of Canada is accepting donations to support the response of our Alberta and Northwest Conference to this disaster. The United Church of Canada
Philanthropy Unit - Emergency Response
3250 Bloor Street West, Suite 300
Toronto, ON M8X 2Y4
Please be sure to note "Emergency Response-Fort McMurray" on the face of your cheques.
To donate online go to http://www.united-church.ca/fort-mcmurray and follow the links.

'Grounded' Discussion and Reflection Group
What helps to root us in faith in times of transition and change?  What does it mean to be 'at home with God? How might our roots give us the courage and freedom to soar with the Spirit?  If these questions intrigue you, you are invited to join a small group discussion and reflection group with leadership by Kathy Toivanen.  This will be the final small group that Kathy will lead prior to her retirement.  Dates will be:  Wednesday evenings June 1, 8, 15 from 7:30 - 9:30 or Friday mornings June 3, 10, 17 from 10 am to noon.  Registration is $5.  Please register by signing up at EMUC or by contacting Kathy at kathy@emuc.ca  Resources for the discussion include:  'Grounded: Finding God in the World' by Diana Butler Bass and 'Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living' by Krista Tippett; along with video clips and other online resources.

Remits:  Information and Discussion
The Leadership Circle is hosting an evening on Wednesday May 25th at 7:30 pm to discuss two of the remits that have been put before the church.  Although the Leadership Circle has the responsibility to vote on behalf of EMUC, it is seeking the input and wisdom of the entire congregation.  The remits to be discussed will be the Three-Council Model and the Funding a New Model.  Prior to the meeting at EMUC, you are encouraged to read the remits in question by going to a special webpage on the UCC site is dedicated to informing you about the remits and the process. http://gc42.ca/remits

EMUC Sunday Hike, June 5th
Join the EMUC Striders at Hilton Falls for a nature hike on the Niagara Escarpment, followed by Pot Luck BBQ at the home of Kathy Toivanen and Al Seymour. Kathy and Al's. Be sure to add your name and items you are bringing on the sign up sheet, posted in the narthex. Items that need to be kept cold or fresh can be dropped off at Kathy and Al's at 1:15 PM on that day.  Also, a lawn chair or two would be helpful. From there (or from EMUC), car-pooling will be arranged to travel to the park gate by 2:00 PM for the outing lasting up to 2 hours.  The park entry fee for adult/senior/child is $6.75/5.75/5.00 respectively. For more information contact Tim Hayes

Hope and Healing Vesper Service
Plan to attend a special evening vesper service on Sunday June 12 at 7 pm.  The Membership and Pastoral Care committee is hosting this special service as a gift of support and comfort, healing and hope to the congregation in response to those who have lately been bereaved, those who have been living with illness, medical treatment and surgery.  There will be opportunities to light candles and offer prayers for loved ones. Special music will be provided by Len Feldman on piano and Carmen Lasceski on violin.  A reception will follow.  There will be a free-will offering.  Please invite friends and neighbours to this reflective and contemplative service.
Refugee Sponsorship News - Important Update!
Erin Mills United has more than achieved its goal of $15,000 for refugee sponsorship with a new total of $17,542. The fundraising appeal is now concluded. Thank you  to all who have donated their time, funds, encouragement and prayers.  

Our  application is still in the hands of the government. We have been dealing with Iqra Khalid (MP Mississauga - Erin Mills) in order to find out the status of the application package. We held a meeting with Iqra at EMUC on April 30th and have asked her help in expediting the application. So far, we have not received concrete help from her office in this regard. The other churches within the Constituent Group will also approach their MPs with the same goal in mind. We will do our best to work together to expedite this application as the delay is causing undue suffering for the Shalhawy family.

Our goal is to provide EMUC with regular updates. Please look for these updates in the Friday message and on our Refugee sponsorship display table in the back of the church. For more information, please contact any member of our Refugee Sponsorship Task Group: Dianne Hope, Hermine Bingham, Muriel Hamdani, Catharine Watts, Debby Sturgeon and Lorraine Brignall.
Ian MacRae Memorial Bursary
Students planing to attend college or university this fall may apply now for the annual bursary awarded in memory of Ian MacRae.  Application forms available at EMUC. This bursary is not restricted to EMUC students.  Applications must be submitted by May 31st. 

The Deacon's Cupboard
In the month of May, you are invited to bring dried beans, peas, lentils and other pulses . Volunteer drivers are required to help with the transportation of food from the Mississauga Food Bank to the cupboard.  
Involvement would normally be once every 4/5 weeks.   If interested, or to obtain more information, contact Mike Ogilvie 905-820-2387 or oglivia@sympatico.ca
  The cupboard is also looking for a doctor or nurse to help out at as a back- up when a nurse isn't able to be present on their designated week.  Contact Belinda Morrow at 905-828-2095.

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Contact Us:

Peter Kiteley, Office Administrator
Erin Mills United Church