Friday Message & 
                Upcoming Events
 September 2, 2016
  About EMUC

EMUC is a thriving Spirit-filled congregation: Diverse, inclusive,and engaged with the community and creation

The mission of Erin Mills United Church is to offer opportunities for all persons to experience the love of God through Jesus Christ.


Welcome to EMUC's weekly message.  The liturgical colour orange has now been added to EMUC's messages and newsletter.  In this season of 'Creation Time', orange represents the colour of harvest, the changing hues of the leaves and the shade that bridges the bright light of summer and the darkening days of winter. 

School starts next week and regular church activities also begin again.  However, this September is not 'regular'.  We celebrate Kathy Toivanen's ministry as she nears her retirement date at the end of the month.

Fall also brings new schedules and new activities. Plan to make EMUC a part of your fall and winter schedules.  View the calendar of events on the website at  www.emuc.ca.  

Work and Retirement
Labour Day weekend is almost upon us.  As I write this Friday message, I do so with the knowledge that in four weeks (to the day!) I will be concluding my final day of ministry with EMUC and my final day of being on a payroll! The reality of this struck home this week as I completed all the required documents to ensure that I will begin receiving a pension from United Church of Canada in October. 
As I've been drawing closer to my last day of employment, I am regularly asked how I feel about my impending retirement.  Frankly, I'm not sure because I've had very little experience of 'not working'.  Like many of you, I began to work as a teenager and young adult, taking on a variety of summer jobs - camp counsellor, data entry person in a bank (to which I was totally ill-suited!) and a cook/maid at a summer estate.  
Once I began my theological studies in preparation for diaconal ministry, I worked as a student minister, leading youth and children's programs, directing a church summer camp program, assisting with worship and pastoral care.  At the young age of 23, I graduated from theological college and was called to my first congregation - Northminster United in Oshawa.  There, as a full-time pastoral associate, I was responsible for the Christian education programs for all ages - children through to adults.  I assisted in worship and shared pastoral care responsibilities with the other minister on staff.  It was only when I moved to Mississauga, in response to a call from Streetsville United, that I began working part-time.  And yet, truth be told, I've always found it hard to keep my work hours in check, and so in many ways, the work of ministry has always taken centre space in my life regardless of whether I've worked fulltime or part-time. 
Initially, in 1988, I was appointed to a part-time ministry position with EMUC; however, from 2005 until the present, I've been employed as a full-time minister with the congregation. Over the years, I've certainly enjoyed breaks from work with a wonderful sabbatical in 2012 and the gift of a month long vacation each year.  And yet, with the arrival of Labour Day at summer's end, I always knew I would return once again to the familiar rhythm of work with EMUC.
Finding a new rhythm for my life in the days, months and years ahead is both exciting and unsettling.  In a world where so often our identity is wrapped up in our work, who will I be now?  How will I occupy my time?  How will I continue to use my skills and gifts both to serve the communities I live in and to find purpose and meaning for my life?
In response to my questions, I've had helpful suggestions and advice from a number of you who are already retired.  Some of you have mentioned that it is important to take a break for a period of time before plunging into new commitments, whether they are volunteer positions or part-time work.  Like a sabbatical, a break like this offers the opportunity to move into a new rhythm; a time to dream, explore, wonder and discern where the Spirit is calling.  With that advice in mind, Al and I plan to spend much of the first month of my retirement at my family cottage in Muskoka.  We look forward to the changing colours of fall, visiting harvest fairs in the region, canoeing on Lake Rosseau and hiking some of the trails in nearby Algonquin Park.  There will be lots of time for reading, reflection and conversation as together we plan for the future.
Although my work with EMUC will come to an end this month, my work with Halton Presbytery will continue.  I've agreed to stay on the Executive of Halton Presbytery for nine more months as the Chair of the Education and Students Committee.  This is the committee that oversees and guides students and candidates through the vocational preparation process to ministry.  So that means I'm still committed to attending three church meetings a month! 
In a world where many people labour at jobs that are unfulfilling or underpaid; where many are underemployed or unemployed; where many are exploited in their work, I am indeed grateful to have been blessed with work that has been life-giving.  The work I've been given has opened and expanded my mind, heart and eyes to the many ways that God is at work in each one of us, in our communities and in the world.  The work I've been given has connected my hands with the hands of others as together we've worked to shape hope, to bring comfort and compassion, and to strengthen the bonds that build healthy relationships and communities.  The work I've been given has indeed been a blessing.

On this Labour Day weekend, it is my prayer that the God who is still at work in us will bless the work of our hands, hearts and heads and lead us as we work for justice in the workplace for all God's people.
A Prayer for Labour Day
God, you laboured to bring this world into being
and you labour still to create and shape life
that reflects your goodness and grace. 
O God, we are the work of your hands.
In our labours, guide our hands,
as we seek to create and shape life
that reflects your goodness and grace.
We rejoice in Jesus Christ who calls us to the
lifelong work of loving one another.
We pray for the wisdom of your Spirit
to show each one of us our particular gifts and talents
for the work that lies before us. 
O God, bless the work we do.  Amen.

  Peace, Kathy Toivanen.

Kathy Toivanen's Retirement Celebrations

Sunday September 18th at 10 am: Celebration Worship Service with EMUC families (current and past), family, colleagues and friends.

Friday September 23rd at 6 pm: Retirement Dinner Party with EMUC families and special guests. Tickets for the dinner are now sold out!

Gift Donations:   A number of gifts for Kathy from the congregation have been commissioned.  Gifts will be presented to her at the Celebration Worship Service in September.  If you wish to donate to these gifts, there is a gift donation box at the back of the church in which you may place your cash or cheque.   Make cheques payable to EMUC and indicate it as 'gift donation'.  
Alternatively you may give your donation to Laura Macro or Barbara Jennings. 
Spirit Garden - Plants Needed

Since May, the gardening group has been working on a new garden on the north side of the church. A walkway of stones has been made surrounded by the garden.  The garden has been prepared and will be ready for planting in September.  Suggested plants are 
Asters, Black-eyed Susan, Daisies, Lavender, Yarrow, Salvia, Coneflower, Blanket Flower, Mallow and some 3 - 4 foot clumping grasses. 
If you have any of these perennials in your garden which could be divided and contributed to this new garden, please contact Ann Bone (905-274-4467) or complete the donation sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the church.  Be part of this Spirit Garden! 
This Week at EMUC

The August edition of the   C ommunique is posted.  To view it, along with other archived editions go to the EMUC website   www.emuc.ca.   Paper copies are available at the church.

Sunday at  10 am:  Labour Day Sunday
Sermon: "Shaping Life"
Readings: Jeremiah 18: 1-11, Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-18

Monday - The church office is closed for Labour Day

Tuesday at 8:30 am:  The church office resumes regular hours. 

Wednesday at 6:45 pm:  Worship with prayers and communion. 
Wednesday at 7 pm:  Final meeting of Youth Confirmation Group

Thursday at 7 pm:  Chancel Choir Practice
Come and add your voice.

Friday at 7 pm:  Bridge Group Kick-off Event

Office hours this week:
Tuesday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Upcoming Events

Sunday September 11th at 10 am  
Plan to attend worship as youth profess their faith and are received as confirmed members of the United Church of Canada.  Communion will be celebrated.

EMUC September Hike
This September the Sunday EMUC Strders are hiking on a Wednesday evening.  All walkers, amblers and hikers are invited to walk the trails in the Erin Mills community on Wednesday September 14th.  Gather, if you are able, for evening worship  at 6:45 pm.  Hikers will gather in the church parking lot to depart at 7:30 pm.  

AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are recommended by the Canadian Red Cross.  In the case of a sudden cardiac arrest, the general survival rate is 7%.  The Heart and Stroke Foundation states AED use within the first three minutes increases survival rates by up to 75%.  The Membership and Pastoral Care Committee along with the Health and Safety Committee have an AED installed at EMUC.  It is on the wall in the main foyer between the office and the centre front doors.  All EMUC folk and users of the church building are asked to become acquainted with the instructions for using the AED.  Please go to this link and watch the short video. Watching the video will increase your comfort level using the equipment and may help you to save someone's life.  
Refugee Sponsorship: Important Update August 21st 
The Shalhawy family was interviewed at the Canadian embassy in Khartoum, Sudan on July 20; an important step in the process to bring them to Canada. The North West Constituent Group has been working with Sven Spengemann's office (MP for Mississauga-Erindale) to expedite the application process for this family. 

Life is very difficult for them as they wait in Sudan. Severe financial difficulties as well as racial discrimination are making everyday life a challenge for them. Through free-will donations which are not part of the funds raised by the Constituent Group, we have managed to send $500 to this family each month to help them. We will continue to do this until they arrive in Canada. 

At this point, over $62,000 has been raised by the constituent congregations of Streetsville, Erin Mills and Erindale United along with support from Eden United; more than enough to meet the financial sponsorship requirements. When their arrival date is determined, we will be asking for donations of clothing and furnishings. We wish to thank all of you who have come forward with offers of furnishings and we wish to thank you for holding on to these furnishings for so long. We realize that some people have needed to let their furnishings go as the time lapse was too long. 

For more information, please contact any member of our Refugee Sponsorship Task Group: Dianne Hope, Hermine Bingham, Muriel Hamdani, Catharine Watts, Debby Sturgeon and Lorraine Brignall.
The Deacon's Cupboard
The Deacon's Cupboard is fully open for the fall. Canned fish or meat would be welcomed as donations. Volunteer drivers are required to help with the transportation of food from the Mississauga Food Bank to the cupboard.  
Involvement would normally be once every 4/5 weeks.   If interested, or to obtain more information, contact Mike Ogilvie 905-820-2387 or oglivia@sympatico.ca
  The cupboard is also looking for a doctor or nurse to help out at as a back- up when a nurse isn't able to be present on their designated week.  Contact Belinda Morrow at 905-828-2095.

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Contact Us:

Peter Kiteley, Office Administrator
Erin Mills United Church