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Paul Clough
Paul Clough

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Dan Jones
Dan Jones

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Fresnel Partners
October 2016

It's difficult to reach your business goals if you don't have the right mix of marketing strategies and strong tactical execution. These four competitive marketing strategies can help improve the chances for business success.
Wishing you much success,
Dan Jones & Paul Clough
Fresnel Partners
4 Sure-Fire Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy 
How much value do you place on your customers? Let's face it, without customers you have no sales, no profit, no business. Customers are the key players in the marketing game. In other words, wise marketers keep their finger on the pulse of their clientele. They know what makes them tick and how to keep them coming back time and time again. Here are a four ways to help keep your customers' happy and loyal.
Make Customer Satisfaction # 1.
Forget about how many sales you make in a day, and look at how many customers you satisfied today! Every satisfied client means repeat sales. Yes, it might be a product that they purchase over and over again, or it may mean different products they pick up every time they walk through the doors. Satisfied, loyal customers talk to their friends, and friends
trust what their friends have to say about a business. Keep your customers saying good things about your products and services and it'll pay off.
Deliver ... Don't Promise More Than You Can Handle. 
No one likes to be let down. That means your customers will be happier if you promise less, but deliver more. Satisfied customers tell three of their friends about you, but disappointed customers gripe to 11 friends about what you didn't do right. What about unhappy clients? Deal with their 
issues as quickly as possible and do what it takes to change their perspective. You might lose a little profit today, but in the long run, if you can keep them on your side they'll come back again and again.  So will their friends.
Keep an Element of Surprise Alive. 
Have you ever gone shopping and then discovered the item you purchased was on sale? It feels great to save money you weren't expecting to save! Along with your advertised promotions, slip in some unadvertised specials. Customers look forward to the unexpected savings they encounter. We all have a zone of comfort and are creatures of habit. When your customers are in the habit of smiling every time they have an experience with your company, they'll be less likely to experiment with an uncertain competitor.
Tell Your Customers You Appreciate Their Business.  
We all enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling that comes with being appreciated. A smile ... a thank you ... a pat on the back ... they all leave us feeling great. How can you leave your customers with the knowledge that they are valuable to you? Just say it ... I appreciate your business! Say it with a special offer (e.g., by letting them in on a new product or service you are adding just for them). Or simply with a smile and heartfelt thanks.
Invest in your customers ... the dividends are great!

Fresnel Partners

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