A weekly news update from The Alaska United Methodist Conference
Threshold Event for Bishop Stanovsky
ALL are welcome to attend the first of several Threshold Events for Bishop Elaine Stanovsky across the Episcopal area.

This Friday, October 14th, the Alaska Conference will welcome Bishop Elaine with a worship service at 1660 Patterson Street.  It will begin at  7 PM, followed by a Town Hall Q & A, and then end with some light refreshments.

To download a PDF poster to print and share, click here .

Bishop Elaine has written a blog to explain why these are being called "Threshold" events and why that metaphor is meaningful to her.  You can read her letter here: Threshold Thoughts: A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Elaine Stanovsky.
Fall Rendezvous
The Fall Rendezvous meetings will be held at the Conference Center starting this Friday afternoon, October 14th and ending Saturday, October 15th at lunch.  The Leadership Team will meet following lunch from 12:30-3 pm.

Registration deadline has passed but if you plan on coming, please let the conference office know.

Prior to the Rendezvous meetings, the Professional Church Workers Retreat will take place from October 12-14.
Cello and Piano Recital at St. John UMC
You are invited to a recital of German art songs, performed on cello and piano!  The range of the cello encompasses that of the human voice.  Included in the program are selections from volume 1 of Gustav Mahler's Lieder und Gesange; Vier Gesange opus 43 by Johannes Brahms; and the complete opus 10 of Richard Strauss.

The recital will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 23rd at St. John United Methodist Church.  Admission is free; donations are gratefully appreciated. Freya and James Wardlaw-Bailey are the performers.  They are both on staff at St. John UMC. You can visit their website for more information about them.
Contemplation and Action: Insights from Thomas Merton
St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Anchorage will be hosting Rev. Hugh Grant on November 4-5, 2016.  Rev. Grant will be speaking on Contemplation and Action: Insights from Thomas Merton.

The programs are free and open to the public.  Parking is available in the lot adjacent to the church.

Anchorage Woman to Serve on United Methodist Women Board of Directors
Susan Williams of Anchorage, Alaska, has begun a four-year term on the national board of directors of United Methodist Women. The 25-women board adopted a $17.8 million 2017 budget with more than $10 million for national mission properties and projects, international ministries and scholarships, and membership development programs during its annual meeting at the United Methodist Women-owned Church Center for the United Nations in New York City, Sept. 30-Oct. 2.
United Methodist Women board members set policy and serve on a Program Advisory Group, which counsels the national organization on its work with women, children and youth in the United States and around the world and is a liaison for local, district and regional United Methodist Women groups. The advisory group includes at least one representative from every "conference," a regional designation within The United Methodist Church that covers one to several U.S. states or areas.
Ms. Williams represents Alaska Conference United Methodist Women. She is a former vice-president and a past treasurer of the conference United Methodist Women and serves as a mentor in its young women's membership initiative, Limitless. 
"I am a faithful, passionate woman who is striving to live God's call to support others, particularly through United Methodist Women's special calling to mission outreach focused on the needs of women, children and youth," Ms. Williams said.
Ms. Williams manages Anchorage School District's 21st Century Community Learning Centers, which serves 1,400 students.
United Methodist Women is the women's mission organization within The United Methodist Church in the United States, focusing on the needs of women, children and youth since 1869. Its programs promote spiritual growth, leadership development, transformative education, and service and advocacy. United Methodist Women members raise more than $15 million annually for mission with women, children and youth in the United States and around the world.
For more information, contact: Susan Williams at smwilliams@gci.net or Yvette Moore, United Methodist Women director of communications, at ymoore@unitedmethodistwomen.org or 212-870-3822.
A Scholarship Opportunity for Youth and Young Adults
Youth Ministry
To all Alaska United Methodist pastors, youth pastors, and church leaders:

We often say that youth and young adults are the future of our church. In fact, these particular people are a missional priority of the Alaska United Methodist Conference.

The Council on Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Alaska United Methodist Conference is committed to investing in and building up the youth and young adults in our United Methodist churches as faithful, invested, and committed leaders. We strongly believe the way to do that is to invite youth and young adults to the table to be given voice. Our council envisions youth and young adults participating in Annual Conference and serving on conference councils, boards, and teams in order to help guide the church as we continue to discern God's vision and live it out.

The Council invites you to nominate a youth and/or a young adult from your church membership to participate in the youth and young adult ministries council of the Alaska United Methodist Conference in order to best discern the way forward with them. Charge conference nominations are coming up and this is a perfect time to discern with our young people and their parent(s)/guardian(s) their calling to leadership and ministry.

Please submit your nominations to the chair of the council, Rev. Melissa Engel, by Thanksgiving, November 24, 2016. If you have questions, please contact pastor.engel.ak@gmail.com .
Opportunities from AK Child & Family

AK Child & Family students are in need of yarn for their crocheting projects. If you would like to donate yarn for this cause, you may drop it off at the main office at 4600 Abbott Road M-F  8:30am-4:30pm .

AK Child & Family needs adult volunteers to help with their upcoming pumpkin carving group. The youth are able to paint or use markers to decorate their pumpkins, however, they only allow adults to do the cutting of the tops and other needed areas. Please join them  Wednesday 10/26   2-6 pm  in the Benson Center Gym on the Jesse Lee Campus 4600 Abbott Road please RSVP to Patti Lenhart at  plenhart@akchild.org or at  792-4131.
Mission u at Homer UMC
The final Mission u event for the year is planned to take place at Homer UMC on November 11-12, 2016.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  The topics are Climate Justice and The Bible and Human Sexuality.  You can find the registration form and information here.  Here is an advertisement poster that can be hung in your church.
Way Forward Commission Makeup Challenged
Last week, the Council of Bishops announced that 29 potential nominees for the Commission on the Way Forward had been selected.  The group includes 8 bishops, 13 clergy, and 8 laity.  United Methodists unhappy with the number of laity on the Commission on the Way Forward circulated an online petition asking the Council of Bishops to rethink the panel's makeup. This panel is formed to address issues around homosexuality and church unity.
Read the story
New Overtime Rule Means Church Changes
A new U.S. federal regulation makes more workers eligible for overtime pay, and churches are among the employers affected. Read the story.
Generation Transformation/Global Mission Fellows Application Opens
The application period for the 2016-2017 class of Global Mission Fellows began on September 30, 2016.  Online information sessions for those interested in learning more about the program will be held on:
  • October 11
  • November 16
  • December 14
To register for an information session, click here.

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2017.  The application can be accessed at www.umcmission.org/gt.
Imagine No Malaria Brings Hope, Peace, Joy, Love to Congregations with Advent Resources
Imagine No Malaria This Advent season, let Imagine No Malaria help you and your United Methodist congregation imagine a world filled with hope, peace, joy and love through a collection of   downloadable materials that include sermon starters, hymn suggestions and children's messages.  The five weeks of undated materials are centered on the themes of "Imagine Hope," "Imagine Peace," "Imagine Joy, "Imagine Love," all highlighted by the African hymn "I've Got The Light Of God In Me," from the country of Cameroon. Additional materials include litanies, prayers, and a short  video  that can be shared in small groups or with the congregation.

Church leaders may choose to use all of the resources or customize the materials to complement current programming. In addition to utilizing the resources, many churches collect special offerings during the Advent season for Imagine No Malaria. Imagine No Malaria has surpassed 92 percent of its $75 million goal, an achievement that has inspired churches across the country to dedicate Christmas Eve offerings to the initiative.

At St. John United Methodist Church in Anchorage, Alaska, for example, the members raised more than $23,000 during its Christmas Eve offering, which was dedicated 100 percent to the malaria fighting initiative.

Imagine No Malaria , an initiative of The United Methodist Church, is committed to ending death and suffering from malaria through prevention, communication, trained health workers and grassroots education. To date, Imagine No Malaria has raised 92 percent of its goal with more than $69 million in gifts and pledges. United Methodists across the world are working hard to reach and celebrate Imagine No Malaria's $75 million goal.

Safe, secure and easy  giving opportunities  are available at  imaginenomalaria.org  or by mailing directly to Imagine No Malaria at P.O. Box 440544, Nashville, TN 37244-0544. Anyone can participate and join the fight to eliminate this disease through one-time gifts and pledges; many people have chosen recurring pledges of $28 per month over three years, an amount that will potentially save the lives of up to 100 children at risk for contracting this deadly disease.

Additionally, visitors to the website can get a glimpse at the lives being changed by Imagine No Malaria through video diaries, touching photos and news stories.
Laity Sunday: Tips for Involving Members
United Methodists observe Laity Sunday on  Oct. 16  as a day to include church members in the planning and execution of the worship service, but other days can be chosen as well. Darby Jones offers seven tips for including members in the service, and Discipleship Ministries has resources for observing Laity Sunday.

Save the Date: #GivingTuesday - November 29
On Nov. 29, United Methodists will come together to support the work of Advance missionaries and projects on UMC #GivingTuesday. Last year, more than 770 Advance missionaries and projects received 8,757 gifts through  The Advance , the denomination's designated giving channel. 

The theme for  UMC #GivingTuesday 2016  is "Give Light, Give Love, Give Life." Every day, you give God's light, love, and life through your faithful work, prayers, and gifts. 

This year, consider  supporting a project  that is working in an area you care most about. Gifts made through The Advance make a tangible difference in the lives of those we serve. Also, look out for more information and resources coming soon at  www.umcgivingtuesday.org .
12-14: Professional Church Workers Retreat
14: Threshold Event for Bishop Elaine Stanovsky
14-15: Fall Rendezvous Meetings at Conference Center
16: Laity Sunday
19-22: GBGM Board Meeting in Atlanta - Carlo attending
23: Cello/Piano Recital at St. John UMC
26: Charge Conference - Palmer UM Fellowship
26: AK Child & Family pumpkin carving event
27: Charge Conference - Christ First UMC
29: Charge Conference - Aldersgate UMC
30: Charge Conference - Douglas Community UMC

2-4: Extended Cabinet Summit in Jacksonville, FL - Carlo attending
4-5: Contemplation and Action: Insights from Thomas Merton at St. Mary's Episcopal Church
6: Daylight Savings Time ends
6: Charge Conference - Turnagain UMC
8: Election Day
9: Charge Conference - Unalaska UMC
11-12: Mission u Event at Homer UMC
13: Charge Conference - Jewel Lake Parish
14-16: Crystal on vacation
14-16: GNW Cabinet meeting in Portland - Carlo attending
17: Charge Conference - UMC of Chugiak
18: Charge Conference - Seward UMC/ Moose Pass UMC
19: Charge Conference - Kenai UMC
19: Charge Conference - North Star UMC
20: Charge Conference - Girdwood Chapel UMC
24: Due date for Youth & Young Adult Scholarships
24: Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed
29: UMC #GivingTuesday campaign
Conference Office Email Address has Changed
We have begun the process of changing the conference office email from umc@gci.net to alaskaumc@gmail.com.  For workflow ease, we are consolidating everything to the Google platform (email, calendar, etc.).  Please update your address books/contacts lists and start using alaskaumc@gmail.com for your emails to the conference. Carlo's email ( carlorapanut@gmail.com) will remain the same.
Clergy Birthdays

October 18: Dan Wilcox

November 1: Phil Campbell
November 6: Tafa Fulumua
November 17: Jean Bruscia

Conference Office

Superintendent Carlo
Submissions - If you have an article or event that you would like to share with the rest of the conference, submit it to the conference office by Monday evening for consideration.
AUMC Logo Mission Statement:
The mission of the United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Held and supported by the transforming relationship with God through Christ, we of the Alaska United Methodist Conference seek to be a community that creates a home for all peoples, finds our hope through grace and journeys together into God's preferred future.
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