August 28, 2016
Quick Links

First PTO Meeting

Wed Sept 7th, 9AM in Large Group Room

All are welcome!

Any Questions please contact us at 

Sign me up

ALWAYS looking for volunteers!

Volunteer Form

Online Form here
nline fo
Please visit
to learn how you can get more involved this school year! 
while shopping online!

For those who regularly shop on, please consider entering the website via our 

TEMS PTO website 


click here


It's That Easy!


Get Your SpiritWear

Custom items available!

Available online or in school store

cinch bag  
Online Order SpiritWear

Save the Date!
  TEMS Parent Social
Feb 25th
A Parent Social Auction benefiting our school & students

I'm a Bulldog Campaign

For direct money donations to the
Click here

Thank you for supporting our PTO!

Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships

Sept 14
"SAT & ACT : What You Need to Know"
Easttown Library

Conestoga Ice Hockey Club
(Boys & Girls Grades 1-8)

Valley Forge Basketball League
Boys Grades  8-10

Fast Flicks Field Hockey

Welcome to TEMS 2016-2017 School Year! null

Welcome back to all of our returning students and a special welcome to our 5th graders and new families.  We wish all students the very best for a happy, healthy school year ahead!

The   TEMS Student Directory  is available.
Please order by Sept 16.  
The TEMS Student Directory, sponsored by the TEMS PTO, contains listings of all TEMS staff and students,  including useful school information and links.
Buy more than one directory and SAVE:
1 directory $10   
2 directories $15
3 directories $20     
4 directories $25
To order  online click here PayPal If you prefer to buy a directory by check, print and complete Order Form and send the payment to the School Office. For questions regarding the directory, please contact Claudette McCarron, If you would like to advertise in the Directory, please contact: Georgann Bernabeo,

"Break the Ice"
Welcome Back Social

Friday, September 16
6-8pm in the Cafeteria
$2 per person or 
$10 per family maximum

The TEMS Welcome Back "Break the ICE" Social is a fun way to kick off the school year!  Parent supervision is required and classrooms are not open.
  • "Snow Buddies" will be shown in the Large Group Room
  • Healthy snack or breakfast food donations are needed for the "Break the Ice" Walk 
  For further details see flyer .
Volunteers are Needed... Please  link  to signup genius to volunteer  if you are able to help. Thank you in advance!

What's happening Around School...
TEMS Sports Update-TEMS Bulldog
Welcome to the 2016-2017 TEMS Sports Season!!
Here are some important dates for your planning purposes:
Impact Testing: September 7th and 8th from 2:40pm - 3:30pm in the library
If your child has not had an impact test by the end of their 6th grade year they will need to take an IMPACT Test  in order to participate in sports.  Student si gn -ups will take place August 24th - Sept 9th  d uring 7th and 8th grade lunch every day until the first day of practice, after that students can sign-up in the main office. We will take students after Sept 9th however to be prepared to attend the first practice ,  all paperwork needs to be in by the 9th.
Season Starts: September 12th
Even though the season starts on the 12th some coaches may meet with students before then.
Sports Picture Day  : September 20th
The Photographer will meet teams during practices. No practice cancellation necessary.
Parent Meeting: September 23rd   from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.  Practices will end around 4:15pm. Students are welcome to stay for the meeting
If you have any questions or concerns about paperwork please contact Mrs. Stead at 610-240-1204
Looking forward to a FANTASTIC YEAR!!

Reading Olympics-
We would love for your child to participate in the TEMS Reading Olympics Club! The Reading Olympics Club provides a unique opportunity for 
all  students in grades 5 through 8, who enjoy reading. Students will read and discuss books in teams. 
An interest meeting will be held from 2:35pm-3:15pm on Friday, September 23th, in room 175.  At this meeting, the club calendar for the year, t-shirt order forms, and permission slips will be distributed.

From the Nurse...
Medications in School-
A doctor's order is needed for the nurse to dispense prescription and over the counter medications , which include herbal and dietary supplements, vitamins, natural remedies and homeopathic medicines.
  • The District Medication Policy #5406 prohibits students from carrying medications (defined above) to and from school. A parent or guardian must deliver it to school.
  • The medication policy requires that a new doctor's order be written each school year. Nurses can not use orders from the previous school year
  • Inhalers and EPIPENS are considered emergency medications. Students may self carry these meds if a physician's order form is on file in the nurse's office. A new doctor's order is required for self-carry medications every school year.
Link here to "Medications is School" on TEMS website.

Emergency Cards-
The green Emergency Medical Information Card was mailed home with your student's schedule.
It is most important for the school nurse to have a card on file for each student. Please return the completed card to school as soon as possible. Remember to fill out both sides of the card.  If there are any changes in emergency information during the school year, please call the nurse with an update.

All this information and more can be found on the TEMS website under " Student Health Services."

Volunteers Still Needed...

-TEMS School Store- 
Looking for a way to volunteer at school? There are still opening to work at the school store!  Hours are 11-1 and shifts are once every 4-6 weeks.  Please contact Darcy McGroarty at  if interested in a permanent or substitute position.
Parents will not be able to volunteer in the school store unless the T/E School District has all of their clearances on file. 

-Hospitality Committee...
We need you!  Please consider volunteering with this year's Hospitality Committee!  Our role is to show appreciation to our TEMS teachers and staff, throughout the year.  It is light work with lots of gratitude given...only a handful of opportunities when we will need your yummy baked or purchased goods to say thanks. That's it!!!  Look for the PARENT VOLUNTEER FORM which was mailed with your student's schedule. Sign up for "Hospitality" there!  Or simply contact Mindy Sorber at if interested or with any questions.

-Don't Forget...
New Family Coffee  on September 9th-
The Welcoming Committee is holding monthly New Family Coffees for TEMS parents whose families who are new to the school district. Our September New Family Coffee will be on Friday, September 9 from 8-11AM at Panera Bread in the Gateway Shopping Center (267 E Swedesford Rd, Wayne - the shopping center with Staples and Trader Joes). If you are new to the district, please join us! People can come for any portion of the time to connect with other newcomers and learn more about the school and the community. If you have any questions, want to share a ride to this event, or want to help welcome new families, contact Jen Marsala at .

Important Dates... Calendar

8/29  1st Day of School
9/5     NO SCHOOL Labor Day
9/6     Health Screenings  Bring glasses to school!
9/7     PTO Meeting   9am in Large Group Room
9/8     Grade 5/6 Curriculum Night  6:50pm
9/13  Grade 7/8 Curriculum Night 6:50pm
9/16   Break the Ice Welcome Back Social 6-8pm
9/16   Directory order DUE
9/20   Picture Day
9/30    G r 7/8 Welcome Back Dance  7-9:30pm