October 2, 2016
Quick Links

Next PTO Meeting

Wed Oct 5th, 9AM in Large Group Room

All are welcome!

Any Questions please contact us at 

Brought to you by the TEMS PTO
Oct 19th-Visiting
Author Kwame Alexander
Buy your books for the author to sign!
Click on the link to order from

It's that Easy!

New  Family  Coffee
Oct 14th
8-11am @ Panera Bread

I'm a Bulldog Campaign

For direct money donations to the
Click here

Thank you for supporting our PTO!

Visit the
to learn of what's happening around the Tredyffrin & Easttown Townships

ARCH Programming

Oct 15 
Celebrate Diwali 
3p @ Tredyffrin Tsp  Library
Organized by 
CHS students & iArtsy
Proceeds benefit TESD students through FLITE and Bhutanese refugees through  BHOP

Nov 5
Save the Date!
Fall Fest 

Nov 13
Rachel's Helping Hands 5K & Family Fun Walk
Wilson Farm Park

No School Tomorrow...

Please remember-No school Monday, October 3 due to Rosh Hashanah and No school October 12 due to Yom Kippur.
See calendar below for more important dates!

What's happening Around School...

Good to know!-
There have been some changes/increases in some of the prices in the cafeteria this year.  One change to take note of is the price of the meals, which include an entree, 8 oz. carton of milk, fruit and vegetable or side salad.  If you buy the "Lunch of the Day" entrée the price is $2.95.  If you buy any other entrée (cheeseburger, chicken patty, pizza or deli sandwich) the price is $3.25. Click this link  to see a full list of prices for 2016-2017. This link is found on the the left sidebar found on   front page of the  TEMS website . Click on "Lunch Menu."
Magazine Drives starts this month-
Our annual Magazine Drive run by the Student Council is a completely optional fundraiser available to TEMS students.  If students participate, they earn small prizes and incentives for themselves and can contribute towards raising a significant amount of money for the school.  This money is used to support school field trips, programs, clubs and competitions (such as assemblies, the spelling bee, geography bee, knowledge bowl, reading Olympics, MathCounts, robotics, Bulldog Ambassadors, and the Williamsburg trip... to name a few). Students will get more information sent home after the Kickoff assembly. You can pre register now for online orders. link

Kickoff Assembly:  Friday, October 7th
Collection Day 1:  Friday, October 14th
Collection Day 2:  Tuesday, October 25th
Online orders anytime! link

Parent/Teacher/Counselor Meetings-
7:15-7:45 am in the Large Group Room 12
The Parent/Teacher/Counselor meetings are brief, informal meet and greet gatherings to share information about grade level news, activities, and curriculum.
Grade 5 on 10/18 at 7:15am in LGR 12
Grade 6 on 10/20 at 7:15am in LGR 12
Grade 7 on 10/27 at 7:15am in LGR 12
Grade 8 on 10/26 at 7:15am in LGR 12
These are not to be confused with the one-on-one Parent Teacher Conferences that are held in November. Information on scheduling conferences will be mailed home later in October.

TEMS yearbooks are now available-
Early bird orders placed before 11/30/16 are only $25! There are 3 easy ways to order:
 -Go to the Yearbook link on the TEMS    website or
 -Go to or
 -Print a paper copy of your order      form here and see Mrs. Matilla in Room  204 (Only checks made payable to  TEMS will be accepted for in-school orders.)

Attention TEMS Bulldogs!
There's a new shirt in town!
Our online store now has a new pullover shirt that can be customized with your student's name on the sleeve. Link to online store to buy now! Link to flyer.  Free shipping for orders placed by October 22 nd ! In order to get free shipping, please select shipping method: " B.  Pick UP at Anchors Aweigh facility " (for online orders). 
Orders placed by October 22nd will be delivered to the TEMS office by October 28th.

Some SpiritWear is available in the school store but there are limited sizes and quantity.
Go Bulldogs!

We Collect Box Tops!
There is a collection box in the front entrance of the school. You now can even download the BoxTops4 Education app to your smartphone and earn more money fro the school! Click here for info

Final fall collection is due Oct 21.
Important Dates at TEMS... Calendar
10/3   No School for Rosh Hashanah
10/4-10/7 ERB Testing
10/5   TEMS PTO Mtg 9am
10/12 No School for Yom Kippur
10/14  Magazine Drive    Collection Day 1
10/18 Gr. 5 Parent/Teacher/Counselor Mtg 7:15am 
10/19 Kwame Alexander Author visit
10/20  Gr. 6 Parent/Teacher/Counselor Mtg 7:15am
10/24 Red Ribbon Week
10/25  Magazine Drive Collection Day 2
10/26  Gr. 8 Parent/Teacher/Counselor Mtg 7:15am
10/27 Gr. 7 Parent/Teacher/Counselor Mtg 7:15am
10/28 TEMS Dress Up Day
10/28 Gr. 5/6 Mixer 2:45-5:30pm in Cafeteria