Parent e-Bulletin 
Friday, 20th November 2015
The students and staff have settled back into the second part of the autumn term with activities and plans in full swing as we build up to Christmas.

The Year 11 students are nearing the end of their GCSE mock exams and I want to congratulate them on their hard work and dedication throughout. The mock examination period is a valuable opportunity for the students to become comfortable with the process to ensure they are ready and relaxed for upcoming exams in the summer.

Year 8 Transform had a visit from Lorraine Cheshire, School Liaison for Arts Work, who visited Perins to help launch the big Discover Arts Award project. Students will be working for the first level Arts Award certificate, Discover. Last year we managed to get 180 students through the certificate and this year we are aiming for many more.

Last week Miss Craig, Team Leader of Transform and Drama took a group of students to the Mahara 2015 Conference where they gave a presentation about e-learning at Perins. The feedback from this event has been exceptional with some fantastic comments posted on our social media pages from those who attended, including 'It was the highlight of my day. So inspiring! Well done to you all.' I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the staff and students who took part, the feedback gained shows that they are a credit to the school. If you would like to be updated on news and events at Perins as it happens then please follow the updates on Twitter and Facebook by clicking on the links below.

On Friday 13 th November, staff and students held a Free Dress Day in aid of Children in Need, raising an impressive £1,110. Donations are still coming in so this figure looks set to rise even further. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated.

I have had some excellent news from the PE department this week. Year 10 students Emily Holmes and Molly Macdonald have both been selected to appear in a dance performance with MFY Proms at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday 23rd November. Many congratulations to both of them, I look forward to hearing all about it. Perins are hosting the U15/U17 District Cross-Country Trials today which act as pupil's selection to compete in the County Championships in January. I wish all students the best of luck and eagerly await the results.

We have the school photographs coming up on Monday for Year 7 to 10 students and on Friday for Year 11 students, prefects and pupils who take part in sport and music. May I take this opportunity to ask for your assistance in ensuring that the students come into school presentable in their correct uniform.

It is my belief that students attending Perins School are among the best in the country and as such we will be celebrating their successes at every opportunity. Please keep us informed of any activities or successes outside of school so that we may share in your pride. 
Kind regards,

Steve Jones

Head Teacher